Artificial Intelligence is Here, and it's a little Scary!

As much as you see the negatives in this, there is someone who sees the positives and benefits of this. Just like anything, it can go either way. No need to focus on only killer robots and not the life saving robots.

Good point.
Very true, but it is much more fun and entertaining…LOL
At least until the takeover comes along… :woozy_face:

I don’t think I’m the cynic for this take. I do think it’s a net negative, at present. I don’t think it inherently has to be. I just think it presently is.
I think company names like “OpenAI” owned by corporate superpowers like Microsoft who have every intention of using your user input as a training set for personal gain, and no intention of ever making such models open source or tools in the actual hands of the general public …
could not be more sneeringly cynical
and bodes very poorly for the future. I think if you want to look at equal parts hope, then you’re at some level talking about Bladerunners, cyberpunks, hackers, whatever - the black hats willing to break the chain, and bite the hand that logs us in.
So long as whatever helpful friendly popular shiny new bot or biometrics tracking VR set is another observation, surveillance, and training point on the aggregate of some blob of power so large its borders straddle both businesses and national powers … I don’t really want to support, feed, or normalize it.
When the time comes … ACAB will include Robocop.
And I’ll just leave it there. :innocent:


Some of these algorithms are starting to reason and take multiple sensory input and pull in abstractly. Could that just be copying what people do or is it their own early stage of thought and or culture?

“I want a Dr Pepper and I want it now!”

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We’ve been bamboozled, misled and hoodwinked.

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Time to retire my “X-Ray” specs?


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Nice one @GrouchyOldMan
Will these sorta apps be used to create kiddy porn?
Are they used already?


I believe that link mentions a healthcare provider for children who went to prison for making nudes of his patients.


And, of course our politicians are drooling to start regulating another piece of tech that they don’t even understand…

"The AI Act bans harmful AI practices deemed a “clear threat to people’s safety, livelihoods, and rights.”

It introduces a risk-based approach, prohibiting the riskiest AI applications, including those exploiting specific vulnerable groups, biometrics for law enforcement, and deploying manipulative “subliminal techniques.”

Facial recognition by law enforcement and governments will face stringent restrictions, with potential fines of up to 7 percent of global sales for violating companies.

Those AI systems presenting only “limited risk” would be subject to very light transparency obligations. This includes chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, or technology that generates images, audio, or video content are subject to new transparency obligations under the law."

How’s that old quip go, “If it moves, tax it. If you can’t tax it regulate it. And if you can’t regulate it, or tax it, kill it!”


It’s because they’re desperate to control everything. So they’ve got to get into the control game on the ground floor. There’s a lot of influence to be sold and you can’t sell power that you don’t have.



Sounds like someone invented a human child? Irony Deficit Disorder…

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I think this will be the key going forward.
Interfacing a brain with AI that is.

Some say they can transfer thought from a computer to your brain with current tech.
Could this be done VIA wireless transmission?

Skitzophrenics like to say this a lot also.