Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

Interesting that it is combining different contexts of real like philosophical reality and actual reality.

Is a bird real? Is anyone real? Arent we all just frequencies in a wavwform? Well if you look past that… there are things that have feathers.

I can see the logic there.

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I had a philosophy prof who got like that… but in this case, I think Bing is just confused by this search result. :wink: Smart enough that we’re worried about it breaking AES-256 encryption, but dumb enough to believe a joke conspiracy theory website…

I believe this was one of the driving forces that led Dulles to not only implement robots into the sky, but actually replace birds in the process. They did not need to kill all of the birds, and could have launched a quarter of the robot birds that they did, but the pigeons in D.C. at the time were absolutely ruthless…

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Birds are not real: full stop.

I saw one once and it had a propeller.


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New demo for SDXL Turbo AI Image generator which is so fast that it creates the image as you type it.

Here they are solid white (some brands) they say it makes it last longer because the light can’t reach it.
But it’s a bitch figuring out how much is left if you are in a hurry!

What is the airspeed velocity of an un-laiden swallow!?

montypython mat



African or European!

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3 good ones @Lady.Zandra63 , thanks I got a good laugh, soo true too.
I hope all is well with you my Lady. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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yeahthatsign :heart:
I am out a likes but what @Shag said


what? Well…I don’t know that!!
holy grailI dont know that


Do some people still think birds are real? :upside_down_face: :thinking:

Bird are not real

Come on man…

Everyone knows birds aren’t real.


I don’t think there’s an “if”. It’s not like folks are going to all of a sudden rein up and say “Hey…waitaminut!..this doesn’t seem right!”, when for the most part, they’re completely unaware that anything is even happening to begin with.

The inflection point has already happened. It’s basically impossible to tell if a given piece of information is “authentic”…and it’s only going to get worse. MUCH worse.


Ray Kurzweil described this concept in one of his books, The Coming Singularity, which he described as the point at which technological intelligence became indistinguishable from human intelligence.
He said that one of the “issues” is that technology advances on a logarythmic scale, but our brains envision it to be a linear scale. So the equivalent of all of the advances made in the past 100yrs will be made in the next 7yrs going forward.
Ray worked at MIT for years, and is also the inventor of the Kurzweil synthesizer first used by Stevie Wonder.

He works for Alphabet now…the parent company of Google, the most powerful corporate entity that’s ever been created.

It’s up to you to decide if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.


Anyone seen this?

oh and Synergy is one of my favorite strains but that’s a diff one

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Eyes wide shut…LOL

You make a very good point here…

That is what I was thinking of when I spoke of that micro chip law.
The chips may stop getting smaller but the advances continue.

I will say I feel this could be very bad, very bad indeed. :grimacing:

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Someone here recently posted something about folks are now using AI in cannabis breeding.

Will AI be used in the future for Synthetic Biology?

Most folks don’t know science has created artificial life.

Will AI be used to create more artificial life?
Will it be used to make more GMO products?

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It will take material sciences and biological sciences to levels previously unimaginable in the time frames.

Also what are you talking about we have created artificial life? First you have to define life cuz multiple disciplines still can’t do that. Is a virus alive?

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