Any original OG members back?


Why do I have the impression that I know tou



lol… cause you do…


I doubt it’s that time we slept together in different houses.
I was wearing a Kashmire sweater.

I’ll give you a hint, not Pollen Jock.


It must’ve been back in 2001 when I first joined the Overgrow community. I was looking to increase my horticultural knowledge and I got way more than I expected; stealth cabinet construction, hydroponic system basics, nutrient facts, and the strainbase was a favorite of mine. I was relatively new to the internet and Overgrow was the first web forum that I had joined. It was a really great experience to meet kindred spirits and exchange ideas. I still remember some of my favorite members: bushyoldergrower, memyselfandi, and highgrade amongst others. It is great that Overgrow is back and available for a new generation. It seems like the stoneage when I started , with all the progress that has been made in the culture and laws, progress has been made. Thanks Overgrow for all you have done.


Welcome @wayhigh! :grin:


Hey everyone, when I was told that OG was back…I literally had goose bumps, couldn’t believe it !! So happy indeed.
I’m back with the same name I had before, Chaman. And now I’m going to cross my fingers and hope to find my old thread “Tropical Growing” :wink: Best to everyone !!! Gran abrazo to all those great friends from back in the day.

Cool & Calm


Welcome to OG @Chaman !


Hola Chaman

Great to have you here

You will enjoy the place I hope

Stay Medicated



True story, i ran into @Chaman at the 710Cup this last sunday and it’s true, he literally had goosebumps on his arms, when i told him OG was back up and running!

Welcome back Chaman!


Welcome back @Chaman!


What’s up @ @Chaman

'And Welkom


I’m still alive and kickin


What’s going on buddy? Still got that Great Dane? Was it Tabitha?

I run through the streets of Orlando one night with a guy named Irish. Been to any piano bars lately?, lol

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great to see you t2, think about you often. hope your doing well. damn you have a great memory. yes her name WAS tabitha.

lots happened to me since we last chatted. a bust in 2011 ‘shook me to my very core’ snicker. 180 plants. was looking at 20+ years. cost me 28000 to stay free

weve lost a bunch of the old mirc group. stp wd skoosh all gone. i still keep in touch with ot1 at he is doing poorly. i put tabitha down in 2014. she was 14.

howve you been? if your on facebook im peter round heh. i was pi but they closed that account. there is an OverGrow Reunion page on fb. with a lot of old faces. hit me up on fb and ill get you in.


I am that very same. Still think of your creative bean cases and maybe a little too often tell folks about how black frosting cupcakes can give you the scare of a lifetime.

Hope you’re well and still working your magic.

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Sorry about the pup, Pi. Sorry/glad to hear of your adventure. Be safe. :heart:

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so your here too eh great to see you too. we are waiting on you an t2 at the overgrow reunion on face book if your open to that sort of thing.

life is hard for everybody these days. thanks for the kind words on tabitha.

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Hey pi, it wont let me send a message on fb. Sorry to hear about you getting popped and losing your dog,that sucks. I lost one last week I’d had for 13 years. I actually quit smoking for a few years there. My stepdaughter got on the meth and I had to legally foster my grandson so I had the state in my business. But he’s grown now and off to basic training so all bets are off, lol. I was glad to see some old names still around. I looked in at the UK site awhile back and seen ot1 still around, has got to be getting up there. I kinda figured WD would be gone by now but StonPony wasn’t that old. I’ve had some operations the last few years, 5 knee surgeries(had to spend 6 weeks in nursing home without any knee due to an infected implant), kidney stone surgery, fistulotomy and about a year n a half ago I left 80% of my stomach in Tijuana. Well ttyl, take care bro


I’d forgot about the cupcakes, lol. Glad your still around!

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