Any original OG members back?

Didn’t you have Slick Rick as your avatar? I definitely remember the name or it could’ve been ICMAG. Either way welcome back, it’s the same but not…

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I thought Shabang and foolgirl moved Weed Base ? from the News Groups, to an online message board format.
RC ponied up money from his Heavens Stairway seed site.
When Lemonade Joe, resuscitated it, he probably had to slay 70,000+ sock puppet accounts, and it’s now, open, to seed give away’s, and for a fee, bean selling.
We could seek out seeds, back then, but only in PM’s.
I was sad to see the Shark Tank, go away, but it was excellent move.
It is a totally different time now, on line now, then 25 years ago.
But I could be wrong.
Just my $.02


I do miss the shark tank also, but I don’t think I would enjoy it as much now as I am 25 years older. But at that time it was awild and crazy fun place.


Very well said!!


hey guys, i was a member over 20 years ago, i was devastated when the community was taken down and never thought it would return. great to see you have breathed life into the community again. the community back then was epic, lots of real expert advice from great folk like cecil, the captain, and many others.


Yes! Was part of the old OG. Went snooping around to see if they were archived and wound up here.


Welcome back @AK47-OG !


lol yeah I was still in high school back then and I was fascinated by maryjane cultivation so I spent a ton of my time reading these forums as many others…!!!


I can’t believe it took me this long to realize Overgrow was back. I was a young lad on the original site from 03ish until the bust.

I was just a loner high school student who didn’t know where to find good weed so thought maybe I could learn how to grow my own. It took 20 years for that to finally happen (a lot easier when you own your own home as an adult) but I finally got there.

I’ve come a long way from trying to figure out if there was a way to build some sort of grow box in my bedroom closet and how I was going to deal with the heat from the lights (I remember this being a huge issue in my teenage mind, one of about a dozen when I look back on it, lol) glad to be here and finally able to actually contribute with my own grows!


Glad you decided to join back up @Jobu , the new site is is really cool and filled with alot of great growers. Can’t wait to see what you have got growing



Dunno if you’re still here, Brother, but it’s a blast to see your name!

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Just curious why certain members says “oldschool member” and others not, maybe I’m missing something. I got the old school member badge but doesn’t show like that below my name/handle on thread replies.

No biggy really, just curious

Am I being thick?


you gotta put it there.

edit: you go to your profile, click on badges, then click the badge you want, and hit the edit button.


I was just typing for the hell of it and couldn’t believe it loaded! WTF? It’s alive!!

I was a moderator at the original OG. I’ve been smiling seeing some of the old handles in this thread. High again, guys.


Ah, I was being thick then

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you’re welcome. not thick, just overlooking it.

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I was wondering the same thing and answered both of our questions. Appreciate that info. K+

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It is great too see so many of us old skool members back on here and still around.
Sadly quite a few have past.

I can still remember loads of old heads names.I mean loads strange how stuff like that stays with you.bone collector krusty Acryforhelp he was one sound mad head ozzie.
Ozzie Grower another sound bloke from down under Southern Cross another ozzie.Fet who has since sadly passed.Budmonster Barndweller both Brits Greenmachine NBQ Reds PeterUK who was a mod on their limey Dill .

Nurotica her and her BF.They sent me some seeds.Hippychick missmess Hayzooz skip Webby JLP Bubbleman Chim .One bloke called Grow forit was a Canadian he had the best flo set up i had ever seen.Tick i still have some of his seeds to this day same with JLP.

Some have not been germing though i was able to get some from 2002 to germ out of 6 3 came through.Not a clue who breed them though.

Its SD crossed OG all three are still small seedling at the moment.

ZBQ So Quick would love to know how he was another sound bloke.Highgrade chief smoking Bud from the slap a ho tribe lol.Such a funny name that one was.Uncle Ben Hashstar Lamb Buster bean HashBean. old pink. Tokahontas she was sound.So so many .

Now how do i go about getting a old Overgrow member tag anyone know .

Any other old members still have any old pics saved like i do.Or is their a thread on here with all old pics .

As i have been looking for one.If their is i just cant seem to find it for the life of me.I know its been a long time since Jan 31 2006.When Overgrow and CW both got taken down.Still i cant be the only one who still has pics from then saved surely not .


@Hashy man, those are some names I haven’t heard or thought about in a long time. And yep, I still remember going to check out the site one day and BAM! it was gone. Crazy how different the times were back then with regards to Cannabis.

To get the member tag go to your preferences under your profile and select it under “title”


I was active here on Overgrow back in 2005 when I was growing mexican landraces