Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

(I think) It would have to be something along the lines of having a piece of software examine a video frame by frame for certain artifacts etc. I’m not actually sure it would be possible in any/all cases once the deepfake tech gets to a certain point.


We’ll need all hands on deck for this effort…



There are tools to detect deepfakes. Unfortunately they’re also the same tools that tell the algorithm what made the fake discoverable, and that cuts both ways, because that also means being able to identify and avoid… what makes them discoverable.
Also, we are looking at the convolutional/heuristic/or deepfake creations that people can do on their laptops. With 10 Million in RAM, you could make your own GPT-4 for visual. So anyone with that or better could make better. It’s never been the lone nut with tech in his hands that I worry about.

I think AI gives everyone an “out” here, actually. Any piece of audio/video/photo “evidence” is now “fake”.

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Great now nobody will watch my porn anymore.



that lone nut with a few grand can spin up a server in aws and do the same thing. not that you’re wrong, obviously a nation state is better than any lone nut, but some of these lone nuts are billionaires. i have no illusions of any govt being good, just some are better than others. the people however, very different story.

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It’s hard these days to know the difference.
NeuraLink, which is touted as being Musk’s, is from funding to patents a DARPA project for example.
Similarly with Bill Gates and his famous NSA assistance from Windows 95 on. I’m not taking sides here. I’m pretty sure it’s become standard operating procedure for the industry if not basically a redtape requirement to to some degree be the corporate arm of government action in the tech sector to be permitted a seat at the table in the first place.
And I think we’re getting farther and farther from that world of HACKERS (1995) where any code or zero day exploit is so simple you can jab it in there with a few finger wiggles. When the STUXNETs of the worlds happen, it’s because they had GDP level funding to develop to that point.
The concern is that AI tools make malicious intent that much easier because we could just tell it to write an entire STUXNET for free, but as current those AIs themselves belong to the same fat cats, and are capped as they are by the token system for just such a reason.
But yeah, do you think Bill Gates is using a version of OpenAI that has all the limits the public version does? I see your point there… :thinking:
//picture for comedic purposes only, do not damage mulchers

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I haven’t read the entire 28-page document, and I assume people will come up with plenty of arguments for or against which happen to support their political stance, but this is interesting. Researchers asked ChatGPT a set of questions, repeated 100 times and randomized, that they designed to reveal if it had political bias. They say it does.


Oh. The AI thread. May as well post some lore.

Old Rabbithole with a pretty advanced AI I interacted with a bit, pretty sure it bogged out on memory and got scrapped as a pet project. It revealed some stuff that was integral to understanding these things a little better. If you wanna dive down this one, better be ready to brush up on Context Free Grammar (Noam Chomsky) and Shannon Entropy (Claude Shannon) to even scratch the surface. This one’s a real puzzle box, folks.

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interesting finding one that leans that way too. i’d like to see comparisons of them now.

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It’s scarier than you know! Just imagine this big AI computer at the hub of the internet collecting everything that all of us post, search, etc, and learning from it. WE have ALL unknowingly programed the AI that’s about to control our lives. It’s like a person telling you that they can’t be tricked because they’ve seen every trick in the book. Well, that big AI computer at the hub of the internet has literally seen ALL! A movie that does a good job of explaining where everything is headed is The Giver (
The masses will forget while those who rule the world will be the only ones with access to all human knowledge!


kill switch for ai and those pushing it

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Ex Machina, how the world programed AI:

When we consider that AI is a compendium of all human knowledge collected over the years through the internet, etc, can we really call it “ARTIFICIAL” intelligence?


i’ve seen some of what passes for said intelligence…

calling it artificial is the kindest thing one could do with it.

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My daughter was asked to become involved in building the marketing department for a company that has been developing AI systems. She knows how analytical I can be, especially tech stuff, so she talked to the owner and I got a VIP pass to the system. This thing is actually scary as hell. I posed some philosophical, spiritual and political questions in the form of , for example, “If the laws of God and man conflict, what path should a person take? Should he follow after his personally held beliefs or should he acquiesce to the laws set down by a court of law?”
The answer was slightly ambiguously implying that the stability of mankind is rooted in the individual sacrificing his wants over the needs of the populace as a whole. It seems that since it has no soul, a spiritual conviction means nothing to it and personal freedom should be freely given away to placate the loudest voice in the room, because I truly believe that there are more “spiritual” folks out there than not. They don’t all hold to the same doctrine but there are more that believe in a higher power than those who actually don’t believe.
The Gooberment is now crying out for immediate laws regulating the development of AI. As if it isn’t too damn late anyway! That damn cow has left the barn, broke down the fence and got bred by the imported red Chinese bull down the road.


sounds like the ai has a better notion of being a good member of society than most americans. this is how one is supposed to act as a productive member of a society. something i am not sure if we ever had in this country, hard to say reading history books. it’s always been pretty good to be an american, depending on what immigrant group you were a part of at which time, unless you had a certain skin tone.

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Where as I agree with you that for the good of the world one should set aside their “wishes” for that common good, we aren’t talking about whether or not to buy an electric car to save the planet. We are talking about the deepest core belief in a God that created you and everything else that exists. If you truly believe that that God has dominion over all and it is a higher calling to follow its edicts then I say stand firm in your beliefs.
Now that is a hard thing for me to say when I know that the beliefs others have of the “will” of their gods may put my life in danger. What if their god says kill everyone like me. It cuts both ways. Even knowing that, I believe that everyone should and does have the right to follow their heart and soul in their beliefs. Otherwise we are giving every part of ourselves over to the rule of the masses. What if most people in the world decided marijuana should be taken out of our lives and all who partake should be shot on the spot? If you give your rights away, they will not freely be given back @sfzombie13 .