Any hunters on the forum?

Lol its a hunting show. Theres a couple seasons on netflix of youve got it

And yes. Meat does get eaten.


That’s my favorite part!!!


I hunt, last year I took a bear and had the skull mounted, ill get a pic up soon. No rug this time. The year before, I got my first deer with a open sight muzzy 3x3. My wife has killed 8 or so deer, 3 elk. I’ve killed 6 deer and 2 elk. She’s a damn good hunter. Every year when we hunt we take every grouse up to limit we can, makes for some damn good sandwiches all fried up. Also last year I believe I shot about ten cottontails with my bow and a coon.


Hunting with the wife is tons of fun. My wife got to shoot the last buck off the farm before it was sold. It was a really cool moment to be there for. She was much better at cleaning deer than I was when we met, and had to get me up to snuff.


We started field stripping to save work, and give back to the forest. Works well once you learn how.


Yes, I like to leave as much as I can to the woods and water when I hunt and fish. If the dogs are near or will be soon, I make sure they get the organs, they love them. They also love the fact in process myself. It keeps them in bones.


:ok_hand: right on

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I am from Michigan orig. those pats used to scare the jebezus outa me as a kid, you almost walk on them before they flush, actually did walk on a cple.


Yeah ive been startled by a few in my life

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you do it the exz way right? stand on there wings and pull?


Check out the bird hitch… grip it n rip it lol

I used to live in ocean city, there was fantastic ducks and geese there, its a major flyway, Most of the time
I had mallards in my yard. But even in the 70’s Jersey was like antigun, to shoot pistils you had to go to a auth. range,except this rat dump over by the air base, police let everyone shoot there, some were cops lol.


What you don’t gut them in the field, no knife needed.
Start at rib cage and work your hands down so its all by the back legs and give it a snap fling.
Out it comes.


I like to do them all after I get back to the truck. Still “in the field” but only one pair of gloves needed and less mess while I am actually hunting. I wear gloves to protect against the risk of tularemia. It’s a small risk, but still…

Also, I like to use the knife to crack the pelvis so the bottom end comes out nice and clean. Nothing spoils leg meat faster than loose hare shit, in my experience.


Don’t need gloves all you touch is the fur but hey to each thete own.

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Oh wait I know what you mean now. I’ve seen that on YouTube. You squeeze it all down like a balloon. I tried it on a snowshoe hare and ended up with shit all over me and a hare with guts still in it. I think that method only works with rabbits (cottontails, etc.). It sure made a mess and didn’t work with a snowshoe hare. :slight_smile:

One of my new favorite youtube hunters… he does duck, dove, crazy challenge hunts like 1 decoy or limit out on doves with 15 shot… does some magnet fishing too, never seen it before but pretty cool


What base? Fort Dix/Mac?

Coast Guard, Great egg station its gone now, loved it ,loved the coast guard but got out in 1979 right after they sent me to a police academy (atlantic city) because the CG was getting into the drug war.

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Thank you for your service and good sensibilities :grin: