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8” exhaust fan in there. Just pump it out into the same room. I’ll hook a portable ac up in there when I turn the other light on. That keeps humidity and temps in check.

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Ok cool. I also run an 8” in my 4x8. Watch your negative pressure or add a cross brace to center poles. You’ll be just fine if you have a decent sized vent open . I forgot to reopen my vents once and cranked my exhaust up and walked out. 30 seconds later I heard my tent implode! :joy: ahhh good times! :rofl: the best thing I’ve done for my environment so far I think is finally venting exhaust to the outdoors. I understand not everyone is in a situation that allows this. And some venting in the same room is preferable to their situation.


Venting outside helps big time, but it’s a hassle and I don’t want the duct in my window or putting a vent in my roof to run it out. Running more lights or something it’s a must, but just two isn’t going to cause any heat issues. I’ll eventually hook a mini split up for that room. Then just pop the dehumidifier in the room and everything is set. If I was super worried about rh I could just not have so much coco in my tent, but I’m thinking I’ll be fine in this setup. I was wondering how these tents would handle the fan on full blast. Thought they were tough enough to handle it fine, but guess not. Haha

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Yeah. You’ve got a plan. You’ll be fine. I have to manage everything in the environment. My area has large and constant temp and rh swings. It’ll be 73% inside one day and 28% the next. It’s easier to maintain if I vent outside and use humidifiers and the dehum as needed. I’m finally after a few years of fighting starting to really dig my setup. And I do run close to 900w in the flower tent.
Looking great man! I’ll enjoy following along to see where things go from here!

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Nah the tent will be fine. I just had all vents closed and cranked her up. Center pole buckled at the joint. I know AC makes a high neg pressure kit. Basically just poles that run horizontally to form squares . I just added a piece of pvc between center poles. You can see it here.


Anyone know the science on lights off temps? I keep them off during the day and I’ve always wondered about those times of year where the lights off temps are similar to or slightly above lights on temps and what type of impact that has on the plants. Just curious. Never noticed anything negative besides drinking more water, but always wonder if there’s something.

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I’m not sure about slightly above at lights out. I’ve heard that the same or just below keeps them shorter and slows stretch in flower. I’m actually trying now as a box I built for my autos is in a different room and doesn’t get the cooling the main room does. The whole grow was 80-83 lights on 79-75 lights off. They did seem to have a reduced stretch about to harvest no negatives noticed. I did still have to train to meet height limitations.


I used to run that cycle in the tropics and didn’t face issues. Worked to my advantage as I didn’t run an AC and running lights on at night helped keep temps at 90f. Daytime temps (lights off) were the same if not a tad bit more, but worked well nevertheless. Kept an eye on vpd mainly.
Regarding an 4x8 tent, would a 6" fan suffice?
I have one and I run 4" fans in my 4x4 tents without an issue. The 6" fan on med and high speed feels too powerful for a 4x4, so I wondered.

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6” will work in a 4x8. Just has to crank up higher and make a little more noise.


Yeah for sure running lights at night and mainly tracking vpd has been a great help to me as well. I agree with @PatHealy statement on the 6” . My 8” generally runs between off and 4 out of 10. in extreme situations it’ll hit 6. 10 with zero vents open you’re gonna have a bad day! :joy: I definitely French fried there when I should have pizza’d.


Mounted up all fancy. Ooooohh. Haha


Always forget how hot the water is out of the faucet during the day. 89* for cold water. Haha

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Shoot that’s warm! Keys water comes out about that temp, since the pipes are so shallow and it’s always blazing sun running 125miles to get there. But here in miami, year round seems to come out (city water) 79-81. Are you is a less populated area, where the water sits in the pipes a bit longer heating up?

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Yeah, not many people around here except this neighborhood. I live in the forest by the springs pretty much. I love The Keys. Wish I had the money for a house down there and to be able to evacuate whenever needed. Haha

Yeah the water will really warm up just sitting in the pipes. My wife’s cousin just moved up to Newberry about a year ago after living in miami her whole life, they seem to like it. I can’t see leaving the ocean though!
Edit. Luckily I have buddies who have houses down there. Shit it’s crazy expensive!!! The cheapest junker house is min 800k that’s a 2/1

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Getting healthy. Going to pick the best eight and keep things simple.


I grew up directly on the beach and spent so much time on the water I prefer the forest these days. I’m still only an hour drive from Vilano though. Haha Kind of gives away where I’m at.

A change of scenery is nice, and the population difference as well!!! Good luck with your grow, if you ever get down to they keys shoot me a message!

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The population difference is the best part! Pinellas has become a nightmare. I’ll definitely shoot you a message next time I head down there.

Trimmed these suckers up and topped most. Only need eight lookers. If there are more, I’ll run them.