Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

Tamagotchi taught me everything I need to know about parenting.


:rofl: :rofl: :sunglasses: :metal:


I just can’t figure out where to put the batteries.


Pretty sick you didn’t even power it up. What kind of sick fuck does that lol


I find they’re easier to manage when you don’t have to feed them.


They’ll just be hungrier later.

I do have two older analogue tagamygoochies that came with kinetic oscillating power supplies.

Plugged in right outta tha box


I learned from the Tamagothi!

And how to trap rodents and make them fight in Punkemon!

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In middle school we used to take people’s tamagatchis and feed them snacks untill they died. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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This is how we may win!

By using AI against itself!



AI inbreeding. Just wait until AI code helpers are used to write the next generation of AI software.

Like a bunch of blind and deaf Dalmatians.



(No shade on Alabama, it just the only way I could get it to work. I’ve been there and really liked it.)


I’m less and less worried about artificial.intelligence and more and more worried about natural stupidity


According to Darwin it was supposed to thin the herd out it’s only making the bastard breed at an excellerated rate :laughing: Your references @Trowertripper remind me of the exact invert of natural selection Imagine Darwin giving out a huge Victorian University hall Speech and the opening sentence is ,The Survival of the Stupidest implies the multiplication of the Stupidest, Darwin’s theory of idiocy.Hehe sorry I’m a jackass But I mean Well

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Let’s please refrain from political commentary here as that is far from the point, but I discovered this recently and I think it demonstrates the current capability of 3 things:

  • Speech generation (the words they are using)
  • Video generation (the way their mouths and bodies move)
  • Voice generation (the way their voices sound like the humans they are based on)

I do believe this is done by people who aren’t even experts at this and it probably demonstrates what is available to the average person.

I think we are basically at the point where there will be deepfakes of everything. People will need to be skeptical of everything they see and decide what sources of information can be trusted.

This runs 24/7 and just constantly generates new “content”.

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It’s somewhat comforting to see just how bad this is. Takes about a minute or two of close watching before you start to notice issues in continuity; hands disapppearing, facial expressions just seem to be cycled through a list, words mispronounced, etc. Certainly good enough to fool someone who’s just scrolling through YouTube looking for the latest outraged political circus to jump aboard, though… :frowning:

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I sort of hope that was part of the creator’s idea. The language used is obviously outrageous, and I hope we get more stuff like this going to sort of inoculate people mentally.

I do think short clips that are further massaged and doctored could produce something much more convincing. Along the lines of what you said, those who are already easy to believe anything outrageous will continue to be convinced… but now of even more ridiculous and potentially dangerous things.

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There’s going to be deepfake revenge porn and blackmailing. But that’s the least of our problems. How can artificial intelligence exist in idiocracy?


Suppose AI becomes is able to effectively replicate such things.

What if I had a piece of software I could run it through to validate its authenticity. Is there such a thing?

“Well it’s obviously a fake check out this line of code” or whatever?