Any one depressed?

Thanks so much, I’ll definitely take a look. :grin:


Ya know?


Fits me to a T


This is an great read.

:green_heart: :seedling:


The best medicine for depression is help someone. Help someone do anything and you gonna feel much better about yourself.

There is no greater thing one can do in life than to help others.

Next best antidote for depression is, “Be Here Now” (also a book by Baba Ram Das…aka Richard Alpert).

Be here now means get out of your head (and obsessive thinking) and bring your total awareness to the present moment.

In a funk and can’t get out of your head (and obsessive thinking) then jump up and do a jig.

Ya, that’s right…get to dancing!

You can chair dance, I even sofa dance while laying down to some stupid tv commercial jingle.

Dancing forces you into the, “Now,” Then maybe like me you will have a good laugh at yourself and your dancing.

I have found it especially funny when I’m by myself in the middle of the wilderness dancing.

And of course you can entertain yourself greatly at the expense of others when dancing in public like at the store etc.

The laughter that follows will surely lighten your depression load.


Your depressed bro get into groups that helped me talking your shit out and not letting it build up cause when that shit come out its a fucking elephant in a china wear store. let it out smoking ive noticed just does not let me get my things done ill try sativa but ill work for a couple of days and then boom back in the same place of not wanting to do shit go exercise that will also level your hormones out.


get back in there tear


Yes. But doing better. I have to recognize my triggers.


Never apologize for Love, and sharing can let you find friends who have gone through (and are going through) similar situations. Like me, not to be trite, this helped me not to feel so alone today. Thanks @KanehB and strength and kindness to you


I do laugh at myself a LOT!

I also dance, even though I physically shouldn’t, and kinda force my cat to watch. :joy_cat:
It makes me feel better. :grin:
Music and it’s lyrics help as well, when I find relevance and rhythm in one song :star_struck: it’s a wonderful thing! :dancer:t3::man_dancing:

Thank you for this reminder. :blush:


If you need, I’m here. :slightly_smiling_face:

Having someone to chat with sometimes is half the battle. Knowing you’re not alone is also comforting and I know that too. :v:t2:

Strength and kindness in return. :grin:


Very nice of you to say. Hello


Thanks Cali:
I have an archery tag for this coming week so I’m a little enthusiastic about going hunting. A little time in the solitude and peace of the woods has always been a help to me. Being apart of the wonder and beauty of nature has given me hope in the past and confirmed my belief in a higher power. Honestly, it has nothing to do with the deer and I personally don’t care if I get a shot or not, I just really like the idea of blending in and becoming such a part of my surroundings that I’m not even noticed. The fact that i am enthused is a step in the right direction. I found a doctor that I like recently and after taking a few surveys we’ve come to the conclusion that I’m bi-polar which is often misdiagnosed as depression although I’m sure it’s a little of both. New meds are helping but it’s an uphill battle as it seems that bad news just keeps coming and piling up. I don’t know whether it’s a good attitude to have, but I keep telling myself it could always be worse and keep on keeping on. Thank you for your advice and concern. It is comforting to hear from a stranger who obviously has a good heart and love for those who could use a kind word and a little advice. Honestly, your kind words brought a smile to my face and a tear to my eye. Thank you!


Nature has amazing healing qualities, regardless if you have a bow or a hiking stick in hand, its being IN nature that helps… Blending in, observing the simple things, its a great time to reboot and re-center yourself as well…

Thats a GREAT attitude to have. Because it could be worse! And being thankful for what you have / where you are goes a long way towards good mental health. Don’t be changing that attitude, because it could always get better too :wink:


Can’t help in getting depressed - because of all the shits happening to day ___________ when the shit hits roll a fat one !! sorry don’t generally swear !!! that is a good attitude adjustment


I really fucking hate this time of year…


I hear ya man. I get in a hole from thanksgiving till new years… Thanksgiving was my pops last meal with us, so it holds a special meaning to me, but it also throws me down that hole. The past 13 years I haven’t really bothered celebrating, but my GF is having her family here for dinner today. Hoping that changes my mood a little, but chances are it wont be for the better (her sisters fighting is ridiculous). Still, I feel ya, and I am right beside ya…

Chin up brother…


It’s the attitude of the Christmas movies & shows that bothers me… one particularly memorable quote from a TV show, “if you’re spending Christmas alone it means nobody loves you.” That seems like it tends to be the attitude towards Christmas in general, it’s the most important thing on the planet and if you’re not a part of it you’re not wanted.

Since I grew up “celebrating” Christmas by wondering why I was getting pencils and a few pieces of chocolate wrapped up like coins, while all the other kids in school got video games, bikes, etc… not really the happiest time of the year for me, and being told that nobody loves me because I don’t want to celebrate that memory definitely doesn’t help. I think in general, being told that you’re not welcome because you’re depressed is really unhelpful for people with depression, and that’s what the holiday spirit feels like for me.


That sentiment isn’t meant to cut down those who have none by circumstance… not that it helps much. The idea is if you’re alone, maybe you’re not nice to people (Scrooge or the Grinch) or alternatively you have no one and it’s an opportunity for people to acknowledge your loneliness and flock to you for at least one damn day in the year… but what can I say? People like the happy shit, they see what they want, they don’t learn the lessons. Unless you cry out in pain to your brother; no one will hear you. That is what I have learned this year.

And also, there’s two sides to the coin. Yeah we’re getting the shitty side, but there is another side. Unless someone has actually hurt you- try to just feel happy they are happy, and then say hey. I’m hurting. Could you help? 9/10 times they’ll at least listen.

Well, now I’m in the full holiday fucked up mood. Happy to join the party.

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I’m depressed because I woke up and Elizabeth Hurley wasn’t snuggled up to me.