Any rks fans out and about

No I didn’t, the beans I was gonna farm out so to speak I found out were more sweet skunks, those came from another fella.
Glad I didn’t waste mine or anybody else’s time.
@Jamescoldflame you still see SB around or did he run off and hide?

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Yep…still a shit show …now hes into it with Matt riot about those skunks

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Riots a fuck anyway.
I’m not on IG, so is it true he has no stinky skunks from what you gather on there?
Or was that something the old site peeps made up?

What’s the shit show about Marc’s either got it or not.


I don’t think I know who you mean by sb…I think Marc is the one that got hurt in a fire…hes the one that’s making memes about Matt riot…probably Matt discredit his skunks…

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SB is Marc
He used to go by sativa breather

The skunk he says hes released are not his stinky ones…he says when he gets to 3000 followers he might let some go…its always a if i…I might…I just settled with he doesn’t have em and trying to stretch as far as he can before hes found out… there’s a million skunks out there …why not release them and prove everyone wrong…just posting vids saying you have it with no one to second it and confirm. Is just for attention.


So I better still hold on to these from Marc, aye.

Well at least he was smart enough to not go doeling them out.
Was hoping he knew better especially after what happened at the club

It’s one thing to have it and not mention it…but to brag on having it…and not let people see your not just ranting…you post vids everyday. Call people haters…so on and so on…but when you release whatever it is you have…you say yeah these not the smelly rank ones…smh…whatever bro


Marc posting vids?..

Vids of seed collection from his plots, different phenos… real rks…taunting type vids…


Yep he had those at the spot also.

Yeah he’s a bit redundent.

It could easily be the most commercially moveable seed in the history of marijuana yet everyone who “has” it won’t make it available even for a test …I stick by my beliefs if it’s still held somewhere in a pure form it’s by someone in their 60s in some small town on a mountain and will stay there till they pass away our only hope is they have kids who grow. Had I had the foresight to save them last I saw real skunk they would probably be long sterile by now and as much as I loved the smell the taste was way heavy. I preferred the piney Christmas tree weed the bikers moved in the 90s myself.


Yes me too and wish I had that one :evergreen_tree: back myself


I saw this today and i know a lot of people are fans of classic skunk strains.


Pulling up a seat for the dumpster fire that is about to pop off


There are atleast 3 different seeds or clones on strainly that claim rks in the description part never any as the actual name …not saying it doesn’t exist anymore just I’m from the show me homie and I don’t believe much I can’t touch

Any idea on price ?
This would be worth tossing 5 or 10 bucks crowd sourced to f2 just to put it to bed


That damn show me shit from y’all across the river is some furreal shit!

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I’m always the first to eat my words when. I’m wrong but it’s all speculation till I crack the top of the jar and choke on that rotten road kill that been baking on the asphalt for a week in August make your eyes water funk
And I still stand on my beliefs that rks is sub 15% THC