Anyone Breeding for Terpenes?

My opinion, the whole terpenes & their effects alongside other cannabinoids, is, to date, still mostly if not purely anecdotal.

Many people (self included) might say that lemony or citrus oriented strains provide a “heady” or possibly “energetic” high. To my knowledge there’s no science to back this as of yet.

Generally speaking though, don’t ALL breeders breed for terpenes on a most basic level? Like, how else do they come up with all these fancy names if the terps are not strongly considered from the beginning? :man_shrugging:t2::rofl: lol

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You can just buy terpenes in a bottle and mix and match until you get what you want.

I won’t do this. But you can, if that’s your primary motivator.

The proof is in the smoking. If you like it, use it. If you don’t, give it away.


I’ve grown a shit ton of different landraces for medical effects. What works in one patient, won’t work in others. This is why it’s so important that people get personalised medicine.

A chemovar is the chemical profile a plant have. So in cannabis it’s all the different compounds that enter your blood stream when you smoke it.

Terps do have some effect, but it’s not the whole truth in the matter. As multiple people have talked about here the cannabinoid profile is far more important. Also we know that people react different to the same chemovar.

This is why, if you are after a special high or effect. Need to find that effect yourself and if you advertise that effect to others, they won’t get it.

Pz :v:t2:


Fake terps in the bottle arent interacting with the resigns.


They are if you spray them on your buds.

It’s not fake terps… It’s just that terps doesn’t do that much…

Parfume is full of terps, but my lemon aftershave doesn’t makes my anxiety go away, and if I wear it while smoking an indica, that lemon smell won’t turn my smoke into a sativa.

Pz :v:t2:


I’m being a bit of a smart ass but you’re making it too complicated.

Get a plant. Smoke it. If it suits you, breed with it. There’s a ton of information, some of it reliable if you go to the right source, and start your hunt from there.


Just buy the OG Kush terps and then buy some pure THC distillate and add them together at correct ratios and see if it gives you the OG Kush high. You’d have to get legit OG Kush also to compare. I bet it isnt even close.


Yes, like I said many people react differently but we dont all have individual reactions. The majority of people have similar if not the same reactions.
But i guess its just a giant coincidence that 25 or more strains that
I have years of experience testing this fit my theory and every single strain I come across does as well.
For me this is the answer to years and years of me not being able to smoke certain strains and not knowing why until now. there is all sorts of science that show these terps do these same effects. Its not like I just pulled a rabbit out of a hat here. I’m telling you guys this is how it works. Especially the the way THC is more of an amplifier, which is why when you smoke a strain high in THC that has myrcene and other relaxing you get couch lock and why when you smoke a high thc strain that has psychoactive terps some people get lots of energy and can even trip out. It obviously is not the THC that is effecting the type of high if both strains have the same level of THC and create different highs for the majority of people.
What I was asking the board is if anyone has any experience in trying to control the terps a plant has through breeding. but obviously nobody is this advanced in their thinking yet.
I have been saying all along that these things all work together in a harmonious way, the THC and cannabinoids and all of it, which is exactly why when you change one of the variable it changes the results.
simple logical science

And we are telling you it isn’t.

I will try to do better in the future.


Are you serious? We’ve all been sitting here having a legit conversation with a mad lad. They are so mad they are so lad.

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I think maui wowie is a good example. it is a sativa and one would think that would make it full of energy. But look at its profile


just like most of the indicas that have a happy but mellow high that isnt couch lock or lots of energy. Which is what maui wowi does to me.

what is interesting though is that its parent Hawaiian has the terpoline that you would expect from that sativa family.

If I am so mad then you wont be afraid to take my challenge

Go find a strain with this profile
Smoke only this strain for a week straight.
then go get a strain that has this profile
get back to me and tell me if it makes you feel the same, if not then how did it change your high.

then go do the test with two other strains and see if the results are the same.

I have already done the leg work …

at least do the test before you spout out that someone is crazy jeez.

your science is only as legit as you make it.

You’re forgetting I think about phenotypic variation. One plant is never the exact same as the one beside it.

I grew a Maui Wowie sibling and I got different phenos with different characteristics.

Your Maui Wowie is likely different from mine.

And who do you trust to provide these numbers?


what numbers?

How about take my challenge?

Thats platinum og distillate cart. king louie the 13th og distillate cart, tahoe og live resin cart and og kush flower… how will you ever know juist going off leafly?

All OGs but some are frankenterped and some are legit.

The profiles you say are literally the most popular on my service and compromise a good amount of strains. I really think you need to listen more to people in this thread who have a deeper understanding of this stuff. People feel that earth was created by a god or that climate change isn’t real too.

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Exactly my point. You’re throwing out terp names with no ratios.

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and why is it that different pheno have different terps? What changes it?

I am tall. My sister is short.