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@Blueridge which coop are you taking about? Sounds handy although based on your name, where you’re at is at last an hour from me, but would be a pretty drive.

Looking good buddy!!

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I live in faquier county and there’s several different ones. One is near Fredericksburg warrenton has one as well as Marshall right off 66 and it’s very pretty out here if you ever get the chance try to visit n the fall some of the most beautiful scenery especially on skyline drive with the scenic viewing areas.


@PatHealy where you at man?


Lights on and off. Ph pen and scale both went out on me. Shipping takes a lot longer to the sticks. Ha. Hard to use powdered nutes without a scale. Have coco, Apera pen, scale, and stuff to setup the portable ac coming next week. I’ll get twelve or eighteen of them into three gallon fabric pots next week and flip them a week or so after. Went with the Apera, because my last three BlueLabs have seemed poorer quality. Also, the replaceable probe thing is handy. So, next week when I get the pen and scale, I’ll transplant, get them healthy, and then flip.


Nice growth in a week’s time. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:
You’ve mentioned earlier you keep mother’s and take cuts. How long would you ideally keep your mother’s and in what size pots?


Personally, I like seven gallon pots and keep them for years. But, if space and/or resources are an issue or you only need a few cuts at a time keep a bonsai mom. Also, you can just take a cut off of the plant before flower, veg that out, take cut from that before flower, and over and over. Life usually happens at some point over the years and you’ll lose it, but you can keep them for a long time. Keep them trimmed up with low light and nutes, get them ready when you want to take cuts.


I was thinking about keeping mom’s in 1gal fabric or airpots hoping that they allow for air pruning and require fewer transplants as compared to normal pots. 7gal sounds cool for a couple of years. I suppose the roots are left undisturbed that way. Nice!

I’ve heard that potency reduces over time following this method. Is that true?


No clue. I came up and learned around people who really preferred seed mother plants or a cut directly from the seed plant. So, I thought that was the only way for a long time and then I came across the people doing the repeated cuts thing. Many of them swear there’s no difference and that they’ve done it for many generations. I’m no scientist, so I have no clue. Research on this plant and the drug part we’re after is still in its infancy, so I’m sure we’ll learn more about genetic drift and whatnot in the years to come. Personally, I still prefer a seed plant as a mother, but that’s purely personal and anecdotal.


Thank you bro. Out of likes but I like ur positivity and it sure did help clear out the doubt. :v:t3::herb:


I’ve also heard this. But then again I also remember hearing gooey breeders mom is like 30 years old. Theres no way we’re talking the original plant. Haha he also said it’s been under 24 hour light for the 30 years so it will start to flower under anything less than 16 hrs. Lol. Might all be cap and tall tales.


Anyone smoke any of this Pupil stuff from Mass Medical? Guy seems like a kook, but I had these as freebies awhile ago and remember hearing a few say it was their favorite smoke and whatnot. Just curious if I should flower them out or not. Thanks for any info!

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It’s okay. I didn’t really think anything lived up to the marketing or hype.

Dude talks about how special everything is, but I didn’t really find anything special at any point. Star pupil has a unique “pupil funk” which is the most remarkable thing about it in general. I found that it was bordering on kind of bunk weed. I thought the crosses were pretty alright. Prayer pupil was pretty decent, and I had some dispensary rick’s pupil at one point that wasn’t bad. I have a couple more strains kicking around from him that I’m gonna grow eventually, but I definitely think he falls in the kook category. Either way I’d say flower them out, they could always end up being something killer!


Thanks a bunch! Good info and exactly what I was looking for. Oh well. I might flower some out, but if anything else looks better, the Panama Pupils will be getting axed. Haha


Haha hell yeah. I always have FOMO when it comes to killing plants I haven’t gotten to smoke yet though.


I’m The Iceman in that regard. Haha


I hate growing out bullshit, though. I’d rather have everything go wrong with a grow that’s my fault. I can course correct those problems. I can’t course correct bunk genetics problems even if everything goes right.


That’s definitely fair! I’ve grown some really disappointing plants for the sake of seeing the results haha


Nineteen plants in there now I believe. At least one more getting axed whenever the coco gets here and I transplant.

Edit: Eighteen plants. Whoops. They might all be safe.


:joy: And on this episode… Kitty helps cull!
Even with the selection process going on that half of the tent sure filled out nicely! :green_heart::heart::green_heart::heart:

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