Any original OG members back?

the grow that intrigued me the most back then i still remember which is crazy was that TomHill guy im pretty sure was his user name but he had those huge ass bushes outdoor i think it was a legal grow but it was amazing it was the only plants i had ever seen that size…!


were you a active member of the shroomery as well…? There was someone I followed their posts with a similar user name if so cheers!

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awesome man i was on here just reading and learning in the early 2000’s i was like 15 haha but yeah after this got shut down i moves to icmag but im so pumped that this is back up im doing my first grow thats 100% legal for the first time in years and I was wondering if you would share your soil mix with me thats what im trying to figure out right now with no luck i went and got a bunch of different ingredients i think would be really good for a soil mix but im trying to see if I can find a ratio guide like how many parts of each thing to mix in…? Thanks for your time in advance…

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TomHill did used to have those big trees. You were definitely around back then. Come to think of it, wasn’t his user avatar Tom (that Myspace guy lol). Or I could be thinking of someone else, it was so long ago. There were so many inspiring growers to learn from and I’m sure there are still now. I learned how to grow from Overgrow, so it will always have a special place in my heart. I didn’t trust most of the other forums but there was something about Overgrow, I knew it was legit. Had that same feeling about ICMAG, which is why I went there after they closed us down. Damn Feds smh…

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i remember those. couldn’t tell ya about the name though, too many years for that to stick around.

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OG from back in 2000 on overgrow my handle back then was gr0wmatic and is today again so cool to see OG back


i always referred people to you regarding vertical growing good to see you again


I also did under canopy lighting w/moving 1K MH/HPS lights back in the day…


My memory is so flaky but this all brings back bits and pieces. I was on around 2001 I think. I think I even have a file capture still somewhere of my old OG Grow journal from the website back then as I was paranoid the site would go down one day :smiley: I think it was Edge Forums then. Or something like that.
To all the new comers now, Welcome!!! and I remember that feeling about 7 years ago when I started growing again and did a search online and found that OG was back!!! YEAH BABY!!!

oh yeah, my name back then was the same but with a Z … BudZy


Ok, I do still have my archives of my grow journal from back then. What a blast. So it was called The Cannabis Edge:


Good to see some names I recognize from the past, I was just talking about Chimera to some mycology friends. Gotta figure out how to use this new platform though.


Glad you decided to join up, the format does take some getting used to, but this place is fantastic.

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I’m sure I’ll sort it out eventually, these days I haunt the mushroom cultivation groups on Facebook mostly as dichotomous keys, but I figured I’d use my old handle here,

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i hated it when i first found this again, but it does kind of grow on you.

Just Another old head also have some old cardboard packs with rice in them etc…just tryn to preserve my favorite stuff so the kids can enjoy it too.any couchlock Cafe exiles here aswell?


The only part I hated was finding it so late, I’m behind on so many grow diaries, topics, it’s overwhelming trying to get caught up with it all. OG taking all my time like it did with the original Overgrow :laughing:


once twas there, people were happy, then twas gone, people were sad, but now its back, people are happy again \o/

very enjoyable to discover OG is partially back :slight_smile:


Welcome back @blackcarp !


thanks Hashpants :slight_smile:
really missed OG when it was suddenly gone and all that combined knowledge dispersed. Makes me glad to see how jolly it is again :smiley:


im from the old days…is this the same as the site RC started or is this some new Federally funded site?