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Haha welcome to the crew @mota the “likeless crew”


HA! The likeless crew! I like it!


Haha. I like this thread. Welcome home @PatHealy . How the eff did I run out of likes twice today?


Need to grab two tents too. Then I can hook up a portable ac in the room and also keep mothers. Was going to go 5x10 and 5x5, but 4x8 and 5x5 is quite a bit cheaper. Once I get those and get them up I can control the environment pretty spot on. This run might be a little hot and dry, but it is this time of year in FL. Some of the mother/cut collections people have on here blows my mind. Craziness. Used to be wild if someone had three of these cuts themselves now people have ten or more. Haha. Makes me crazy jealous.

Edit: Everyone uses these AC Infinity tents these days, no? Seem quality. But, if anyone has anything cheaper that’s a nice tent as well I’d appreciate the heads-up.


Yeah so my homie runs nothing but a infinity products. I was like “why?” He said any time anything goes wrong with any of his shit they replace it for free no questions asked. Lights and everything.


This is fairly accurate in my experience. Had a 6” oscillating fan start making noises out of the norm. They crossed shipped a new one with no hassle.
I run their fans and controllers. Pretty satisfied.
I went with a cheap Chinese tent from amazon. 4x8 was like $129. I’ve heard people complaining about zippers on several name brand tents. I have no complaints at all about mine. If you don’t mind spending the extra I’ve not heard any complaints about A/C tents. Supposedly they’re top notch. @PatHealy


Thanks! I ordered the AC Infinity 4x8. I’ve never used tents, but I’ve seen plenty and the poles have worried me on many I’ve seen. These seem to be sturdy poles. I’m stoked about the tent. Next up is a mother/clone/veg tent setup. Have to look into veg lights I guess. Only have one 100W veg panel and a flowering 3000k deal. Then just 1000W DE HPS and I don’t think those will ever be used again. Haha. May as well eventually grab a 4x4 or 3x3 for the 3000k led I have and flower stuff in there too.


This dude was outside in the neighborhood I was living in, so I brought him with me.


There you go gents, I had a fresh stack of likes and spread them around the room, lol. Not to mention, this is a great thread. @PatHealy if you’re looking for inexpensive gear, I’ve grabbed a couple of things from this spot, including a 5x5 tent and I have zero complaints. Good luck with everything!

I’m super newbie, but the 5x5 is as good, if not better than the 4x4 I got from zazzy and I think I got the 5x5 on sale and cheaper :+1:t2:


Who was selling Sour Diesel seeds in 1998?

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Rez was I’m pretty sure….
@PatHealy the ac infinity tents look great tbh, I love my gorillas and secret jardin but would definitely grab an ac 4x8 all their products look great to me. I need to get another as well asap so I’ve been scouring the inter webs constantly trying to find an epic deal


Ohhh, woah. I didn’t know Rez was already working it and selling beans back then. We only had what we called Diesel and the dude who brought it down called NYC Diesel in 98. He brought the Sour D down in late 99. I was going through seedbanks back then for my first seed purchase too and didn’t see Sour D seeds, but I was also not online and looking at the big euro breeders of the time. I was just curious. Thanks for the info!

Edit: Let me be clear, I was a little grom back then and in those grows and mainly just sold it.

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I may be way off, I’ll ask my mentor he knows all of that shit, an absolute wealth of canna knowledge 35+ years cultivating. I remember seeing it in the late 90’s-2000’s but stayed away as it sounded nasty! UNTIL my buddy sent me a few buds over when I was in New York! I was sold, shit as incredible. He was buying pounds for 25-2800$ bucks, driving 25/35 minutes and selling them for 4 ALL DAY LONG, even had guys paying 4500-4700$ depending whether he liked you are not.


Hahaha Definitely. $2500-$2800 was a steal back then. We liked growing the stuff called Diesel better, but by the time I left for CA nobody wanted anything but Sour D and maybe Blueberry.

Edit: We got $4800-$5200 all day for it back then.


Yes I remember those days! Still can’t stand blueberry as I smoked a literal shit ton! It went around for sooo long . There really wasn’t a lot of sour around here tbh EVER. Then the Kush EVERYTHING sensation :drooling_face:

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Exactly. A few songs and then that Ludacris Blueberry Yum Yum had everyone knowing about and wanting Blueberry. Then I’m not sure if it was just the move or if it timed up perfectly, but OG Kush was rare around my area of FL. We all loved Bubba, but didn’t want to grow it. When I got to CA OG Kush was the thing. But, I was never online or really that into info, so just how I remember it.


Mmmmm Bubba :drooling_face: I’m still hooked on Bubba and many OG’s ironically that’s the craze that never ended I suppose and for good reason. Bubba, T.K etc. literally cannot be beat imho , and HAOG for pain relief.


Absolutely!! Bubba, TK, Irene, HPK, SFV, HAOG, and Tahoe I’d love to run and see what does best in my room. Obviously we all love selection and don’t keep just one mother, but I’d be happy with smoking just one of those and having nothing else for sure.


We definitely have similar taste as you just laid out my dream OG/Kush list there ! Awesome much respect :facepunch:t2:


Coco and fabric pots will be here Friday. I’ll get them in there over the weekend and get them booming by end of next week.

Edit: Out of likes for two hours.