Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

This supposes that we “know” the full extent of development, which we don’t.
What Google/US Government have developed has never seen the public light of day.
None of those capabilities are publicly “known”.


you can say that about anything. it really doesn’t matter though, what is knowing anything going to allow you to do besides die an early death when you try to tell anyone about it? make you anxious? better to just leave it alone and do what you can in your own community. nice distraction to talk about though, until the wrong tla hears it. i’ve had some friends in sensitive places start saying things and end up like that. probably coincidences, but who knows?

Live in ignorance or pick up your pitchforks and torches. Some things need to be burned to the ground.


The tomorrow people

A cyclist who was paralyzed in an accident in china has recently regained the ability to walk with ai help. They put a sort of bridge over the damaged part of his spine, and used ai algorithms to read his brainwaves and send signals to his legs.

The bad ass part: there has been significant regrowth of nerve fibers as an unforseen side effect :thinking:

Just heard it on BBC news, have not looked into it any further. I think it was a Swiss hospital doing the project


No comments on the black mirror stuff? :disappointed_relieved:
I feel these ideas are right on target.
This is our future if we continue down this path.

I’m still not giving up my fleshlight for some Ai booty pillow. Seriously if my fleshlight starts to talking to me. “Back to the Hand”


This is big shit. Speaking from a man who has been a partial paraplegic for 29 years. Huge for the spinal injury community.

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Once these are in the army and police humanity is done for. Everyone is marching ahead to make money and no one has seen the terminator, the matrix, ex machina, blade runner, any movie. Can these things think and if not how long until they reason they can do without humans?

It’s refreshing after all the worrying we do about skynet and stuff that people are already out there currently using it for some really good shit :ok_hand:

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Yes, let us not forget the incredible good that can come from this. :wink:
It really is all about how things are handled.
If they are only used for good, things will be good.
But somehow we all know someone will use this sorta tech for greed and power and I bet we all agree that will not be good for anyone but the greedy and powerful.


, it could serve as a mirror into our own inner space, which seems as boundless as outer space. By observing the complexity of intelligence it can change our approach.

It can make obvious dark areas which we might otherwise have overlooked, or blindly accepted…

“Hey that robot is acting fucked up! Oh wait, I programmed it to be like me…”


Does not make bad tech. Makes bad users. In this shrunken transparently kaleidoscopic world, it’s hard to see that straight line.

Edit: exposes bad users


I don’t necessarily agree with this. It is already helping everyday people with very much. Like writing entry level job cover letters that more intelligently speak of an individuals qualities for entry level jobs and beyond.

“Go do the dishes you lazy prick” :joy:


Well said @breadwinner
Much like atomic energy, fantastic energy source, very safe too.
But it can be a powerful weapon.
If it were not for this fact, I am pretty sure we would all have nuke reactors in our houses.
But alas us humans can not be trusted with powerful things we always seem to turn it on one another for personal gain.

This new world is all about the “me” and I want it all and I want it now.
They will run you down to get it all, if you get in their way.

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I do them anytime I’m standing there. I’m one of those people that cleans as I cook. Never anything in my sink but stainless steel. :sunglasses:

I think your fleshlight is inside out bud :sweat_smile:


Nothing ever changes without unity, civil unrest, revolution, and maybe even high treason.

But I’m sure we’re all too busy for that…


The bionic tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with lithium battery acid and the blood of broken lcd screens