Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

A little revolution is healthy every once in awhile.


someone saw this as a child…

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If you douse your sativa microchip in menstrual blood and ewc tea, you get a supercomputer come cropvember.

I was smoking in the smokers lounge and…

One sweep the leg johnny or an uppercut…that thing is no longer a threat.

It’d probly school me in fencing tho


I thought about going skeet shooting with clay disks but a weaponized drone would also be an acceptable target.


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Like that dude from you Texas with the 3d printed guns? I think he put a glock on a drone and got “busted” by the faa

That’s a microcosm we should take a closer look at if we want to talk about what passes for “intelligence”

Some asshole was flying a drone directly outside my window and I was going to smash it with a broom but it was just too far away.

The US government makes and sells the most guns on the planet, often illegally, and prosecutes a man for a homemade weapon. 🫡🤔


haha just a couple weeks ago someone knocked on my door and said their drone landed in my backyard so i checked it out and looked and i came back and said it wasn’t back there and to check the neighbors… then he tried asking me name i said have a good day and showed him a detailed view of my door.


You should have put a glockenspiel on a drone and fought back like highway to the danger drone

It is the way lol

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Why would autocorrect select a word that much larger? Ai is dumb if it thinks that’s what I meant lol. Run to the hills haha

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“My mechanized AI army isn’t working!”
“Have you tried turning it off and on again?”


Quantum computers will make them even more powerful.
AI can’t replace all our needs but it will be a powerful propoganda tool just like google search.
It will hopefully replace recruiters and real estate agents and maybe some lawyers.

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I would have thrown a floro bulb at it. It would be like throwing a rotary telephone at a gen z.

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Worth every long distance penny, after 9 pm of course

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This is kind of related to AI and this one blows my mind.
So apparently some profiles on social media sites are just fake, completely fake but they are operated by AI. Some people get bully type comments on their posts and what’s crazy is a person can get worked up about comments and depressed and this whole time it’s just a damn bot account making comments.
What really sad is the people who have lost their shit after getting worked up over comments that are again, a damn bot.
Ain’t that a bitch, a person offing themselves because of comments made by a damn bot.
Some are not ready for this discussion because they believe AI would never be used in a nefarious manner but it has.
Soon AI will be used to monitor all peoples money accounts and there will be no need for irs agents. AI will be eliminating some jobs in the near future.


I agree with the dangers of AI but I shed a tear for all those poor IRS agents :smiling_face_with_tear:

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More than we may think, and yes that is real messed up.


They will know immediately when you cheat on your taxes and try to hide money. Financially it will be an immediate federal withdrawal equivalent to having a hand chopped off. Oh yeah. Good times. No money to take. E car shuts down and locked out of your home. Far fetched? I bet the federal debt goes in the black. “Here I am worried about my fleshlight starting to talk”