Anybody else like to fish?

I have done business with Cairns Marine for coral imports. If you let me take a dive over there, we could make enough money to buy party favors at least. The divers aren’t hobbyists so it’s like having someone who doesn’t smoke weed go to a dispensary to buy for you. I could probably make $500 a day there slanging corals. Corals like these Scolymia can bring $500-$750 alone.

This one is 1.5”, but the color means it’s worth $1,000.


Some true beauty you have there @slain, the water and fish both look amazing, besides the salmon, pretty fucked up theyre getting ick. I never woulda guessed that salmon live in australia, pretty rad they have such a big range.


My first thought - fascinating. My second - some folk have too much money :grin:


My pb bass 8.9lbs


I like to fish for trout until they are gone in the lakes, then we do some bass fishing hard like every other day. Lately we have been going salmon fishing. Twice out no luck. But well get it down… this is on the river too. Cant wait to catch some fish! Awesome eating. Another thing I’ll say is I keep every fish I catch, it all gets eaten in this family. Idc what you say about bass they are dank smoked. Fish on!


Nah that’s wasn’t my salmon bro … we do get various salmon here, but when there is reef fish to be had, salmon is a bit meh on the plate… All fishos I know have noticed things going whack with the warmer water, sticks out like dogs balls when tropical fish are 1000k south of their normal range.

It’s a BIG reef hey, where I am it’s only about 30 mins steam time so it’s handy, but the GBR itself stretches for thousands of K’s and covers hundreds of thousands if square km’s, if you are into coral, it’s the motherload bro!


Its not just the lower warmer waters. ALL of the rivers are dead thanks to the non stop clear cutting. Here in Nova Scotia 40% + of all operable land was clear cut in just 25 years by 2008.Also in 2008 only 0.6 % of all trees in the province were 100 yrs + in age. It has only gotten worse since. Our forestry industry is nothing more then a corporate welfare scam that cuts down trees not even big enough to be a fence post. Most of it gets chipped and sent to Europe so they can claim some green energy bullshit from bio mass.
This has completely changed the water quality . The nutrient run off alone from these cuts is incredible. Not to mention the fact that the province allows the spraying of glyphosate everywhere , by helicopter.
As for temperature not even 20 years ago the Margaree river never saw temps above 18c . The river now spends 2 full months at super low levels and temps reaching 26c .
I caught my first salmon at 12 got my guide license at 15 and now at 39 I have seen all the rivers here die without a single thing being done to stop it.


Thats a really horrible thing to hear man.


Just to give you an idea of how bad it is the first picture is of normal not high water and the second is what it looked like a couple days ago. It no longer has the ability to hold water because of all the clear cutting on top of the hills you see.


Gonna go hit up the local fishing hole after work tom. This time I’ll bring phone. Hopefully get to use it


Got out on Monday for the first time in a while. 15 in the boat including this beaut. The net may look like overkill but we try our hardest to keep the native fish safe. He buried his head and faught like a steely.


Nice pics all!

Been fixing up this old Starcraft to take up to our camp labour day wknd w our 5 yr old.

Almost done now, just gotta paint Tuff-Coat on the floor and add a couple rod holders.


Nice job for sure!!


Man, darn EXCELLENT job…the lil one will treasure the trip forever. Stay safe/be well.


Love to fish, grew up fishing salmon in the puget sounds and the straight. Learned to fly fish so now that my son is old enough we go after trout, steelhead, salmon. Mostly lakes and rivers as we don’t have a boat. Live on the wrong side of Washington so I have to travel a lot.


Awesome!! Love me a good river fish for steelies too!


Was over at the klickitat a couple weeks ago. Water was super murky from the heat. Should be clearing up here soon. Can’t wait to hook up on a steelhead for my son. I wanna watch the battle.


Thats the fun of it, watching your kids bringem in


Here is his biggest rainbow.


And then there was credit cards… :crazy_face:

Gotta have 4 turbos just in case
