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@PatHealy if you have the time, and you havnt already, I’d recommend watching the Build A Soil youtube, there are a lot of episodes around making and amending soil, and Jeremy is always quick to point out alternatives that can be used instead of buying from them.


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I’ve watched quite a few, but there are soooo many from him. I’ll go back through and see if there are any specifically aimed at that. It’s definitely cool he does them, but I think I’ve consumed as much cannabis YouTube and podcasts as I can handle. I really just like the flower and the high that comes from it. I’ll get this bed filled up and get the soil cruising. Maybe the first run in there will hit a snag or two. Honestly, I’m thinking about opening a little garden supply store down here after watching Jeremy’s videos and seeing there’s nothing around here.


I thought exactly the same thing, but I’m in UK, and marketing to ‘tomato’ growers will be a problem :smile:

I’ll see if I can find the specific videos tomorrow, I usually watch one on my lunch breaks at work… so I’ll have a dig through them.



What’s up with the 100-packs of THH going out from Tom Hill himself? Are people going to be hunting through those, finding the winners, and sharing cuts together or what? See people mentioning Deep Chunk crossed to his Haze too. I’d be interested in checking that out and maybe hunting a 100-pack, but I’m not sure with just two flower lights up. Anyone know what the best NL5xHaze seed representation is these days and about how many packs you need to hunt to find that old electric type smoke? Any info and help is much appreciated!


Actually got the two lights up in the flower room today, but I’ll just veg these in there since I have nothing to flower and it’s easier to keep the the environment ideal compared to a closet, so veg and flower room for this go. Thirty-two seedlings to start. I’ll toss anything that looks funky at thirty days, take cuts around day sixty, veg the clones for ten or so days, and then flower them out. In thirty or so days I’ll figure out if I want to fill the bed or just do a bunch of twenty gallon pots. Makes a little more work, but I do like being able to move them around.


Man with a plan! :fist:t3:

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Starting to think there might be a change in plans. Leaning towards getting these into five gallons and into flower sometime next month. Hate flowering out seed plants, but I’d like to have another harvest by the end of the year. I like having plants finishing up during or right before the holidays. Now I have a few months to go back and forth on spending money on clones, spending money i seeds I’d like to run, or keeping my money and running seeds I already have. Haha Looking around threads on here has me wanting some certain stuff. Also, have some old random beans that were giving in ziplocs or whatever, but who knows what they are and if they’ll germ. Nothing crazy old or anything, so don’t get excited thinking I have some classic 80s or 90s stuff. Haha. These are from 08-13 or so.


Just got an electric lawnmower and feel like I’m a Jetson or something. Super quiet. Crazy stuff.


I just reproduced some Puck BC3 f2s but the mother’s got burnt mid flower. I’ll be popping 6 to grow out this next round, and if they’re “gucci money”, I’ll gladly send you some, if you’d like.


Wow! That would be awesome and much appreciated!! I’ve got beans to trade or I’ll send you cuts if I find a really nice plant.


House is 72 degrees, but the bedroom with one light on and the plants was 90 degrees and 28% rh. Going to be fun figuring this room out.

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$2500 for a water treatment system for the house. Definitely going to be running the seeds I have next go instead of buying clones. Oscillating on whether to run these in soil and get everything I need or just grab some coco and only need to buy coco. Who knows…

Edit: Probably going to be coco unfortunately. Just way cheaper for me and cost matters at this moment. I’ll grab some bricks next week or so and get these plants switched over. Then just flip them in two or three weeks from today.


You’ve got this my friend, coco is the simplest imho I’ve ran more coco than all other methods combined over the last 20 years. Plus in time you may be able to find most of those clones you want much much cheaper :wink: looking forward too seeing you get rocking @PatHealy


Yeah, coco is crazy easy and tough to mess up. It’s super cheap too when I have at least 100 lbs of Jacks and 100 lbs of cal-nit in the garage already. Haha. Coco sure is expensive these days though, huh? Ran out of my bags of Biobizz coco six or so months ago. Used to pay $10 per 50L bag not too long ago.


It sure is! I’ve been hooked on koko moko for years, used to get 10 bags for 150 bucks……
now it’s DOUBLED! literally DOUBLED smh, I need a cheaper source, I also need to try jacks. Tired of all this other shit, Jacks works and it’s cheap! Screw it


Btw I’m not being a dick I’m out of likes like always :man_facepalming:t2:


Haha No worries at all. I ran out the other day and felt like a prick.

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What a coupla joiks!



Ya when having conversations etc. you really do huh? :rofl: I need a stockpile of Jacks like yours, that’s when things get comfortable as at least you know you are set for 4/6/8/10 grows depending on what you got, plus it literally is one of the cheapest option’s especially in bulk and guys constantly kill it with Jacks some mycos and some silica…. Just makes sense