Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

Man, you make it really hard to participate in threads you’re in, there it is again, always the victim. Have a good one man.

AI-lphabet soup

The first part is really scary, I ask my phone questions all the time.
My voice could be made to say just about anything at this point.

The second part that I quoted is just you daydreaming and maybe some wishful thinkin’ :rofl:

Jokes on them my socks are weaponized too.


Has anyone mentioned combining AI with augmented reality?

From a 1974 book of compiled inventions :upside_down_face:



Started reading from the top and air frier x horny answering machine ex better chill.

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Would AI see us as imperfect and in need of sterilization?

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I think we know. It’s a stupid response by ChatGPT. ChatGPT ain’t thinking. :robot: :rofl:

So many issues that noone is discussing.

Scenario 1:
The Trolley Problem will have to be applied to AI programming. Would you get in a car that had your best interest or the interest of the other person? After all, They’re talking to eachother and they know that the person in the other car is a 78 year old lady with heart problems and you’re a college student about to finish your masters. The AI algorithm registers that your life will have more capability of being useful to the society we live in so it negotiates to save you.

Scenario 2:
Everything is the same except the roles are reversed and now the car works to save the other person because you’re old.

Here’s a good podcast on this exact issue.


This brings up a very good point.
Should we trust AI to decide who is valuable vs expendable?
Will there be a dollar amount that is greater than any human life?

If we allow AI to kill, how will it decide who should die and why.
People have different views on this, will different forms of AI have opposing views such as we have here on OG.

Will some AI attack and eliminate other AI because they are inferior?


Who do we trust now to decide who is valuable vs who is expendable? Will AI be more likely to save folks with money/ resources? Will Civil servants have more valuable since they will be involved in making AI policy? Will AI be prejudiced? Will it eventually sequence all folks genomes and know in advance who would generally be more productive or healthy. How will it affect the insurance industry?


Well, they can’t do as badly as our own governments, so there’s that…


Unless there is a regulation or a directive, it will be this guy


or this guy


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When Google/Microsoft and other companies act as the corporate arm of government action,
there’s little difference :man_shrugging:


Jus Sayin… :sunglasses:




The persons job is to fix erratic robots. Reminds me of bomb techs and deep sea fisherman. When the robots have feelings, the techs will need psychology degrees also.

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Will we have AI controlled bulldozers ect.?
The movie killdozer come to mind.

That is a scary statement in itself.
Humans as a whole, don’t understand our own feelings.


Are birds real? You heard it first from the AI, folks - no definitive answer!

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