Let’s talk terps

Hi as the name suggests I want to talk terpenes.

How to maximize production of terpenes such as different techniques, amendments, etc.

What are some notable genetics that have a high yield of terpenes in the finished product you have grown or are aware of?

What about your favorite terpene profiles? What are some rare expressions of terpenes you have tasted or heard of?

Anyone lab testing their cannabis terpene percentages and are there any unique or rare terpenes you have discovered doing so? What about your highest percentage results you have gotten back from lab testing and what strains produced the most?

What about the way different terpenes shape the high of different strains and have you been able to decipher what terpenes provide you with highs you are seeking? Care to elaborate on which terpenes provide which effects for your body chemistry?

Any and all things terps. I would love to discuss it. I have always sought out my cannabis for flavor. As I like to say “I’ve never met a high I didn’t like” so it is flavor that makes cannabis exciting to me.

Any terpene expressions you are looking for? Any you think we should know about? My intention is for this topic to gain some traction and OverGrow folks will have a place to seek out specific terpene profiles they are on the hunt for and others can give suggestions on strains best matching those terpene profiles.

I love a wide variety of flavors it would be a long list to try and compile all of the expressions I enjoy. Instead I want to put out some feelers for your suggestions. If you are in the know of strains that match these flavor expressions please inform me. I am currently looking for strains with opium terps, hashish incense terps, lavender terps, citrus grapefruit terps, grape terps, buttery terps, sugary candy terps and funk terps. What are the absolutely funkiest and weirdest strains you have tried? I love the diversity of funky terps.

I am also curious what people think is the best blueberry strain? Is it pretty much consensus that DJ Short bred the best blueberry strain? Are there any better blueberry strains available after all this time?

Similarly are there any cheesy terps out there in strains you are familiar with better than the original Cheese strain? And papaya strains are there any better than the original Papaya?

Best sour diesel substitute? Seems sour diesel is elusive at best or just completely gone at worst. What is your take on the sour diesel saga? Do we all need to just move on to alternatives? Anyone holding the old school genetic? Why does it seem like this strain is gone? Opinions?

G13. This strain is supposedly gone or am I mistaken? I remember it being rather abundant in the 2000’s and early 2010’s but then poof gone. Now there are mostly G13 x hash plant crosses like Bodhi’s line, correct? Shantibaba has some other crosses of G13 does anyone have experience trying any of those? I am looking for strains that are closest in flavor to the original G13 if anyone has suggestions. Best crosses available? Taste-alike alternative strains? Anything to bring back that old delightful nostalgic memory would be much appreciated friends!

Lastly does anyone remember Black Berry Kush? I am wondering if this strain is around in it’s original form anywhere? I have some crosses I am excited about and I am fancying myself as a collector of BBK crosses seeking out as many as I can. If you know any loud BBK crosses please give a shout out. Also if you know where the original BBK can be sourced from please let me know. Closest thing I could find was white label seeds claiming to be BBK. I’m not really very confident in white label brands.

This is my first topic. I apologize to mods and the community if this topic is too broad and unorganized. Let me know how to correct anything if need be and I’m not sure what the right category was to post this in. Hoping this can become some kind of terpene mega-thread to last the ages and hopefully informs many other growers on their journey to growing the most flavorful buds possible.

Also going to put this here in case anyone wants to nerd out with me on this interesting article about nonterpenoid influences on the flavor of cannabis: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsomega.3c04496

I know this post is kind of all over the place so just feel free to jump in anywhere and let’s talk terps!

With gratitude,


Cool topic! I’m currently completely obsessed with trying to understand how terps work when breeding varieties. It’s a bit of a black art, and difficult to pin down to anything consistently repeatable. For example, do some other traits correlate with terpene production, so that it might be possible to identify these as a way of selection. How do flavors and aromas mix, certainly it’s nothing like cooking, where you can make predictions on how something will taste based on the core ingredients.
What are the genetic factors that influence and determine terpenes, and what mode of inheritance do they have?
What effects do maternal/paternal factors make in influencing the result?

Recently I have been messing about with Soma’s Lavender, as it’s a very unique and terpy plant; What I found is that it seems to confer an increase in terpene production in a cross, and interestingly at least with the stock I have more so when you using the Lavender as the male. Furthermore, the increase seems to be more of the female terps in terms of the flavour and smell, but leans towards the lavender in terms of outright production of terps.
So for example a Sativa female I have has a distinct papaya/mango smell, which when combined with the male
Lavender resulted in an extreme increase of the original smell, but with no noticeable lavender smells.
Interestingly the same thing doesn’t occur if the same cross is made in reverse, with a lot more variation in their aroma, in terms of both type and amount.

Also, it’s been a not infrequent occurrence for me to cross two terpy varieties, only to end up with plants that exhibit very little smell or flavors, but sometimes only for the first generation so that further generations can exhibit much more terps.

For me currently the weirdest terps I’ve had are some Tropicana Cherry that smell like those absorbent packs used in meat trays, like aged raw meat. Disgusting stuff lol.

Anyway I’m looking forward to gleaning any insights I can off this thread :pray:



Stimulating post, well done. Can’t wait to read the feedback of others, let’s play this dangerous game.

The 90’s vibes, intense and sharp.

A weed that tasted just like the traditional Morroco 4-spices condiment. It was a Nepalese x Congo of a friend.

4% but i sucked, now i know where was my errors. Sweet Tooth #3 F7.

This point is pretty much mystic now for me, and it’s worse with years that pass. It’s my own experience and grid but i firmly think that the chemotype should be guided artistically. Terps guidances is more interresting to map a trait relationship than truly be able to fine-tune a high or a stone. Just like i think that screening for THC is pointless to create true potent weeds that make your day.

Just look at two opposite weeds that produce almost the same amount of limonene with constancy : OGK and JH “dutch styled”. Can we really talk about a pattern in the potency with these twos ? :smile:

Anything that don’t feel like a watered soup of nonsense blends. And just like you, i find it very related with the whole experience. With this kind of weed i dislike, it kick generally like how it taste : messy and shy.

Differences of perception are crazy sometimes, i’m surprised almost each time i read a smoke report of a strain i know very much. It’s why to keep it sharp is important for me as well.

Black Bombay lover here too. Still a quest for me.

Source some old paki (the one that produced marble hash).

I dislike this kind of floral terps, give me nausea.
I pucked after a bong of 2005 Soma lavender one time, trust me it’s saying “go for it” lol

You’re joking.

Now that’s stimulating. I’m more interested by this than any other “main terp” quest.

The SPG, that still rock the place decades after. Even youth of today love this classic, if it’s promoted by a rapper, called “creation” and with a childish marketing that i finally understood yesterday. It’s not to sell to kids, but just the pleasure to make a regression. Took me 16 years to figure out.

The original in F2, i think there is no debate on this even from those bashing Short.
Difficult line, but you always find someone in all cycles that work its ass. It’s itching me too (still not planned), without constraints of any deadline it become a sexy challenge to sweat blood on.

That’s crazy but no. And as a French trust me that i watch it ^^

Yes, because the backbone is the same than a C99 by example. I prefer a good minty/backwood JH than a C99 “treat”, but i prefer a C99 than a Papaya. Too much candidates to be listed, it’s a range of terps well exploited.

The Chem family, and i wasn’t aware of this before trying another cut that the #4 (thx @LonelyOC ).
Don’t get me wrong, i don’t talk about the high. SD forever for me in term of preference.

A lot of bullshits, a lot of drama, and surprisingly a lot of Karma in USA. Get all SD cut you can (ECSD included), pick your favorite, ignore the noise. But if you want to get back one, be prepared to check everything.

Hell no ^^ Let me try to find a solution lol

As far as i understood, strictly everybody. During the last part of my quest, i changed radically my strategy and it worked. Clone’s seller are prone to talk shit on each others, so i followed the shit of the most venomous ones. It worked very well to find “my” real deal with the help of similar minds that spotted the game too (thx @leetdood ).

  • The lack of interest to really work it (quite demanding), not to just chunk it.
  • Even in the “genuine” spectrum the number of cuts can be disturbing and promote this impression imho.
  • The mix between people fascinated to test the genesis of their favorite weed and the quest of authenticity of those that don’t know it.
  • The frustration to can’t access a cut then calling it “dead” …
  • The passion that generate this cut since decades, without any pause.

My opinion is quite composite on this matter, but there is the main lines of my personal grid.

Very different beast, and cycle. Still around. Now it’s not a cut to produce weed (it’s a mid), it’s a cut to produce genetics.

Oh god, my cobra lips are bleeding. Let’s gulp this poison. It’s not a buddha line, it’s a Sensi Seeds line that still sold and is as valuable.

I dislike the G13 Skunk, i find it pointless. For the G13 Haze, it mostly depend on the haze spine and your preference. G13 is a genetic catalyst. My favorite hybrid still the MK Ultra (shoot me a message if you have some that i can verify ^^), and i don’t like “Kush” in general.

I don’t understand the sentence, but fundamentally it’s not hard from my point of view. The weed of the cut isn’t singular at all for me.

Nice link, thanks.


AK bean brains 907 Blues or Vintage Blueberry for a indica leaning Blueberry.
Sour Diesel is still around but the cuts have seemed to dry up due to not being as popular in my neck of the woods. If your looking for an alternative I’d give the breeder Top Dawg a try. It’s a little pricey but well worth the grow for most of his sour stains.
Relic has a g13/haze that’s really great as well as Ak bean brains crosses. Bodhi’s g13/88hp is wonderful but the male does take over on most crosses and you’ll have to pheno hunt for what you’re looking for. I don’t know where to get g13 that isn’t crossed tho’.


G13, sour diesel ($60 x 10 fem) and most of those old strains are still available in Europe. Often available with a choice of a feminised version now which wasn’t often the case back then.


Very nice post indeed!!!

Among the one’s that i had a lab result, bubba and ag13 line had a highest terpene but i think around 0.8%-ish of terpene.
But then those selections were not made for terpene, it was selected for diverse grow pattern for applied research so i expect there to be way more of higher terpene stuffs out there.
Amnesia, cheese, rainbowbelts were the loudest ones i smoked tho

Dunno in terpene chemical compounds name but surely surely this high from blueberry is always euphoric comfortable feelings to me. I’ll never know what actual this terpene is as i never ran the test but it smells like pine/fresh/blueberry (not redberry type).

Also, haze with woody terp always gave me the most racey high. I guess that woody terp does a job as well!

No specific terpene am looking for but def want to collect and work with various terps. Especially, planning to explore on landraces (really like those landrace and i lost all my moms last year…really really really depressed but now just planning to start all over again with da landraces). I was really wondering what terpene profile (no chemical compound but how we smell it; e.g. citrus, woody etc) is nearly impossible to find in landrace but can find from hybrids. For example, i can imagine citrusy stuff can be found in both landrace and hybrids but the super berry terp maybe hard to find in landrace?

There are some folks here with alotta exp with landraces, will appreciate if anyone can shine what landrace had “unique” or “intense” terpene

Think finding smth that’s really like blueberry from pure blueberry is delusional.
Perhaps hybrids.

But it’s my fav because it has always comfy high and euphoric feelings that i only get from bb line

Funny that one of my fav is cheese but it was redbull like berry taste than cheese haha
Possibly not the very original cut but enjoyed way more than actual cheese funk.
But time to time experienced and seen cheese/og or cheese/diesel bringing dank cheese terp.
But guess people with more cheesey exodus cut can tell more for sure

Unfortunately, don’t know any seed source selling bbk. Was a nice berry terp kush but what i tried lacked in flavor intensity. Dunno if it was even a legit one haha.
Purple berry kush from spliff seeds was pretty damn sick. It has nothing to do with bbk besides name but it had sick berry kush terp and great yield for real.

Anyway, super nice post! Really enjoyed it.

And thanks for da link
Def checking out


I’m wondering about entourage effect


There are numerous terpenes present in the cannabis plant and variation in their contents between strains. Some terpenes are under preliminary research for their possible effects in vivo.[6][2][7]


A wiki page that promote indirectly trash vape pens with reduced spectrum, reconstituted weed … what a fabulous era.

At the point to class it “marketing”. The “consensus” obviously never put a foot in a dispensary.
It’s all about rating THC since ages ^^

For me it’s no longer a theory, and i paid badly the full scientific approach in chemotypes to realize this.


Oh i damn sure interesting

I love to apply essential oils after smoking (when i’m having negative trips)
Those all terps in essesntial oils from different herbs give me very different high​:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
Mainly clear and eyes opening feeling

So i really do believe entourage effect but perhaps different way than what the wiki talks about


As for me - I kinda like the natural smell my ladies produce


Sour D is still alive and well, we have a whole thread for it. Here’s my AJ’s Sour D in mid flower


No problem @Fuel

Like you said, this info is constant if you can find the source of criticism. Then verify the criticism, good or bad. Listen to people with good criticism.


Yes, I too am eager to learn more about these subtle nuances of breeding and terpenes you’ve mentioned. In time science will reward us with more knowledge but until then I am a believer that the plants can teach us with their secret language if we are trying to communicate with them.

Reading this got me so excited thank you! I have a friend who said he was going to be able to get me a clone of Soma’s Lavender. I am very intrigued by what I can bring out of this genetic in her crosses. I am low key jealous you have the males to play with. I have a strong suspicion I will really want to work with Lavender pollen if I am impressed by the female.

Great advice to not give up after the first generation if the terps are mid. F2 can have so much potential to find gems.

Bizarre! I love Trop Cherry and pretty much anything Tropicanna never seen anything remotely meaty from that lineage. Meat terps are interesting… lol. Was is disgusting good? Or just disgusting?

You and me both fellow growmie. Thanks for sharing :pray:

1 Like

Thank you. I appreciate your participation!


Fascinating. Spicy terps can be wild sometimes.

Dang that is high terps bravo! What did Sweet Tooth #3 F7 taste like?

I am very intrigued by your line of thought and super interested to read more on this if you have more to share or other resources talking similar perspectives. I agree about screening THC percentage being pointless. It can be fun but it is unnecessary.

There is way more going on than humans have been able to map out that is for sure.

Yeah I hear you. Seems like this stuff you are describing is flooded right now.

Relatable lol. I have had this experience countless times reading others smoke reports of strains I am well versed in.

Looking for Black Bombay? I will keep my eyes out.

Solid advice thank you I will be on the look out.

Hey to each there own I suppose. Ever had a floral strain you did have taste for?

No lol unfortunately I just don’t know what the best grapefruit tasting strain is. Always feels like citrus is lemon or some kind of orange/tangerine/mandarin, I’ve had lime and grapefruit terps but they seem to be rarer or at least harder for me to source for some reason where I am.

Yeah funk does it for me too. Terps are definitely a quest. Haha spot on.

Not familiar with SPG. Google brought me to Sweet Pink Grapefruit? SPG has got the funk huh? Any other descriptors come to mind that can give me an idea of where on the funky spectrum it falls?

Thank you for this great idea! Sounds like a worthy phenohunt indeed! So much potential there.

So the original Cheese is still queen huh?

Funny you should mention this because I actually have some Brothers Grimm Papaya x Cindy99 seeds I have yet to pop. I will let you know what I think once I get around to them.

I was leaning towards this kind of reasoning as well.


I feel it. Better than giving up!

Fascinating strategy!

My first years spending time on farms in California in the early 2010s it felt like everyone still had Sour Diesel and I do recall it being such a lackluster yield with many growers producing mostly larf. Everyone grew it though because it was guaranteed to sell and it sold for more too even being larfy.

Okay thank you for this take on this. I had never thought about this possibility. Makes a lot of sense!

:sweat_smile: My bad for this oversight I actually do recall upon reading your reply the article I read awhile ago about Mr Nice and Sensi Seeds with the history of the G13 x Hash Plant. I have such a fried memory and I happen to have some Bodhi G1388HP crosses so that was fresh on my mind. Going to get some Sensi Seeds now haha thanks!

Alright maybe going to have to phenohunt the G13 Haze some day thank you for the advice. I definitely need to acquire MK Ultra. I have heard this same sentiment about MK Ultra being the best G13 cross before.

My memory of old school G13 is rather distant I must admit but for me and my palette I will always remember it as one of the most distinct resinous hashy flavors I had ever tried.

Glad you enjoyed.


Thanks for all the recommendations! Going to keep that in mind about Bodhi’s. Looking forward to picking up some gear from AK bean brains, I will definitely be checking out Top Dawg and Relic too.


Thank you for the suggestion friend!

[quote="mongbae, post:7, topic:152607]
Very nice post indeed!!!

I appreciate the warm reception! Thanks!

[quote="mongbae, post:7, topic:152607]
Among the one’s that i had a lab result, bubba and ag13 line had a highest terpene but i think around 0.8%-ish of terpene.
But then those selections were not made for terpene, it was selected for diverse grow pattern for applied research so i expect there to be way more of higher terpene stuffs out there.
Amnesia, cheese, rainbowbelts were the loudest ones i smoked tho

Rainbowbelts might be my new favorite candy terps after I tried it. That smoke slaps! Woah! Definitely looking to grow her and many of her crosses someday. I really want some good rainbowbelts pollen to play with too.

[quote="mongbae, post:7, topic:152607]
Dunno in terpene chemical compounds name but surely surely this high from blueberry is always euphoric comfortable feelings to me. I’ll never know what actual this terpene is as i never ran the test but it smells like pine/fresh/blueberry (not redberry type).

Also, haze with woody terp always gave me the most racey high. I guess that woody terp does a job as well!

Thank you for reminding me how much I miss a good woody terp. Going to need to seek out some old school woody strains now. Stoked! :fire:

[quote="mongbae, post:7, topic:152607]
No specific terpene am looking for but def want to collect and work with various terps. Especially, planning to explore on landraces (really like those landrace and i lost all my moms last year…really really really depressed but now just planning to start all over again with da landraces). I was really wondering what terpene profile (no chemical compound but how we smell it; e.g. citrus, woody etc) is nearly impossible to find in landrace but can find from hybrids. For example, i can imagine citrusy stuff can be found in both landrace and hybrids but the super berry terp maybe hard to find in landrace?

There are some folks here with alotta exp with landraces, will appreciate if anyone can shine what landrace had “unique” or “intense” terpene

Yes I want to learn as much as I can about landrace strains if anyone has some knowledge to drop on us! Eventually going to have to get my hands on some fun landrace strains to breed with.

[quote="mongbae, post:7, topic:152607]
Think finding smth that’s really like blueberry from pure blueberry is delusional.
Perhaps hybrids.

But it’s my fav because it has always comfy high and euphoric feelings that i only get from bb line

Not sure exactly what you mean here by delusional. You mean blueberry terps are watered down in the original? You just appreciate the high more? Sorry. Stoned.

[quote="mongbae, post:7, topic:152607]
Funny that one of my fav is cheese but it was redbull like berry taste than cheese haha
Possibly not the very original cut but enjoyed way more than actual cheese funk.
But time to time experienced and seen cheese/og or cheese/diesel bringing dank cheese terp.
But guess people with more cheesey exodus cut can tell more for sure

Still looking for a nice redbull strain. People tell me about these redbull terps. I have had some interesting soda terps maybe similar. Really interested in that vein of terps.

[quote="mongbae, post:7, topic:152607]
Unfortunately, don’t know any seed source selling bbk. Was a nice berry terp kush but what i tried lacked in flavor intensity. Dunno if it was even a legit one haha.
Purple berry kush from spliff seeds was pretty damn sick. It has nothing to do with bbk besides name but it had sick berry kush terp and great yield for real.

Anyway, super nice post! Really enjoyed it.

And thanks for da link
Def checking out

BBK tasted like a blackberry pie fresh out of the oven. Fresh blackberries straight off the bush. Intense berry flavor like I have never had ever before or since. I am on a mission now to find something similar or hopefully the original.

Thanks for stopping by to share!


You might enjoy this thread also :slight_smile:


I’m a strong believer in the entourage effect. Seems to make the most sense it would be more complex than one or a few cannabinoids.