Any original OG members back?

Welcome back, same here.
Breeder Steve, checked him out, his website says hes working on something and will be back soon, that was 2-3 years ago.
Sweetooth#3 x BB was a good one.


Hello @Mrsdrjay!!! Good to see you’re still around and welcome to the new OG! Unfortunately the server to the first version was not recovered but we will definitely keep Dr. Jay’s memory going strong! In fact I occasionally check the old AAMC website for his recipes.


LOL, awesome thread to make my first post in.
my gosh that seems like sooo long ago… No one was using coco, I was doing flood and drain with lava rocks. I idolized Breeder Steve and started an aquaponics set up after he talked about it, ( I think I may have posted some photos of it here). BOG was pushing out new crosses and posting. Prop 215 was still new and you could walk into a dispensary with pounds and walk out with cash. I also remember the indoor guerilla grows - I think one of the favorite posters was Russian…and we watched his grows op get bigger each time- from an apartment grow, to a rented car parking lot storage area to a warehouse grow. Anyone remember him?
And BHO was still new, and no one called them “dabs”. Oh, think I still have my titanium spork somewhere! I lusted after a swing-down pipe from Hash Masta Kut (with that horrendous avatar :P) but didn’t want to get on his months long waiting list.
Times sure have changed.


There’s a phrase I havn’t heard in awhile. I almost picked it for my screen name.


Good to be back home eh :slight_smile:


omg, its really you!! Please pm and we can get together on facebook :slight_smile:


Hey Lady pm sent :blush:great to see you again after all these years


So many years ago. I was 420 guerrilla back in those days. I started the original Ultimate Sativa Thread to meet old heads who had grown the legends. Acapulco Gold. Panama Red. Nowadays I am an old head.


Welcome back! I discovered OG was back not too long ago myself, after getting back into growing again. I’ve found this new OG to be so generous, I don’t remember seeing much seed trading and gifting at all, let alone a whole board that is game for trading and spreading seeds like Pokémon cards :rofl:


I remember that a lot. It’s one of the reasons I am back. To give away seeds and trade. Met lots of cool people back then and I hope to again.


If I’m correct… your AV is the side of a trout… or artic char/blueback trout


Ok, it’s bugging me, I know I’ve seen your AV before. Are you on a fishing forum?


I found the site in 2003 after getting out of the military. I don’t recall my username. It was probably the same as it is now. I doubt there is anyone here that would remember me, lurked, while educating myself. It’s a wild world, overgrow’s back and weeds legal here.


@Non_Profit ah yes, aquaponics. I was growing that way back then also. Wish I could get all my pics back of the set up that I posted on OG. Used a 200 gallon Oscar tank mounted in the wall in my living room. Man it was awsome, helluva learning curve though.:+1:


Tdud or Chivakneeval. Was fairly active. Maybe I can dig out some old pictures. Took some time off but am planning on getting back into it very soon.


I was an original OG member… even won a contest for a pack of C-99 seeds from Plural of Mongoose back in the day. Glad to see OG is up and running again


Welcome, nice Zia avatar. You from NM too?


I think I was hydro420 then…took a break now I’m back and so is OG. I grew mainly white widow and AK47 back then but right now I have 12 strains that I’m sorting through.

But I do have some WW beans on order so here we go pheno hunting again. All the shit is bastardized on the market now. Very little call back to its origins like it used to be.


No, I’m California born and raised. My mother was from Santa Fe and I grew up seeing it… I drew that one in my avatar probably 15+ years ago


I was on here back in like 2003 or 2004. I was only 13 or 14 at the time.
I made a post where I had a seedling and what I thought was another freak seedling but turned out to be a sensitive plant.
Well, I went on to eventually live in Nor Cal in Shasta, Humboldt, and Trinity counties and helped grow/harvest several literal tons of Medical Cannabis, a couple years before it went recreationally legal.
Blew all that money and now I’m only allowed 5 plants for personal reasons, but I will always cherish those days and the inspiration of looking through the forums as of overgrow and erowid of blulight. It’s good to be back!