Any original OG members back?

Hope all is well with you, wishing you many blessings @n8tiveguy

Hey now! I was mod/admin at OGOG from 2000 to 2005.


Welcome back bro.


Thanks Ace!


I remember the name. Welcome back.


Thanks much!

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Where is ~Shabang~ ?



Still on shabbatical.


Hi Smokinrav, I remember you pretty well from that era! Welcome back :smiley:


Used to visit quite a bit in the 2003 era, when building grow cabs was all the rage… What fun…


I went by the name smithsutton was there also in the beginning . i got started with highgrade bubbling bucket . good to see ya


I remember you, smitty. Good to see you.


Did Sportster pass? I loved that guy. No lol for him, it was BWAHAHAHAHA!


Dont no about anything just been growing my ass off aforded me allot over the years

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Yep I was sdd420 back then and still am. Great to be back!


Overgrow blew my mind the first time I saw it. Around 04/05. Posts from actual growers with killer setups, stories of runners and stealthy grow box builders. Anyone have the old site ? I see internet archive doesn’t have it! What’s up with that?


Yeah i remember the days of the original OG.
When i first signed up i was new to growing going to college upstate NY and guerilla growing in the woods!
The forums were 100% responsible for me actually making it to harvest LoL

I took a break from online forums for a few years and was sad to see the state of some sites still around and that some were gone altogether.

But its nice to see OG is back again.


U bet i was here.
Best Drama show on earth



Thanks so much!

And yes, I Digit, was Digit on old overgrow too (iirc ~ pretty sure it was one of the forums i got my preferred nick).

Spent a lot of time in growroom design, advanced techniques, and lighting sections.

Still not a lot of green on my thumbs yet though. Got busted amidst my 2nd grow. My first, score 1.61 on the old overgrow efficiency calculator though… so, y’know… I’ve some capacity to say I know my stuff well enough, despite the lack of practice all these years suffering panic attacks and ptsd flashbacks from when that gang of thugs broke into my home, in broad daylight, assaulted me, tied me up, stole my medicine, threatened to make me their prisoner for 15 years of rape, and I couldnt call the police, because they were the police, and they were “Just Doing Their Job”[TM].

(and around same time we lost overgrow too. was dark times.)

Now prohibition seems dying [Edit: or in attempted metamorphosis into prohibition 2.0]. Still thrashing around… I’m not keen to get my life ruined by that beast again. But I am keen to get growing… once feeling more safe to… given the panopticon community here, and the losing post-code lottery ticket. Cant all live in Durham, but we can all contribute to the good cause of restoring the herb. [I keep having visions of me walking into the police station and demanding to know if they, my servants, have started behaving yet, obeying the rules, respecting human rights, and charter of the forest, and whatever else, and keep the peace and leave us free to have our gardens in peace and safety. Safe, from them, and their threats of harms. ~ Or even just to explain it to them, “We’re not doing that anymore.” And a cascade of however many orders more people doing the same, either way, any way they want, until this is sorted out all over these lands.]

But hey, overgrows back!

And… just before seeing it’s back, I saw old 2010 emails from much loved fellow activist who we helped run in the general election, and looked him up… …seems likely he passed last year. … Lost so many good friends, who put in so much, some, their all, for the good cause, to restore humankind’s best friend, cannabis. Lets lift many more good friends still living, to lift us all a little more.

Garden on, fellow bird feeders. Tis the season.


making first post back on og. :smiley: :older_adult: :green_heart


I was there as 3hounds!

Been out of the game for years but decided the old bag isn’t done just yet- time to pull out all my old Solo cups and get back to growing.
I haven’t grown a real crop since the early '00s, moved to an unfriendly state where I still reside, and am starting up a couple just to see how it goes in this climate.

All this newfangled talk about living soil and gotta have this fert and gotta test this and add that nute- well, I’m old school old school. I’ve grown a whole lot of plants and this is just one so it gets treated by and large just the same. I did spring for some fancy new fem seeds, indica leaning, and what I hope to be old school giggle weed/couch lock. Got 'em in paper towels. Feeling young again :rofl:

Obviously pining for my youth aka just getting old.

Anyway, nice to be back.