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Jamming out waiting for the UPS person.

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Still need the other brick of coco and the seal tape. Then I’ll be good to go. Now to make some dough balls and let them rest for a few days.


Still need to paint the walls and replace this table and chairs, but time and money and all of that.


This Apera pen seems wayyyyy better than the BlueLab. Jeez. Case is super handy for storage and calibration too. Wish I switched years ago. Wasn’t really sure what the benefit of the one targeted for growers was and was worried about the stoner tax, so I stayed away.


OK, I’ll bite. What’s the pizza dough for?

Oh, and I think your fruit is getting a little fuzzy :slight_smile:


Hahaha The 00 flour I use with AP for making dough. Make up some dough balls, throw them in the fridge for a few days, and then make some pizzas.



I thought there was some bro science grow technique you were using it for. I was racking my brain trying to figure out what there could possibly be in pizza flour that would help a plant grow.

I’m an idiot.

Sorry :slight_smile:


Hahahahaha Nahhh, I keep it simple in regards to growing.




I am curious about the pen. I have a Blue labs and other than it drying out too quickly, I really haven’t had any issues with it. I’m on a well and my water measures 6.7 dead nuts every time. I do a recal and check it about every three months. What do you like better about the Apera?

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The Apera gets the reading much faster than my last three BlueLabs, feels more solid, has a protector over the bulb, has a cap that holds more KCL solution and makes it easier to not dry out, comes with a protective case that holds the pen/calibration solutions/KCL solution and has a hole to put the tubes in while calibrating so nothing tips over. Also, the fact I can just replace the probe for $30-$40 instead of buying a new unit. Calibrated quicker too, but the BlueLab wasn’t slow or anything. It’s also slightly cheaper than the BlueLab.


Wow. That’s impressive. Just the ability to replace the probe is huge.


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Probably people on here that spend more time around kids than myself, which would be any these days, and could help me out with something. I like to hook the kids up on Halloween and make bags full of good stuff for them, but I’m just curious about what kids are really into these days. Still Snickers, Twix, Reese’s, M&M’s, and whatnot? Or are they into gummy and sour stuff more? Kids into truffles and nice stuff or still just prefer the basic stuff? I just like to stock up before they start cranking up the prices leading up to Halloween. Thanks for any info and help!


Given the fact that most kids today are 31 and living in Mom’s basement, I’d say you can’t go wrong with pop tarts.

Candy is still pretty much traditional. Cheap candy = egged house. Go with candy bars.

If you want to be the hit of the neighborhood, there are some good ideas here:

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If you give away cartons of eggs they leave your house alone.


That’s genius.

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I always did full bars and then actually talked to a bunch of kids about it and they preferred the bag full of stuff. Also, when giving out full size bars it can be a pain if you’re offering a variety and multiple kids come up. Little suckers grab 5-10 full bars each and don’t listen when you ask them to take one, ok just two, alright three is enough, and so on. I’m not trying to be rude or mean to kids, so I’d end up going through so many boxes of candy bars and hating children. Haha


Kids love little trinkets and toys. You can make up some pretty cool gift bags on the cheap. If the older kids show up (and they do) toss them a candy bar. We love Halloween and tend to go overboard.


I’ve been surprised that I’ve had just kids since I’ve been doing it. I honestly can’t remember an older kid coming up. Weird actually. I remember going as a sixteen year old in high school. We got stoned after football practice and decided to just wear our football pants and practice jerseys. Everyone gave us candy, but some weren’t happy about it all. They should’ve told us to kick rocks and go buy our own candy if we wanted some. Haha