Anyone have diabetes?

From what I am learning, what the medical profession calls okay is still to high and you could still be in a toxic/fatty liver condition, same with kidney function tests.

Kidney tests only go up to 50 GFR and your doc will say that’s okay but anything under 100 GFR and you have kidney disease starting.

Did you check out that link to the Doc vids, you will find the best way for yourself to lose weight healthily, we are not all the same.

He shows lots of different ways, but most of all he gives you the information in an easy to understand way.

Once you understand the process its easier to lose the weight, because your not making mistakes, like getting carb/protein/fat out of balance with each other. One thing I didn’t realize is too much protein will cause an insulin response as well as carbs, so having higher fat percentage in your meal, camouflages the protein or carbs, so the insulin response is lower.

I am still losing 3/4 to 1 pound a day, no plateauing like I seem to get from just reducing calories, because my calorie intake has not dropped, just the type of food has changed and when I eat it.


Also one other thing 2 tbs of Organic apple cider vinegar a day in water or added to food or dressings will reduce insulin response by up to 40% it doesn’t have to be taken all at once, you could do half a table spoon 4 times a day.


Nope, not today

Sounds familiar, although neuropathy and retinopathy are usually things one experiences in later stages of this progressive disease.

How’s your eyesight?

A simple fasting blood sugar will tell the tale. You should clock in between 90-110 give or take 5-points.

If you wake up, and your sugar is 200+ you may need to start treatment.

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You will always have a higher glucose level in the morning even if you are fasting. Your liver creates a carbohydrate release and insulin response from an hour before waking from sleep to a couple of hours after waking.

It’s better to get your glucose checked after 12 mid day when it will be back at its normal level, and not spiking from a load up, from your morning, liver, carb and insulin production.

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It’s more than expensive, it’s criminal how diabetics are milked for $$.


not yet, but definitely a candidate

I’ve been ketogenic for half a decade now.

That being said, I do not drink Juice or Tea. That would fuck me up for at least 2-3 days.

Good luck.


Two weeks after starting Keto and intermittent fasting, my borderline diabetes and insulin resistance dropped off the chart and I also came off all my blood pressure meds as well. You can reverse all types of diabetes with fasting, a keto diet and time.


My BIL has one and the first time I saw it I would’ve sworn it was an apple product. Looks exactly like an airtag.

He’s type 1 and is very meticulous. He will eat a piece of cake once in awhile though.


How do you reverse diabetes 1?

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Carbs & added sugar are everywhere & in damn near everything . Kiss of death for a diabetic . Like you I’ve been able to keep my fasting BG around 90 - 100 & A1C below 6 . Moderate exercise & watch what you stick in yer piehole .

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Only if you are relying on medical breakthroughs, otherwise there is opportunity to resolve type 1 as well as type 2 and 3.

Its pretty easy if you are not asking a doctor with a pharmaceutical drug to help you.

Once you understand how your body works and how it deals with refined, unrefined carbs, sugar substitutes, ( 0 Calorie sweeteners) and high amounts of protein, which will also create an insulin response.

Basically you stop putting carbs in your body, eat your daily food in a short time span, I only eat between 4pm and 8pm.This allows your liver to regenerate and gives your pancreas time to rest from producing insulin, which moves blood glucose into cells that can no longer hold it anymore, creating insulin resistance.

After a period of time your body normalizes and is no longer insulin resistant, and will become fat adapted and start to run more efficiently on ketones, rather than carbs, and no longer storing the excess carbs as fat.

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I love my little dexcom sensor. Glad the va pays for it. I was getting really sick of poking my fingers.


Pretty easy??? It’s not even possible. You need to read up and understand the difference between diabetes #1 and #2 before making such wild statements.


It’s weird I guess. Maybe because you “can’t have sugar” so you gorge on it.

I rarely eat sugar and don’t much care for it. The donuts were an anomaly.

I dunno, scarcity creates desire or something to that effect.


I’m good I do have a gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance so my diet is mostly Thai and Mexican food now…lol looking forward to my garden

There is an apparent reason, inflamation. Inflamation is the cause of all disease, type 3 diabetes are autoimmune disease’s, caused by too much carbohydrates and insulin resistance, causing blood glucose to remain in your blood too long. This allows it to get into the brain, through the brain blood barrier, where bacteria can feed on it and cause damage through inflamation.

This doc explains it better, you should go to his main page, if you are interested, there are lots of his vids on metabolic problems, really they are all connected in some way. All his information is from peer reviewed studie’s.

This is relatively new information that shows through peer reviewed studies what is happening in the body and how it can be corrected. Depending on how long you have had the problem, will affect how long it takes to rectify it, but bio hacking can speed things up.

The body is intelligent, it doesn’t do things for no apparent reason, it does things that we do not fully understand at the time, until someone works out why.

Re your food cravings and binging occaisionaly.
Our gut micobiome bacteria can create hormones that increase our desire for certain foods they like, sugar being one, once you have taken reasonable control of your gut bacteria through eating foods the benificial bacteria like, they overtake the ones that want sugar and carbs and our cravings dissappear over time, but so long as you are putting carbs in your body those bacteria will be present and start to multiply again.

It’s a constant battle I know, especially when we have the munchies from using weed.

This micobiome manipulation can be achieved through pre biotic and probiotic foods mostly vegetables, and fermented foods and drink.

It’s a complicated process because in the body everything is connected, when you add or take away anything it affects something else. So if you try and isolate and treat a symptom of disease, in this case diabetes, you have to look at and treat the whole of the body not just the affected part.

Well that depends on your desire to rectify the problem, what I find easy may not be easy for someone else I guess, but I don’t consider what I do to be anything that someone else can’t do. I also fast 6 days in every month as well as the intermittent every day.

When you get past 48 hours of no food, your body starts to produce macrophage’s, as well as huge quantities of growth hormone that is used for cellular repair, these cells scavenge your body for old or damaged cells to re use for fuel. So when fasting is done on a regular basis these cells will get replaced quite quickly with a brand new cell that is not causing you a problem from being damaged.

This is how the liver, gall bladder and pancreas reverses the damage done through carbohydrate excess or alcohol and allows recovery from all types of diabetes over time.

It’s not impossible, it just takes some time and work, but your body will appreciate it.


“Don’t forget to drink milk 12 times a day” agreed.

Anecdotally those donuts made me feel like shit. Low energy headache the next day and a distinct craving for more.

I’m not a diabetic but I am familiar with the power of sugar.

All the best.


Why do you think it’s tin foily lol.

He is a doctor, and all the info is peer reviewed, and it’s a more honest look at how internal medicine works than you are going to get from big pharma.

Diabetes is their biggest money maker next to cancer. They just want to maintain the illness by treating only the symptoms, that’s why your doc is not going to tell you there are other options.

My doc was the same, 1 year ago he said, you will need to start taking metformin soon if you don’t do something about your blood glucose levels and you will need a higher dose of the BP medication.

I said surely more exercise and stricter diet would be the better option.

He said, well if you want to try that first, go ahead. He said we can do more blood work in 6 months and see how you do, no point in doing sooner as it’s Christmas in 2 months, and you will be over doing the junk.

I said, no I can cut out the junk that’s not a problem. He said, why bother, just enjoy your self, it’s Christmas why deprive yourself.

He calls himself a doctor but really he is a drug dealer, deliberately trying to sabotage my health so he can push more drugs on me.

I am not saying just stop using the insulin jabs, that would be just stupid. As your body heals, your blood glucose level is going to get gradually lower, and your use of insulin will follow suit. That’s why you check your BG level to see how much insulin you need to take each time.

The fats you listed are not considered healthy fats any longer, I read margarine is one chemical short of being a plastic.

It was originally made as a food for chickens and turkeys to fatten them up quickly, but so many died from its use, they decided to stop using it for bird feed.

They re branded it as a human food and a better alternative to butter, but it was refused by the FDA several times before being forced through by Rumpsfeld as he was part owner of the product.

Butter from organic grass fed cows is very healthy for you.

My diet has completely changed, 70% of my calories are essential fatty acids now, EVOO, coconut oil or avacado oil. Protein comes from eggs and dairy, whipping cream and hard cheese, soft cheese has sugar in it so does milk, so they are out.

Cruciferous veggies is my main food being vegetarian, and so long as the fiber content reduces the net carbs to a low level they get used as well. Macadamia, Brazil and walnuts nuts are also eaten a lot as their carb load is low.

So long as the fat intake is quality fats not vegetable or seed oils which are very inflammatory, and full of pesticides and herbicides it’s not a problem. If you eat more fats with your carbs you can slow down and reduce the insulin spike.

Think of it this way, excess carbs are stored as fat. When we stop eating for a period of time our bodies are forced to use it up. We can live on stored or healthy added fats, better than carbs, and our liver will create the necessary carbohydrate from that, when we need it.

Now I expect the question of what about all the cholesterol eating that fat.

Well that’s another myth to sell statins. LDL and HDL Cholesterol is vital to proper vascular, heart and brain function, it has an important role in repairing damaged blood vessels from refined carbs and other inflamatories like alcohol, which act like sandpaper running down the inside of all your blood vessels and organs, causing severe inflammation over time.

Lack of cholesterol from statins, as statins cant differentiate between LDL and HDL cholesterol, is also being attributed with helping to cause dimentia as well.

Due to a poor western diet and a lack of vit K2 and D3 which we get from green veges and salad, and the sun, calcium is not removed from our blood quickly enough.

It binds to the chlesterol doing its job of repairing arteries from the sugar damage. Thus creating a blockage and reduced blood flow.

When you fast for more than 48 hours macrophages are produced that will scavenge cholesterol and other cells and recycle it, once it’s repair work is done.

I was dubious at first as well, the information is contradictory to the mainstream medical advice but after watching several doctors repeating the same info and watching all the metabolic classrooms, and his other metabolic talks to doctors all over the world, he has done, I decided to test this information on myself and have been on this low carb and intermittent fasting diet now nearly 10 months.

I have lost just over 100 lbs. I stopped over Christmas for 3 weeks as the wife was getting pissed off with me not wanting the traditional Christmas junk diet lol. My BP is better now than when I was in my 20’s.

I came off my BP medication after 3 weeks of starting the diet, and my blood sugars are extremely low all the time. My hair is starting to grow back in places where it was thinning out.

I have less pain in my body over all, and according to my neurologist, whom I saw 5 weeks ago, an impossible miracle is happening with my C spine, as its repairing itself quite rapidly now compared to the previous 5 years of no improvement, and getting worse , and the nerves are regenerating as I have a faster reflex response with less response where it should not be.

I am trying to treat myself holistically, as I said everything in the body is directly affected by everything else that is put in, or removed. Food is either a medicine or a poison, you just have to work out what’s right for you, to be as healthy as possible.

The information is out there, and I am just showing there are other options, whether people want to try them is up to the individual to make that decision. For me it works well, and I will keep doing it until more information is available or I find something else that is possibly better.

Life is a work in progress.