Any one depressed?

You have yourself man… Thats the only option you need. I know the feeling of being between a rock and a hard place, thinking there’s no options, but there are! They might not look like options, but they are there.

First question to ask yourself, do ya love her enough to break her free of her vices? Meth is strong shit, I have a few friends who’s significant others are still on it, and its heartbreaking to watch them do shit over and over, and their partner is in lala land.

“The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result”

Can you setup a hidden cam somewhere so you would have proof? Violence is not the answer to anything, and I’m glad you’re man enough to not raise a hand to a woman, but at the same time, getting beaten by one mercilessly isn’t right either…And yes, the cops will deal with you both, unless other proof is available, hence the hidden cam idea.

Its always darkest before dawn man, when you think you have no options, realize that you are all you need. It may take a bit to get back on your feet, might need to ask a few friends for favors, but they’ll wanna see the old you come back and might be more than willing to lend a hand.

Otherwise I agree with @ChemicalDependant, you both need to discuss things and choose to work it out, or you are wasting YOUR time, and time is the one thing we can never regain. Money comes and goes, time just goes. Hard questions to ask yourself, I know… But worth it to find the answers, I promise you that…


When I am down, I hate when people say “How are you?” This may sound strange, but when the answer is “I am severely depressed” it isn’t such an easy question to answer.


My mum passed away in April, she was my best friend and I miss her something fierce.

Menopause has also decided to NOW, while I’m mourning the most crucial loss in my life, to rear it’s FUGLY head and I’ve been besieged by hot flashes and night sweats!
I feel like a hostage in my own body, like a teenager in reverse! My moods are so bad I don’t even want to be around myself!!! Mother didn’t prepare me for this and no amount of my pretty Cannabis plants are going to get me out of it, although I’m aware the phytoestrogens in the plant will help “hrt” is not for the women in my family because we’re prone to hormone sensitive cancers like Breast and Ovarian soooo I get to roast internally for the next 4months to potentially 10yrs!!! :anguished:

The Pandemic isn’t making this situation any better because I have no other women close to me to talk to about this. No support groups to find in the community I’ve just relocated to either because of it!

Sucky time to be going through all of this and the only thing that keeps me going is knowing that I have so much to be thankful and grateful for. I could be in a LOT worse off situations and still be sweating like I’ve been hoisted into the fiery pits of mount doom!

I will always have a hole missing in my life where my mom used to be and I miss her sooooo much my heart feels brand new broken everyday!

I’m just ranting and rambling now….apologies. :open_mouth:‍:dash:


It does get easier, but you never forget, even for a moment. Lost mom in 2000, and dad in 2007. I was 34 and had no parents. Sure, I’m an adult, but that just means we were just getting to that great communication part with our parents, where you really start to understand a lot. I mention them daily still, “when mom taught me this, when dad showed me how to” etc…

Ya know, we do have a number of lady growers here :smiley: No substitute for mom of course, but I am positive you will find some friends here :smiley:


Shout out to the other lady growers!:grin::facepunch:t2:

Would love to make any kind of friends though.

I know my mom is watching over me and lives on, through me and my children as long as we remember her and the lessons she taught us.

Thank you for your compassion. :relieved:


I like to believe so…

Just before my mom passed, my sister and I had finally talked her into going to a Phish concert with us. We REALLY thought this was gonna be the moment mom finally smoked with us. Mom needed a wheelchair by then (severe osteoporosis), and we mail-ordered our tix, even managing to get a coveted wheelchair seating area (not many available, AND closer to stage)… Mom passed in April of that year (concert was in June).

Anyway, we go to the show, and I swear mom was up in the rafters with us, watching from above. Music has always had a major effect on me emotionally, well written lyrics can impact me BIGTIME.

What song does Phish play that they confirm my beliefs?

Thats an actual recording from that night… And listening to it now I’m brought right back to that night, and my sister and I were bawling our eyes out… In a good way, because we KNEW mom was there with us… I still tear up hearing it, the lyrics are so appropriate for my moms battles with osteoporosis, and the piano and guitar in it are just so peaceful… If there was any one song I needed at that moment, THAT was it…

Ok… Story time over… :smiley:
If ya wanna find some of the other lady growers here, this is a good thread to start with:


Thanks so much, I’ll definitely take a look. :grin:


Ya know?


Fits me to a T


This is an great read.

:green_heart: :seedling:


The best medicine for depression is help someone. Help someone do anything and you gonna feel much better about yourself.

There is no greater thing one can do in life than to help others.

Next best antidote for depression is, “Be Here Now” (also a book by Baba Ram Das…aka Richard Alpert).

Be here now means get out of your head (and obsessive thinking) and bring your total awareness to the present moment.

In a funk and can’t get out of your head (and obsessive thinking) then jump up and do a jig.

Ya, that’s right…get to dancing!

You can chair dance, I even sofa dance while laying down to some stupid tv commercial jingle.

Dancing forces you into the, “Now,” Then maybe like me you will have a good laugh at yourself and your dancing.

I have found it especially funny when I’m by myself in the middle of the wilderness dancing.

And of course you can entertain yourself greatly at the expense of others when dancing in public like at the store etc.

The laughter that follows will surely lighten your depression load.


Your depressed bro get into groups that helped me talking your shit out and not letting it build up cause when that shit come out its a fucking elephant in a china wear store. let it out smoking ive noticed just does not let me get my things done ill try sativa but ill work for a couple of days and then boom back in the same place of not wanting to do shit go exercise that will also level your hormones out.


get back in there tear


Yes. But doing better. I have to recognize my triggers.


Never apologize for Love, and sharing can let you find friends who have gone through (and are going through) similar situations. Like me, not to be trite, this helped me not to feel so alone today. Thanks @KanehB and strength and kindness to you


I do laugh at myself a LOT!

I also dance, even though I physically shouldn’t, and kinda force my cat to watch. :joy_cat:
It makes me feel better. :grin:
Music and it’s lyrics help as well, when I find relevance and rhythm in one song :star_struck: it’s a wonderful thing! :dancer:t3::man_dancing:

Thank you for this reminder. :blush:


If you need, I’m here. :slightly_smiling_face:

Having someone to chat with sometimes is half the battle. Knowing you’re not alone is also comforting and I know that too. :v:t2:

Strength and kindness in return. :grin:


Very nice of you to say. Hello


Thanks Cali:
I have an archery tag for this coming week so I’m a little enthusiastic about going hunting. A little time in the solitude and peace of the woods has always been a help to me. Being apart of the wonder and beauty of nature has given me hope in the past and confirmed my belief in a higher power. Honestly, it has nothing to do with the deer and I personally don’t care if I get a shot or not, I just really like the idea of blending in and becoming such a part of my surroundings that I’m not even noticed. The fact that i am enthused is a step in the right direction. I found a doctor that I like recently and after taking a few surveys we’ve come to the conclusion that I’m bi-polar which is often misdiagnosed as depression although I’m sure it’s a little of both. New meds are helping but it’s an uphill battle as it seems that bad news just keeps coming and piling up. I don’t know whether it’s a good attitude to have, but I keep telling myself it could always be worse and keep on keeping on. Thank you for your advice and concern. It is comforting to hear from a stranger who obviously has a good heart and love for those who could use a kind word and a little advice. Honestly, your kind words brought a smile to my face and a tear to my eye. Thank you!


Nature has amazing healing qualities, regardless if you have a bow or a hiking stick in hand, its being IN nature that helps… Blending in, observing the simple things, its a great time to reboot and re-center yourself as well…

Thats a GREAT attitude to have. Because it could be worse! And being thankful for what you have / where you are goes a long way towards good mental health. Don’t be changing that attitude, because it could always get better too :wink: