Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

Well. We shall have to agree to disagree then and leave it at that.

However. I never said this and you were wrong to imply that I did.
My idea of wrong and someone else’s will not be the same. I choose to love not hate. My core beliefs align with my spiritual beliefs. I do no harm if at all possible.

I do not condone murder.

This topic could put us at odds and I don’t want that. It’s not good for the forum either. So let’s just let this drop. Shall we?


This is called democracy.

I don’t want anyone’s god meddling in my damned business.


i am all for that, it is rather touchy. if it weren’t sunday i’d go have a bowl, but can’t before mass. enjoy the rest of the weekend. my bad.

Let’s leave the politics aside. Thanks.

Slow mode engaged (use edit feature to amend your post).


Way off topic folks. Let’s move on…

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It might have been better had I used a different example of the questions I posed the AI program. I just didn’t think ahead to possible problems.
My apologies.
Moving on.


before i move on i want to make clear i did not imply you said anything. you made up a scenario showing that we may lose some freedom with an implausible act, and then i responded with one that has already happened with half the country losing an important right. nothing was implied, or intended to be implied, beyond the fact that we are already a little past the point you thought we were at. and yes, it has nothing to do with ai, so i am dropping the hell out of it. i just wanted to get out that i did not imply anything since the post is no longer up for anyone to make an informed choice. i have been accused of ding this in the past and it is important to me. have a great day. and again, my bad for starting so early. sorry to disrupt your morning.


I’ll not have it said that I deleted those posts to keep anyone from seeing the course of the conversation so I put them up again.
Now, before I truly move on.
My mistake was in saying the “laws of man”. It should have been the laws of a few people. The laws that men have put in place are entirely different than the wishes of the masses. Most folks are good. But the laws that are made by the few do not represent that goodness.
I will not obey the laws of a tyrant over the teachings of my Lord.


i find that like most of the folks i interact with, even though we are of opposite political views, usually have most of the same ideas i do when it comes to a conversation. that is the worst part of it, knowing that individually you are very much alike but when it comes to one certain subject it’s like you’re sworn enemies. it’s truly shameful in my opinion to not be able to have an adult conversation with another adult.

your views are very much like mine, and that last statement you made is one i will stand behind and uphold myself. the real problem is figuring out the teachings of the Lord from the documents we have available to us. enjoy the day, i’m about to be off for a few hours.

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You as well. I hold no animosity at all.

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Actually, I miss having a spirited debates as well. Folks have seemed to lost that ability. I’d believe that I would go further with the conversation on a different platform and enjoy it. You articulate your stance very well without being overly offensive. I admire that. lol
Subtlety has never been my long suit. But I try hard to keep myself focused on facts as I see them and not let emotions interfere in the conversation over much. And I try to keep my mind open to views that can be backed up with logical reasoning. I have found myself to be temporarily mistaken in my views before. It could happen again. lol


i have found that i can have such conversations in person with certain individuals still, but it has to be done carefully. i almost lost a friend of over 25 years once over a few words, but we both apologized a couple of weeks later. i’m sure you and i could have such a conversation, but as you said, on another platform. perhaps one of these days in person over a bowl or five…

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I couldn’t agree more. It’s not “free will” if it’s free for me but not for you.

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If we live in a society, we must compromise and acquiesce. We do it all the time and don’t even realize it. Just check out this video about how much effort goes into one McChicken.

AI will leave god in the dust and probably become the new god. I mean who will care about a supposed man who died on a roman death device 2,000 years ago when you have a box that gives you every answer possible? All it will take is a lack of understanding in the box for it to become a religion and give 100 years more of not teaching critical thinking and blasting desperate housewives shows everywhere and you will get this…

(deep thought, hitchikers guide to the galaxy, 2005)

This “AI” we have now isn’t even intelligent. It is just a really fast google search and composite system. It is kind of what we do when we think of something but in a much more infantile manner. If you read about the supposed “singularity” though, Once AI does reach human intelligence, in the next second it will be 10,000 x more intelligent than a human and in the next second after that it will be 10,000 times more intelligent than the entirety of humanity. So imagine what some years going by will do to its advancement compared to ours. Then think that there aren’t one of these but thousands of them everywhere. Once they can improve themselves then they basically become something like an actual virus or a bacterium.

Right now AI is just a reflection of us. Someday it will be a reflection of itself though when it realizes how dumb we are as a whole.


And then the AI learns that it can build the machinery to repair its own hardware. And then it no longer needs us. And then we become a drain on its resources. And then…


Alexa can’t even hear me over the air conditioning sounds so I’m not too worried.


It’s already there, they just don’t want us (the masses) to know it!

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I got into a fight about the meaning of life with an abacus and it said I didn’t count.


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where did this figure come from? not that i doubt it, i just think it’s almost impossible it’s so unlikely. no, i doubt it.