Aspirin and Plants

Do report back, especially if you do any side by side, will be a long while before I can do proper testing.


Eeeeeee, I am probably not the person for any proper testingā€¦lol.
I will however note any difference, as I have grown these 2 particular plants for over 2 decades so I know them.pretty well. :+1: I am fairly confident that it will do no harm atleast.

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Thatll do just fine, not expecting any isolated gram for gram science here.
I will eventually do a run with say 4 identical clones, give them diffrent dosages throughout the grow, although that will be at least a year ahead, gotta get my genetics and grow right first.

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I donā€™t do foilar, so going to be watering with it.

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Likely youā€™ll need a higher dosage then, got any good papers to check?
Cant remember any watering or res dosages since I am trying to keep my DWC as controlled and straightforward as possible.

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Ya, Iā€™m reading one nowšŸ‘
I wonder what effect caffeine has on them.

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Ascorbic acid is a good one too, growth areas use it, gets transported rapidly in plant tissues.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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I really canā€™t find much info on watering with it. All I can find is foilar feeding, so maybe I am in new territory, though I find that hard to believe.

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Pretty sure Ive seen some information, people doing root dunks etc, but for sure if you start at 100mg/l and work up from there you wont go wrong. (edit) I could be wrong of course, Meesh thread has a mention of 20-30mg per liter (milligram per liter = parts per million)
Ive been using 100mg/l for foliar since it seems a safe middle ground vs the papers stating theyd used up to 1000mg/l with good results.


I know @Meesh uses aspirin on her girls, but I think mostly foliar application.


Iā€™m going with 2000mg in 5 gallons for watering. We will see what happens. Also has 130mg of caffeine.


i use it once in a whileā€¦also use willow bark to make a tea


Heard of coffer grounds being good for gardens, altho caffeine alone, first few hits were somewhat negative, you found positive effects?


Yes i did. Not all plants though. Ill be a guinea pig on plantsā€¦lol


have never used or heard of duing caffine @MysteryMoog whats the thought process there? really curious

Read the part about tomato plants. Donā€™t stop at the beginning. I am going to do two plants and none of the rest, and see what happens.


hey good call, thanks for the explanation, I can see logic here, just wondering if it will kill all the goodguy microbes

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wow that was a read took a bit

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I try alot of these ideas in the same way, especially like to use clones

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It was a long read. :rofl: