Anyone else hopping back on a BMX or skateboard after years off?

I tracked down the last bike I had in highschool and am restoring it. Lucked out that it was all original and the guy did not deal in bikes much. If I parted it out I would easily quadruple my money but I’m never selling. GT reissued their Power Series 3 piece cranks from the 90s and I snagged a pair during the 12 hours or less they were in stock recently.

Luckily my highschool days were in the late 90s because I don’t envy the prices on 80s parts these days! '99 GT Bump trail bike


Are you a member over at BMXMuseum or did you just grab the pics there? Good resource for old parts. Still pricy but better than ebay most of the time.

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The gt bump is sick!. The last bike I had was a haro shredder. Just got rid of it a few years back. I also had a specialized fat boy that was probably on of my favorite frames on dirt trails

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I got a schwinn tempo from 1984. It was my great unkles.


Thanks. I actually have a '00 Fueler frame (same frame as the Bump) that I’m going to make a bashable version of the Bump for the trails and spare the real Bump from dings. It’s my baby.

Haro Shredders were cool, a buddy had one I really liked. They’re going for a buck but you can find them for reasonable prices here and there. Those Fat Boys are badass too! I’ve seen one or two pop up over the last few months but they generally go for a good buck, and that’s usually just a frame.


Not mine. But mine was same color. I loved that bike. I have a buddy that had the same one different color. Think he still has it and a s&m dirtbike.


That’s sick as hell! Might be more of a tank than the Bump lol Love midschool beefy shit.

That’s the color I’m thinking about for a S&M BTM frame I just got too. That with a brown seat like vintage military looking.


Got a new (to me) S&M BTM frame recently and finally got around to installing the parts off my FIT onto it to feel it out. It’s slightly shorter in length so I wasn’t sure how it would feel so I wanted to pedal it before committing to sanding it down and painting. Got everything on it… except the damn cranks so I could pedal it around! :laughing:

Bottom bracket is so stuck in the FIT I can’t budge it even with excessive force :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

So $25 and week from now I’ll know if it was even worth spending the $25 on or waiting the week for…

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Hopefully its good news the wait is always the worst part

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Yeah I’m not the most patient guy either.

It took me a month to install cranks on another bike between fighting them on and off and waiting for parts (including a part I didn’t realize I needed and only found out after everything was on tight). Was not a fun month :laughing:

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I hate it when that happens.

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Anyone get out riding much this year?

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Shamefully no and I need to change that. I put together a bike I haven’t even gotten out on yet. You?

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The nine club podcast got me hooked and back into skating a couple years back.
I’ve since watched every episode and started collecting decks.

Unfortunately my back is too far gone to ever really ride again but I love skateboards as wall art here’s a couple I got recently


Cool topic, bought a long board for the first time bc I wanted something to ride along w my kids while they were on their bikes. I now need a second one bc my 6 year old won’t let me ride it!!


A few times. The new park ain’t bad. Need to get out more lately

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Haha that’s why I made sure to get both my girls boards yet somehow I still get my board jacked by a 6yo when she decides to ride her bike or wants me to do laps around the skatepark with her(it’s half of an old set of tennis courts that never get used) but one of her favorite things(as it seems her , her sister and my nieces and nephews) all love when I get out my longboard and let them ride on the front while I skate around.

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I get to the skatepark atleast once a week. Where I grew up/lived for 30 years was absent of a public skatepark. Just got one last year and it’s nice to meet all the people that rip. I’ve been at it 20 years and still love it.

This isnt me fyi


Been eyeing the electric skateboards for a while…and the electric dirtbikes (Segway). I could use the electric skateboard to deliver packages at work :package:

I was a skater from 1992-2007. Main trick was a varial heel flip…can’t hang anymore though…
it’s hard to find the time nowadays working a 8am-8pm job and having an Achilles surgery and breaking a toe. But I’ll just go electric lol

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Back in the mid 80s I had a yellow and blue Raleigh burner mag. I loved that bike. Wished Id kept it as the originals sell for stupid money these days :roll_eyes:
Picture is from Google and not the one I owned.
