Another run in the two by two

Flowers have started forming! Looking forward to seeing how these shape up.

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Week 5/ Day 35 Strawberry Nuggets


Day 43 Strawberry Nuggets

Back from Thanksgiving- blumats have been such a pleasure after the growing pains of learning how to use the system correctly. Was away for 6 days, and really the only issue was the tops stretching into the light. DLI was about 70 at the center top bud so I dialed it back and trimmed up. Mostly removed under the canopy, with a few select fan leaves on top removed to reveal some lowers. The plant has remarkably thick stalks- very sturdy and should support some serious nutrient transport and dense nugs as flower marches on. Temps have been cooler than I’d prefer but there’s not much I can do so I expect flower to take a little longer as is usual for my winter runs.


Strawberry nuggets day 48

Thought this thing was gonna be a bit stouter :laughing: Keeps stretching and stretching and I’m gonna have to lean her over soon if this keeps up.


I don’t want to get my hopes up too much but she seems to be turning purple. I’d love a green and purple Christmas :christmas_tree:


Did some defoliation last night- hoping to see all these fill out over the next few weeks.


lookin daggon fantastic

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Thanks! This is shaping into a wonderful run :+1:t4:

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Starting to bulk and purp up.


Really fun watching this girl ripen! She has a very sweet fruity smell that does sometimes give me a strawberry vibe. It’s not pure strawberry, but more like… the way you’d imagine red big league chew smelling. Lots of frost and seems to keep getting fatter. Need to scope the trichs but I’m hoping to get a few more weeks out of her before harvesting.


Just harvested! By far this has been the breeziest grow I’ve had in a long while. knocks on wood Was gone for about ten days over Christmas and New Year, and the blumats did the heavy lifting then and most of the run. The maintenance done along the way really paid off too- most of the buds were nice and plump, dense, and sticky as hell. Partner walked in and goes “why does it smell in here?!” immediately :joy: Smells a bit like rotting fruit mixed with a peppermint chocolate. Looking very forward to putting this girl into jars and taking her for a test smoke :grin:


Killer photos and great description thanks for sharin homie


Thanks man- been a really good cycle… and now for the difficult work of picking what’s next :thinking:


Just about 4oz. Got the nugs in jars without lids in the fridge at 60F. Gonna let them slow their descent then transition to lidded in a few days. Really pleased with how this round went overall. Aside from the strange growth out the gate caused by some slight pest pressure, it went incredibly smoothly. The one area I could really improve next round is controlling the stretch even more. With how vigorously the Mephisto genetics grew, I’m probably going to go for topping on the main stem, and maybe laterals as well, up to 3-5 weeks from sprout. If I can keep the growth further from the light I’ll be able to get better overall density I think. Still though, very frosty, very stinky, very pleased. All that’s left is to let them cure and have a smoke test.


A few days ago I made and applied a top dress to replenish some base nutrients. Mostly focused on calcium and nitrogen, with a handful of my favorite local compost to help kickstart things. Gypsum, kelp, neem seed meal, rock dust, Montana grow, alfalfa meal… pretty sure that’s everything :laughing: I ended up making about a quart and applied maybe 2/3s of that, or slightly less. Just peeked in today to see how things are going and under the leaf/stem mulch there’s all sorts of insects going to town.

Most of the last application of sawdust is now worm poop and soil, but there are still some pockets that haven’t been transformed yet. Basically spots that don’t get regular enough moisture to attract life… no easy way around that without switching to a drip tape type solution under the mulch, or by misting by hand more often, but I just can’t be arsed.

The old stump from the Strawberry Nuggets appears to have dried out so I’m assuming the roots are decaying by this point. In another week or two I should be able to remove the stalk without doing too much twisting. Basically just need to be able to make a nice neat flat patch of soil to plop the next bottomless pot.

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Decided I wanna do another Mephisto run after having a test smoke on the Strawberry Nuggets. Definitely needs more time in the jar but the high was so good. Clear headed, chatty, social, and creative. Shared with my neighbor who loves smoking even more than me and they were absolutely blasted off one small bowl. Top marks for the Strawberry Nuggets :grin:

I made a list of 8 options, and let the dice decide. The lucky winner? Crème de la Chem x Skywalker. Very excited for this and it seems appropriate for the season and tent. Dropped the seed in some water today, with a 400:1 dilution of wood vinegar.


Day 1 - Crème de la Chem x Skywalker - Crème Walker? Chemtrails? Poison Clouds?

I went ahead and twisted out the old root mass from the Strawberry Nuggets. She was extremely stout :eyes: Peeled off the side roots and removed as much of the dirt as possible. Thats where some of the best biology resides so I don’t want it to go to waste just because I removed the root ball and set it all aside.


My humidifier stopped working unfortunately, so in the mean time I’m making do with no exhaust and relying on the soil to release moisture and CO2. I’ll set a temperature for the fan to kick on if I can but I’m going to take a stab at finding the broken component of the humidifier. It’s a fairly simple circuit so maybe I’ll get lucky and it’s just a capacitor that’s gone sour.


Regular seedling growth, not a lot to report. Turning off the exhaust has been working well for now though. Temps are able to rise with the humidity and there doesn’t seem to be a lack of CO2 for the plant. The increased temps have definitely gotten the soil life moving too. Lots of various critters scurrying about, and that inter-cycle top dressing is indistinguishable at this point. Expecting this plant to take off once those roots really dig in and she gets some surface area to eat light.

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So the AC Infinity oscillating fan is no longer oscillating… that didn’t take long. Propping up the stem with some of last run’s debris. Similar minor insect damage in seedling stage as last round. Not worried about it with how well things went once she pushed through into the third and fourth weeks.