Another grow? Good Grief!

Yah it’s similar except I use an air pump not submersible. Those submersible pumps add too much heat to the water for my liking.

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First to root was the lmc aka gameover seeds hpks1. The others should show roots soon


Getting the coco ready. The char coir runoff had 1.2 ec. Not comfortable with that for seedlings or cuts. I usually flush all new coco to make sure any sodium is flushed out a bit. My water is basically ro. Hopefully I’m not messing up the buffer lol.


One piece of plastic in 8 gallons of coco not bad. I’ve had worse. I’m starting to harden off the clones as every pheno has at least one rooted cut. I’ll transplant this Friday to party cups then to final pot.


Ok so I got everything to clone out of the 18 except two strains (animal and a stray hpk pheno 2 ). The other cuts of those rooted so I’m not worried. That are already rooting hard.
Everything in the main flower tent is at 95% ready to go so I’m ready.

The most vigorous will go to the flower room


Ok so I prepped the coco so all I need to do is plug and play. This chat coir coco smells so good lol. Best texture out of all the cocos I’ve ever used.

I put 5x5 light hanger bars on the sides so I can add a trellis net. I don’t plan to add a second layer of poles tho.
Glad I installed the shower pan liner across the entire floor. I would ditch these damn tents and make a room but I can’t do it right now (landlord issue).


You gotta add strong calmag solution to that coco before using it!!!

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It’s been prebuffered already.

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Oh sorry I thought u soaked it in plain h20 . Weird because if u start with 0 ppm coco it will steal the calcium from the sou leaving plant with an unbalanced nuitrient “soup”

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Got my silicic acid ready for the run. Stuff is pricey but you use very little and it should last the whole run or another one.


Most cuts rooted.

Green is the hpk from gameover red is hpk pheno 3 from stray fox.

Purple = pura vida f2, yellow = hpk s1 pheno 2 (Strayfox), orange = hpk s1 pheno 1 (Strayfox)

Phenos 1&2 are more indica , pura vida the same, the hpk gameover and pheno 3 more kush in growth but not true kush. The tk is in the bottom left of one of the pics for reference.
Will post smells soon.


Ok so basically all the cuts from seed are growing faster than my clone only’s like the animal and the d. Well except for the tk. She outgrows everything in my garden.
I transplanted the animal cookie and chem d to their flower pots. Trained them with wire. They are slow veggers to me so I don’t want to top them and slow them down. I’m just going to low stress train them.

So I tested the irrigation and I got a leaky a few leaky valves.Which is weird because it wasn’t leaking last time. The cheap ball valves suck so I’m ordering 5 more just in case. The bucket company needs to up their quality. I was using a 1k gal per hour pump so I went to a smaller one (550) and it still leaked. I tried flipping the ball valves and that got some of them to stop leaking but the problem is that it’s leaking from where the valve turns to control flow. I put Teflon on both ends of the connections too but it doesn’t leak from the ends. I’m glad I had the inclination to test the irrigation for whatever reason.


Don’t know much but a plumber buddy gave me a tip that helped on a persistent leak. Thread compound PLUS tape on all threads. Using both happened to work for me, but alas, I do indeed know nothing.


Ok I transplanted the slowest first instead of the vigorous ones first. In my Head it lets the slow ones get a head start. No gnats at all yet. Haven’t seen a flier at all yet in this char coir coco. I applied gnatrol to some as I’m running out of it.

I ordered some more valves and washers from the bucket company.They should be here by the end of the week.
I’m going to start light dep on my outdoor chem d with a big box and throw some panda film around it to block out light. If I let it naturally flower it won’t finish in time out here.

Hopefully she doesn’t stress with the heat. I’ve never done something like this before


Ok so some plants I think I overwatered and pissed them off. I thought the roots filled the pots well so I started watering more and some of them didn’t like it. I also noted in my grow journal that I also turned on all the led bars I only had on like 4 previously. Maybe it’s too much light? I did an Athena drench on all the plants. They state that you must saturate the media with just phd tap water first then run the ipm feed with just tap water then flush that out 45-1hr later with feed. I was alway told to never run plain tap water in coco and my tap is damn near ro water since it registers o ec. Maybe that messed things up. I’ll let them dry out and not multi feed until theyre bigger.


So I haven’t updated in awhile but as soon as the indoors lights turns on I’ll post the new updates.
Here’s the d in what looks like week 3 flower. One time I came back from work s as nd I walked past her and smelled a dead on skunk smell. Sometimes i drive by this bridge to work and it smells like a skunk sprayed the inside of my car. This reminded me of that but I only got the smell once and don’t really smell much of her now.


Also is anybody growing outdoors in the PNW, WA area? I started light dep on this d by covering it with a box every night at 7 and taking it off at 7 or 8. Another grower I know has a gmo and icc that don’t even have pistils out but he believes they are stretching.


Ok so I removed the pura vida unfortunately because I got an og kush cut from skunktek that I m running along with the tk for comparison. If I have to I’ll chop these plants down a little to let the ogk catch up. The pura vida was easily the most Hardy strain in there. Im impressed. The hpk s1’s from gameover seeds are being finicky as hell to. Im increasing magnesium since they have a lot of purple stems. Anytime an og throws out one bladed leaves it’s pissed off. The chem d is slow too. Some of the stray fox phenos are doing good and bad lol. Pheno 1 with the yellow leaves is stunted a little. The same pheno but a different cut is growing nice and green. I was overwatering but I let them dry out a little more. No problems from the animal cookie for the most part.


Ok guys long time since update. I finally installed the trellis and I’m waiting on skunkteks ogk to get bigger so I can flip. If I have to I’ll cut off some tops of the others to keep them from getting past the net. So the 3 phenos I got from Strayfox hpk s1 are 1 being indica dom, 2 is more hybrid and 3 the same. The lmc hpk is like the 3 pheno. It’s not as happy in this tent but I keep raising the magnesium to get rid of the mag def.

in terms of health the hpk s1 pheno 1 and the animal cookie are the least pickiest. I’ll probably flip this month. Can’t wait to see what’s in these pure kush.


Ok so I flipped to 12/12 on Monday. So far so good. Hpk #3 from stray is the hungriest out of all the hpks. I have one of these outside and it’s got a grape smell to it. I didn’t expect that. She’s the more og out of all the stray phenos.

You can see 2, #3 phenos in the back. The two in front are gameover/lmc hpk s1’s.
The stray fox pheno #1 is the most indica.

The lmc hpk is the most I’m excited for. Here she is in veg and outdoors. She smells like pinesole or lemony with a little bit of sweetness not marshmallow or fruit loops

The d
Hpk s1 stray pheno 2

Next week I’ll strip and add trellis to this floppy girl.

Ogk getting swallowed

I switched to flora cal from flora flex (the powder). Same calcium as calnit but lower nitrogen. Nitrogen went from 122 ppms per gallon to 90. I got a new calcium product from slownickel on ig that’s 106ppm calcium and 0 nitrogen which I plan to use mid flower. I started power si bloom. Fed nematodes. Everything good so far.