Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

On the topic at hand:

TBH AI gives me a lot of anxiety lately. Mostly the potential for automation of “white collar” jobs (my own included) and the increasing inability to distinguish AI generated content from human.

I watched this interview the other day and it was a nice change of pace from the usual doom and gloom.

Ray Kurzweil’s optimistic view of the future here was a much-needed respite from all the other grim reading I’ve been subjecting myself to.

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not really. it’s propaganda whether anyone believes it or not. even if nobody watched it at all it would still be propaganda. even the things that are not propaganda are slanted and biased toward one side or another of this division created among us. you don’t think they are just making stuff up, do you? they have spent decades and billions of dollars developing this through the effective use of psychology. that’s why it doesn’t work on everyone.


Again, business, not education.

My hard left leaning brother in law was complaining and musing about a right leaning bigoted piece in a respected newspaper and couldn’t understand why they would print such a thing.

Because there’s a market for it.

Besides, slant doesn’t matter because by the time people have watched news reading age they’ve already been indoctrinated into their own tribe and only want to hear what they want to hear anyway.

Anyone halfway intelligent can read through the lines and make their own decisions.


Wow the conversation with the bot is crazy. I don’t think we know the full capabilities, I’d imagine they have something more powerful that we do not know about. Chat GPT or other AI’s might be just a fraction of what really exists.


I think we lose/spend around 25% of all our value/money/man hours to just “running the books”. admin, accounting, scribes, etc. If you zoom out enough there’s a perspective where we’re stuck in a giant computer, but it’s inneficient because it’s run on paper by humans interacting with that paper. A giant office building with humans consuming and regurgitating information is net-negative for everyone.


Very true indeed.
I am pretty sure it has been 60 years gone by maybe longer.
Some catch on quick…some not so much!
Now we will return you to your regularly scheduled programing. :astonished:

I think we can bet on this, tech for the public is usually very old and outdated.

We need more of this fo-sure!

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The first and only news source that explained the Deepwater horizon debacle was aljazeera.
Strictly from an engineering viewpoint it was understandable and informing


I think it’s unlikely that human values align with the giant computer, and while we might be doing things inefficiently it does create jobs for people to do.

However, I don’t think it’s just paper pushing jobs at risk. Knowledge workers are also in danger of being automated away. We’ve put our knowledge into forms machines can read and now we’ve taught them to extrapolate from there.

It might be efficient from a machine’s point of view, but there is likely to be a real human cost.

human values already don’t align with the giant computer, the giant computer already exists. it’s run by over consolidated government/corporations.

there is plenty for humans to do for work - cook, clean, build, demolish, etc. the days or sitting at a desk and making money thinking are over for the vast majority of people - we need to rebuild our society around that understanding.

the alrernative solution is digging deeper into regressive ideas like unions and “protecting” these jobs, at the expense of everyone else.


Most if not all stores and fast food will soon be automated with 1 attendant to fix the errors and restock.
Huge airport size auto plants are currently run by robots with only a handful of matenence people.
Auto plants will be 90 run by robots soon, they could do it now but the unions would stop them but his will happen one day.

Humans will not be needed, why would AI need to keep us around.


It’s hard to say what will happen if we truly hit one of the versions of the singularity. If we have merged our brains with machines we might actually be the beneficiaries.

Personally I will never do that lol… I will take action to make sure my brain is completely destroyed so that my consciousnesses cannot be manipulated in that way.

It’s honestly the stuff in between now and then that makes me more nervous.

There is a possible happy path. Advances in medicine are likely to accelerate at a pace yet unseen. Maybe if we make machines smart enough we solve so many resource problems that war is a thing of the past.

I’m pessimistic by nature, but I do hold out hope that maybe the future won’t all be bad.


Fair point! :slightly_smiling_face:

Me too smoke more weed, just kidding, but that is a valid thought.

My prediction is it will not be perceived as bad for those with wealth.
It will be a controlled sheltered life but they will think it is good.

Folks like you and I will feel like caged rats.
Remember cage a wild animal and it has issues.
Raise an animal in a cage from birth and that is all that it knows.


I do think something like that is the most likely scenario (though maybe not quite that dark LOL…), but I also think we really cannot predict what it will be like to be faced with an intelligence so much greater than our own. Either way, I’m conflicted on whether or not it will be cool to be alive when it happens.

Make no mistake about it…
If the auto unions were not in the way, all of the auto plants around the USA would be 90 % run by robots right now.
Some already are.
That would be a huge amount of people without a job.

Have you seen altered carbon?

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I do think black mirror is more in tune with the little things in future life.
This one is a must see.

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I did see it, I really liked season 1.
I saw season 2 but it seemed like the writing really took a hit.

I think as soon as we get to a place where we can store consciousness like that, I’m out lol.

All the horrors that various religious traditions have told us about hell will be possible for anyone unfortunate enough to have a functioning central nervous system at the time.


Hmmm…yes that concept is very interesting!
If you can live forever, but they capture you and virtually torture you endlessly forever…that sure fits the bill. :upside_down_face:

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Maybe they handed it off to AI.


have you seen what happens when they go down? i’ve been inside many modern plants with almost 50% robots now and when one fails, they either go back to doing things by hand or go home.

this is the answer. i recall hearing many times how “robots are gonna put us out of work” and every time it is the same thing, a bunch of bullshit workers that were scraping by doing things that didn’t need to be done lose their jobs. the ones that make things happen still work, and always will work. i used to build houses, then i saw modular homes come into being, like a bug jigsaw puzzle. a good crew can still out build one of those crews, and they are always gonna need people to unload the truck and put them together.

it’s how it’s being used that has me questioning it. not worried because it’s a joke and always will be, or rephrased, it isn’t any worse than anything the ruling class is not doing right now or has done in the past without ai. the planet is imminently resilient, humans not so much.

it would be cool to think that we could build something that could outlast us. think like thousands of robots just toiling away with no humans for a million years, just repairing themselves and building what they need.