Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!


These things are gonna be the new doctors…Not joking either. :grimacing:


If WebMD is any indication I don’t think this will be any sort of breakthrough in medical science.

Besides, I already have a family doctor for cold indifference. Why would I outsource that for a computer?


I hear ya, but we may not have a choice…like a nurse/doctor shortage situation.


The good and the bad of it in one picture :rofl:

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A paper that tries to estimate how much specific professions will be exposed to AI (specifically LLMs and Image Generation):

Some interesting charts, and a table with a Language
Modeling AIOE score for various professions.

I don’t know how accurate it can be this early on, and I think their methodology misses some things, but it’s an interesting start.

For example, it puts software engineering a little too low IMO. Been using GPT and co-pilot for a while now and they easily save me half a days work every week at least (approximately 10%).

They also both regularly alarm me with how smart they can be, and how certain but wrong they can be.

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I wonder how long it will be until we are not able to distinguish between reality and AI-generated news?
In other words how long until we can not trust what our eyes see?
Make no mistake that day is coming soon.


We already can’t trust the news, and human beings are perfectly capable of editing photos and videos in an attempt to deceive. Any picture in the news has likely been chosen from a wide selection to accentuate the point the story’s trying to make. A few years ago I read an article in the local paper about how people were ignoring the COVID restrictions and crowding the beaches, complete with a picture of a crowded beach; a week later I read an article in another paper about that first article, with a picture of that same beach from a higher angle. There were four groups of people widely spread out, and the photographer had just moved around to get the perfect angle to make it look like there was no space between groups because they wanted an article about people ignoring the restrictions. Anyway, I don’t really see this as a big change; the way we’re being lied to is changing, that’s all.


Sure it’s not already here @shag ? We might want to define intelligence too. A lot that passes for intelligence, simply isn’t.


Good point!
It is good to see others realize this too. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Some folks will call you all kinds of nasty names if you tell them they have been deceived even if you show them proof of this.
That brings us to our next point…

How very true @crownpoodle
Let me tell you a lot of people are being deceived and they will never realize this ever.
The news is nothing but propaganda, they are allowed legally to lie to you all day and every day.
You must understand this or you are going to be deceived and confused.

And yes, I agree, it is already here, but things are going to get really deceptive very quickly.


The news exists to scare you into consuming the news. It does not exist to educate you.

I was reading about AI determining the difference between pictures of wolves and pictures of dogs. It figured out that if there was snow on the ground it was more likely to be a wolf.

Extrapolate this onto humans and it’s some scary shit.


It depends on how/wether you watch/see

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Article was so long I couldn’t even get an AI to summarize it without crashing


It wasn’t an article, it was more about a person crashing. Ai can’t handle all that

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Or can it? If you feed it suicide, will it?

If you want information from the news you are gonna have to get that from foreign sources
DW from Germany, aljazeera etc.

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I agree!
Very true, you get better news that way.
You still have to be careful, the stories I could tell…
Folks used to rip on me good for news from china and russia.
They told me I had my head up my ass for trusting those as a source.

1440 is solid for news IMO if you want headlines and summaries:

I get their daily email and that’s usually all the news I read in a given day.

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