Anyone Breeding for Terpenes?

It is also hard to dial in any real study when a lot of sources about the exact profile of strains on wesbites like leafly differ from the breeders website. Since I started looking into it Leafly has changed a lot of them multiple times. And as mentioned before, different growing conditions are said to change the terp profile.

Leafly is not a reliable source. Iā€™m talking about actual testing data.

Here is my forbidden fruit live resin cart. i cant find the chocolate diesel one anymore cuz it sold out.

variety-drugs-live-resin-cartridge-forbidden-fruit.pdf (373.3 KB)

Heres Modified Mintz (GMO x Sin Mint Cookies)

I have this kosher kush and it is almost 9% terps. It is great but due to CBD content, the ceiling is low.

variety-drugs-live-resin-cartridge-kosher-kush.pdf (385.9 KB)


Well I would say that the super high lemonene would make that Forbidden fruit a fairly uplifting and happy high with a good amount of energy, perhaps even very psychoactive at those levels for some people. . Although, everything else would point towards it being relaxing. it does have a decent amount of humalene and linialool after the myrcene and carophylene which I believe are failry potent even at those levels.
If you are a person who really enjoys lemonene and uses it a lot I believe this strain would be very relaxing for you. On the other hand. If you are someone who is sensitive or doesnt use lemonene a lot, this strain would be very uplifting and probably even psychoactive. @CocoaCoir
Edit" whoops I was looking at the mg not the percentage which is not as high.

Check out the difference with distillate carts which are of course just THC with possibly added terpsā€¦ They craft profiles to the strains to try and match effects but something is definitely lost in translation with these frankenvapes. Thatā€™s why I stick to live resin and live rosin.


Yeah, everyone should stop making fake terps.


you can think of them as what you want, doesnt mean that dynamic is actually happening.

entourage effect has little research behind and the little research there is has been inconclusive or non correlative. knowing that certain terpenes promote certain anti-inflammation etc, doesnt directly prove entourage effect.

btw, i do want to believe in entourage effect (it makes breeding more interesting doesnt it?), but then you also have to think of counter arguments like - ā€œif you have to be measuring the relation between certain terpenes to get such and such effect then we would have like 30+ distinguishable effects from weed, and we dontā€.


There is entourage effect but I think it has more to do with the hundreds of unique cannabinoids that arent even tested for. How else could the shittiest looking non smelling ditch weed be a sleeper hit and maybe the most potent best stuff ever? People speak of those experiences with the Moroccan Beldia KIF I am growing now where it isnt mind blowing but it is much better than to be expected from a 2-5% THC plant with little to no smell and hella wild looking. Exotic sativas and other hard to find stuff really go against these types of arguments.


Sometimes mj is more of an anti-science thing

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What an awesome thread! :facepunch:t2:

Well I think we do have that many and more different effects from weed, I dont drink smoke or use use drugs. Iā€™m pretty sensitive to the weed I vape and can feel a difference in every profile I vape. When I am getting weed at a dispensary, I dont even ask to look or smell it anymore if it doesnt have the right profile, i dont even go there unless there is a strain with the right profile. I know which terps are deadly for me and which ones I can handle to test new profiles (for the most part, I am still learning).
Think about it this way, lavender has a different type of calming effect than hops or mango, they are all calming but in a different ways. now add these together at different ratios and you will have a totally different type of feeling, just as you would a differnt taste.
caffeine isnā€™t a terp but; Caffeine and ginger both give you energy but in different kinds of ways. it is the same thing with pinene and limonene.
carolphylene actually works with the cannabanoids in certain ways that the others dont as well.
What I am saying is that each different profile is going to give you a slightly differnt kind of high in the same way that using different heat temperatures to vape with change the type of high.

same here. but in my case, ive had weed with the same terpene profile (for example, a Silver Sunshine cross that has the terpene profile from the Super Silver Haze but the effect resembles more the indica side of the cross -ssdd). ive had acrid that gives me alertness, and acrid that gives me stoney. and so onā€¦

so, yeah, if these work just one way for you, then sure breed for it - you dont really need anyone to tell you how they breed, just choose your males/females based on what you feel. unless youre planning to sell then you have to deal with people like me, that dont.

edit: lol, i do use other drugs, but i dont count the occasional shroom.


Also there is so much more at play here that I didnā€™t even mention like endocannabinoid receptors unique to each individual. I think once you activate certain things then it becomes different. All cookies crosses used to give me a bad headache in just one spot on the top right of my skull and now it is just the tiniest feeling to me but it is still there. It is how I can tell if something has ā€œcookiesā€ in it or not. Not by terp profile. In breeding, you can tell what parts of the high come from what parent etc.

Iā€™ve had friends that only get a boring high for the most part compared to my vibrant experiences but everyone is different so advice isnt really ā€¦ advisable, only experience.


Well I was thinking there has to be a science to it and thought other people might want to try and crack the code if it is there. Something has to decide what makes the terp profile. And until we know what that i,s it seems like everyone is just getting whatever the plant decides to do for them rather than really breading for effects.

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Soā€¦ youā€™ve said this one terpene can be both uplifting/psychoactive and at the same time, also relaxing :thinking: to the point youā€™ve said it could affect him up or down either way and you basically have no idea.

This is the problem I have with terpene and lab reports, not even getting to the fact that most are paid-off or forged to look good, for sales.

what about the plants with different terpene signatures depending on where on the plant the flower was selected from. Now the lab report is totally off.


No :smile: i was talking about two different people who have different tolerances to lemonene. I also thought it had 25% lemonene but that was mgs, it only has 2% so I take back the psychoactive and the super high energy.
I dont know how to refer to other posts but there is one above where I explain my theory of how tolerance works with terps and how two people can feel different feelings from the same product. Its because they have the opposite kind of tolerance so the same weed does something different to them both. @HolyAngel

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IMO, lab reports are for after the fact. Try and show what you know is there.

Im pretty positive a lot of the modern scene at dispensaries ARE breeding for terpenes and lab reports, and that why all of it sucks. No one is actually smoking the flower to make their decisions, theyā€™re going off what a paper says instead.


My 2% terp and 30% THC stuff is still the stinkiest and best stuff I have right now.

The thai really shows at first. It is very trippy but after first time it comes down to more normal heady behind the eyes high from the SD.

Sour Diesel x Chocolate Thai


@Dragon Iā€™m going to be right on point here and donā€™t sugar coat it. But your understanding of cannabis and chemovar is flawed and I suggest that instead of trying to fit your model of thinking into arguments. You take this discussion as an opportunity to learn more about what we know about how chemovar works.

This is the best way to get to your end goalā€¦ Finding breeders who breed for effect/chemovar and not for hype.

Pz :v:t2:


I think maui wowie is a good example. it is a sativa and one would think that would make it full of energy. But look at its profile


just like most of the indicas that have a happy but mellow high that isnt couch lock or lots of energy. Which is what maui wowi does to me.

what is interesting though is that its parent Hawaiian has the terpoline that you would expect from that sativa family.

please explain what chemovar is and how it works thenā€¦@LonelyOC

What I am saying about terp profiles affecting the type of high is real.