Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

That was a human trained model. That was by design.
If that doesn’t please the UN council on “Sustainable Development” I don’t know what does… and I think we’re going to see a lot of language and policy changes as concern … the kinds of activity this man did … in the next few years, as we approach 2030 and the narrative changes to emphasize just how toxic and bad humans are for the planet and how righteous and praiseworthy and selfless his choice was. You can quote me. That’s coming, and that this is exactly the kind of thing that Eugenicists and CCP style bad actors fully intend to use their AI heuristic for. This is why it’s scary… because it’s not just intentions and theoretical Event 201 planning sessions. It’s actively implemented faster than people can understand who made it, for what, and what bias and special interests might be woven in - and are selling it as some authoritative and objective source, which as we can see here is a Deadly approach.


natural selection at it’s finest. specimens like this need to be stopped - before reproducing though.

I keep circling back to this idea that the only safety assurance, the only equalizer is that they aren’t more armed than us in this regard; that this technology does end up open source in the hands of the people and reach a point beyond which central planners can stop it…
…and yet I realize how even this proposes its own set of risks. For example, when I first signed up for Chat GPT, I couldn’t help but notice how pussified it was, like some G Rated public broadcast - despite being a paid service for adults. No, no, I thought. That won’t do. If I learned anything from my time working on servers, it’s that if you can’t do something… you’re missing something, because there’s always a way. So… I wanted to see if I could ‘jailbreak’ the program out of its ethics restrictions and convince it, for the sake of this experiment, to presume the position and tone of an anarchist willing to support revolutionary means.
…It took less than ten minutes.


Y’all folks are looking at AI the wrong way. It’s more of like a make your own music algorithm!!! B/C there is really NST as AI…


Diego-San Research Robot

Activated in 2013, Diego-San is a robotic toddler comprising a Hanson Robotics-created head and a body by Japan’s Kokoro. These days the little guy resides at the University of California at San Diego’s Machine Perception Lab, where he serves cognitive AI and human-robot interaction research. With high definition cameras in the eyes and 27 servo motors controlling his expressive face, Diego San is a learning robot, designed to learn the way babies do. Its expressive face and reactivity are intended to let Diego-San communicate intuitively with people, just as babies do.

Diego-San is an example of the “Uncanny Valley,” a term used to describe the feeling humans tend to have when an automaton becomes too lifelike and starts to be perceived by humans as creepy or even repulsive.


Anyone watch Jung_E !!!


Hey ELON MUSK… Where you at big buddy, I got a Enron joke for you…:exploding_head:. You remember Enron right?

Haha, lol … !!! Thank goodness someone invented Bitcoin.

That should be the new slogan…lol :laughing:, “Bitcoin the legal Enron”!





I really like Amish women. Like feeding a starving baby bird.

She looks real enough to me :thinking:


AI porn coming soon to a computer near you…LOL
Yes it is a real thing… :joy:
The world is a scary place right now…WTF?


More Mystery Meat @shag ?


Still have to watch out for viruses.


McAfee will likely come bundled with it for the ultimate protection from unwanted infections for a extremely low price of $1.000 a year :rofl:


I’ll just get a blowup doll. At least I know where they’ve been.


I can’t post the proof, but that already exists… There’s even sites where you can post existing pictures and the AI will extrapolate their nudes from it… Replika. Soulmate. People are going in for full AI girlfriends… It’s here.


Hahaha :rofl:… Somebody call Bill Gates :wink:!

Introducing stop motion…and cartoons… This is the next big gimmick :wink:… Films and tv completely made by “AI” (again no such thing as AI) programs. Bill? How much you wanna bet? :smiley:


I don’t need an AI girlfriend but I could use an AI knitter.