Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

When the late Great Stephen Hawking told us to beware and be careful with the use of AI thats when I started getting scared!


NeuraLink is from funding to patents a DARPA project; something they no longer publicly brag about apparently… and everyone here is correct. The public has no idea the intended extent. Edward Snowden stood as an example to any whistleblowers who would tell us…
It’s fine to theorize. In theory, we can be gaslit and dismissed. They are fine with us theorizing about it.
But it is illegal to prove…
It’s fine to let people scoff and say “Tsh, ahh! They couldn’t ACTUALLY watch everyone’s internet activity at once anyway” - but it’s illegal to prove that they can, or to name the specific names of program or supercomputers (PRISM/TIA) they use to do it.


Kinda related but just blown away how Mandela effect is stating now that Ed McMahon never did publishers clearing house and I know for a fact he was on PCH because I clearly remember as a child my grandma would receive PCH in the mail and Es would be on the envelope. Plus I clearly remember the commercials of Ed handing out the giant checks! If you try discounting me I’m assuming you are fake and must be a bot account or a shill.

It was American Family Publishers.

i know for a fact he worked for publishers clearing house but found a lot of websites that said he didn’t and a lot that said he did. like this.

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A.I. is more than Scary. We are treading in territory I don’t even think the wisest can see all ends.
A.I. still had to be programmed. From what I have seen it has inherited a left wing bias from it’s programmers. We’ll see if it’s actually smart enough to reject that B.S thinking like a true human being would…lol. Terminator is on it’s way.

you haven’t looked hard enough. pretty sure it’s the right wing folks that can’t tell black people apart like ai has trouble with. not sure where you get the left wing on this one. the left usually leans more toward eliminating ai like facial recognition programs which can’t tell black folks apart. that is veering dangerously close to political talk though. i need to stop now. my bad.

This particular one sounds far more like left-wing bias than right-wing. That said, yes, they do have biases and inconsistencies that both sides like to complain about. That’s because they’re learning from us, and we’re pretty much all biased ourselves. It’s tough to make AI that’s objectively truthful about philosophy when there is no objective truth.


Good day gentlemen. It’s early in the morning and these false dichotomies are annoying me.

AI will serve the wealthy.


Because everyone in tech who programs A.I. is on the LEFT not the RIGHT my friend. The tech sector is not known for it’s right wing conservative beliefs. Sorry Brother, not trying stir up anything political, that’s just a fact.
People like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are not right wing by any stretch of the imagination. And not sure where the conversation about Black people came up either, never said anything about that. I will likewise shut up now…lol

it’s not one bit political yet, we are merely discussing which side has influenced the ai with bias. the black identification came up when i was looking for examples of ai that was biased, and most of the hits came back with ai facial recognition that said all black folks looked the same and some have spent time in jail when the misidentification was obvious to any person who looked, sometimes after the innocent victim spent days in jail. fyi, the zuck fuck is motivated by money purely, as are most of the left wing politicians when they reach the highest levels. as that is dangerously close to political i will also shut up now.

the black AI bias stuff isn’t quite so nefarious - just harder to photograph, especially with earlier low quality cameras. thats my laymans understanding at least

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the three articles i read said the people could tell immediately they had the wrong people but the computers couldn’t. they didn’t have the picture.

I’m going to have rubber masks made from the likenesses of my enemies and then I will go around town committing crimes while wearing them.


i made a hat that had uv and ir leds on them that was powered by a battery underneath to defeat facial recognition, then we made it normal to wear a mask everywhere.

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“Haha enjoy your jaywalking ticket, sucker!”


I mentioned a human brain interface with AI as a goal.
Could missing and underprivileged children be used to interface with AI to create a silicon brain?
Maybe it is even happening right now.


Skynet’s at it again! This time with Nutflecks!


A few years ago some genius thought that they could replace the teachers with computers…how is that working out…lol

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the fact that George Jetson works for spacelys sprockets, whose main competitor is Cogswell cogs, is a decent example of what we think we’re doing. Flying cars and food pellets, and people think cogs and sprockets made it all happen?

Look inward friends haha :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

the vision of the future is in your minds eye let’s start looking in here, not out there

I cant even even tell if that’s too crazy a thing anymore

Real time edit: I just listened to Jon Mellencamp say “jack and diane” were an interracial couple on npr, maybe some one hasn’t plugged all of mankind’s existence into the amusing toy yet?