I got to add another strain, that offers us, anyway, a very calming, warm feeling, Celia Bx1, TurnSpit Genetics.
We have been sampling this one a day or 2 now.
Yesterday, wifey has been helping her older aunty, doc appointments, groceries, pays her bills, yadayadayada.
Yesterday, she comes home mad as hornet, most pissed, I’ve ever seen her!
Terrible day, aunty is full of woes, drivers cutting her off in traffic, but as soon as I see her, I go get the bag of Celia buds, and they have zero cure time, as I just cut and prepped it.
She is in BEAST mode, tell/yelling her day, not at me, but to the universe at large.
But I never see this side of her! Full on melt down is about to happen, and I’m frantically rolling a PHATTY up with Celia, I lit that joint and handed it to her, she takes a quick pull on it, so she can spew more about a given transgression from her day, and sort of thrusts it back to me. I shake my head no, and say hit that again, and hold that hit!
She glares, but does just that, I take a hit, and hands it back, she really pulls on it this time, (talking has stopped) deep inhale, and hold…passes me the joint, exhales and burst out laughing! Belly laughs! Another passing of the joint!
Then almost sort a WestWorld like, she restarts, telling more of her day, without being all pissed off!!
Takes a hit and looks at the joint and sayes, damn that tastes good! WOW, I really feel good!
I said, well Thank Celia for that!
Honestly, it was a space of 5-10 minutes, rage to sage!