Anyone tried Ketogenic diet?

I lost 30lbs in a month on the keto diet. I could however feel my artery clog and knew it wasn’t a good diet for life longevity. It worked great for quick results though. I was on it for about 4 months. I put 20lbs of it back on within 3 weeks if going iff of it :laughing:


Yes that will happen at the beginning, so long as you don’t trigger an adjustment to your base metabolic rate, why most people fail on calorie restricted diets is the body keeps slowing the BMR until they have very little to eat and can’t take it any longer. Increasing exercise can help by keeping your BMR higher but when you can’t exercise as much you have to cut back on the food.

There is a way to eat more calories and lose weight. It’s all about optimizing mitochondrial bacteria in the body. We have a symbiotic relationship with mitochondria, it’s even in our DNA. Mitochondria create brown fat, and burn while fat cells for fun, no exercise needed, they utilize testosterone, growth hormone and cortisol to repair our damaged bodies by uncoupling from each other and using white fat cells for fuel after tgey are converted to keytones. So by eating certain foods and using intermittent and long fasting you can create an over abundance of mitochondria that keep the fat fires burning, so long as you are putting the right foods in yourself.

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Yes. It was the only way for me to lose weight at time. Did strict keto and later learned u need to intake ton of salt or u feel tired.
Also no more teeth plaque from carbs n sugars.
It’s a very expensive diet now especially if u boycot evil fake food like BeyondBillgates.
Lose the weight and go back to a balance LOW carb almost ZERO sugar diet.


I would think the tiredness is more your body learning to switch from carb burning to being fat adapted and running on key tones, as soon as I was fat adapted, my energy levels increased dramatically for me.

I consume a lot of Himalayan pink rock salt, which is high in trace minerals, but most people should take more sodium than the health system advises. Low sodium intake can cause insulin resistance and help towards creating diabetes.


Here is a good list of Keto foods from the Famous Dr. Westman “Page 4 Diet”.
Don’t cheat until you get to your goal, it’s too hard to get back on it after loosing some weight.


Even a year after i was intaking like 2 tbls of chicken bullion soup just to feel good.
The other positive is even after starting low carb again if i see n smell a cake ill get woozy.


Most diets are. Throws your whole body off from its long term pattern and bacteria it’s used to breaking down sugars and protein.
It takes the body at least a year to readjust these processes, and only then will your ‘diet’ begin it’s chemical design. Like going vegan. Quitting dairy. All those , umm, ideas may work for you.
Not me. Fuck that, I’ll eat cheeseburgers and fries and milkshakes til I’m horizontal, or can no longer threaten/beat my home health care worker.


It took me about 14 months to clear my system out well enough to be able to just burn up whatever I eat now. I am not so strict with the carbs now and again, especially if we are visiting friends, its hard enough for them with me being vegetarian lol.

Christmas I will probably gain a few pounds, its the damn cashew nuts, just a handful will bring you out of ketosis, I am addicted to them, if they are in the house, they don’t last long. The wife will by a big 1.5 kilo bag of them, no matter how much I protest, and they will last about 5 days :yum:

Its funny how sensitive to sugar in food you get, when you avoid it for a long time. I can look in a fridge or cupboard and I am immediately drawn to the food with the highest sugar content lol.

I told my daughter she should eat raspberries before eating anything with carbs, she said, I can’t do raspberries they are too sour.

I said, your not going to like my next suggestion either then, water and apple cider vinegar for breakfast. She said, that’s even worse, I said, add lemon juice to it, to sweeten it up lol.

Raspberries are sweet to me and lemon juice is not that bad either, when you avoid sweet things a lot.

Also by adding ACV and Lemon juice to water and drinking with a meal, you boost your stomach acid, and it helps out your gall bladder if its clogged up from fatty liver syndrome, and you digest your food properly, maximizing nutrient extraction.


Intermittent fasting can also work wonders(see if you can situate yourself to eat within a designated window IE from 2-6PM). The videos posted above should be a helpful point of reference.

If you’re doing keto, keep in mind you’ll want to minimize your carb intake (I try to shoot for below 25g of carbs/day) - Getting enough fiber and avoiding too many carbs can be tricky.

Intermittent fasting with exercising is likely a wiser approach because if you’re not actually in ketosis but eating ketogenic you may actually put a tremendous stress on your organs. Also, be careful with protein, if you eat too much it can actually be converted into carbs. Besides ideal fuel source in keto is fat dominant, ~80% fat ~ 20% protein.

Other general tips: Try cutting out processed food AND sugar(the second part is really tough), eat whole foods; when you go to the grocery store try to shop around the perimeter


I told my daughters boyfriend to help himself to food if he was hungry. About 30 minutes later he exclaims, I just been through the fridge and pantry, there is nothing to eat !

I said, that would depend on whether you can cook or not, its all food, but you actually have to make something with it lol.


you might have some metabolis issues, thats quick to be gaining/losing weight. ever had your thyroid checked?


Haha, thyroid is fine, I metabolize just fine. The majority if weight you lose in the forst month of keto is water weight. When you eat carbs and sugars after being on the diet for a while you pile the water weight back imon, including the fat you’re now not burning due to sugars being processed.


On a 6 day fast I will lose 12 to 14 lbs, 8lbs of that is food still going through my gut 1 or 2 lbs is water and actual body fat lost is around 4lbs.

As soon as I start to eat again, the weight increases. I think its 4000 calories roughly in a pound of body fat, thats hard to burn 8000 calories a day lol.


I use 3500 as my ROT but close enough.


3500…6 day fast? Like water and supplements but no calories?
I’d think thats unhealthy yes you lost poops and water weight but the rest is fat, muscle, and maybe braincells or other systems sacrificed. Doesn’t your gut need good bacteria and fiber etc also

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That’s how after starting keto a bulb flashed in my head :bulb::thinking::thought_balloon: Carb O…Hydrates lol never thought of the second part. Hence the salts and needing to drink a lot.


i started making a homemade pedialyte clone drink in the summer because i was getting dizzy doing stuff outside in the heat. the first time i drank a cup to try it i peed like crazy for the next couple hours and lost almost 5 lbs in weight

the whole water/electrolyte balance thing is pretty confusing to me and i have trouble understanding why the body will hold water sometimes then dump it off other times

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Generally, bread/gluten/sugars = water retention and weight gain. The main reason for the gain is because your body is burning sugars instead of fats. The Keto diet is high fat low sugar… and it works. But the amounts of fatty food you need to consume to replace even the natural sugars wasn’t gonna be good for my heart, lol. So i called it quits


I haven’t read all the comments but here’s a summary of my program:

  1. Micro-fasting from 3PM-6AM everyday *
  2. Big breakfast, medium lunch, small “dinner” and finish eating by 3PM. There’s an old saying: “Breakfast like a king; lunch like a prince; dinner like a pauper.” **
  3. Liquid only after 3PM *

*Excluding cheat days
** Try to limit carbs and processed foods

Even excluding working out, positive things happen with fasting, but most noticibly my appetite shrinks. Making #2 way easier. This lead to getting way leaner. I combine this program with working out daily (*) and seen the best results I’ve ever had.


I thank each and everyone for the good discussion, info and comments. I might have to postpone the ketodiet until january, but all this gives me great info to prepare myself.

:pray: :green_heart:

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