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Or give them liquor and eggs and direct them towards your enemies.

Halloween was a great time to be a kid.


Portable ac is setup. Still waiting on weather seal tape, but temp and humidity issues are already resolved. About to throw the other light on the tent and crank that thing up. Let them spread out some.



Edit: Other brick of coco is here, so time to rehydrate and buffer. Then get the plants into three gallon fabrics by tonight and ready to flip shortly.


Definitely won’t have to worry about temps. Room is 60* right now and the feels like is over 100* outside. Still haven’t completely sealed up the window either. Just put the dehumidifier in there and turned it on. See how much I can control the humidity.

Edit: Headed out to get a hose for filling garbage can res and stuff for mailing seeds out. Might go through my fridge and give some more seeds away tonight. We’ll see. Not sure what’s in there.


Have to get familiar with living in the sticks. Realized I have to go out for stuff tomorrow and that means driving to where everything is. Would be a waste to drive there and back today and tomorrow, so I’ll do it all tomorrow. No more just running down the street for something.


You’ll get used to it. Two simple rules where you’re at:

  1. Don’t get eaten by an alligator.

  2. Don’t get swallowed by a giant python.



The things that will get you the most are wild boar/pigs and rattlesnakes. Never been scared of alligators. Used to have this gigantic one on a golf course I played. Dinosaur looking thing. His name was Notch. At least 16’, but huge around and a few feet of air between his stomach and ground when he strolled around. Big sucker. Course had an actual crocodile there too, which was odd to be so far north in the state. Now those I’m scared of. Also, now this is really dumb kid stuff, but we had a park a little bit over the bridge off the beach with a lake in the center of it. Running path and now disc golf course around the outside and stuff. This thing is full of gators and we used to pay kids to swim across it. Soooooo glad I never watched someone get killed by a gator. Had a few kids do it at night once. We had them carry flashlights and leave them on above water. That was scary to watch. Quintessential idiot kids.


Edit: Removed the seeds I was giving away and the info, because they’re spoken for now.


Anyone know if you can get adapter cords to make the cord that attaches the driver to the light longer? I’d love to mount these drivers outside of my tent. Also, any clue what the optimal temp range for Meanwell drivers? Any help is greatly appreciated!

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I’ve got my lights from Kingbrite China and the wires weren’t long enough to place the drivers outside the tent. I cut the wires and using Wago connectors and additional wiring was able to do so.
Working temperature I believe is -40⁰ - +70⁰c
I use them in the tropics without an aircon at times and doesn’t cause any issues. Temps range around 30⁰-32⁰c


I was just wondering if being in a 60* room would hurt, but didn’t see why. Just not an electronics guy. Haha. I was hoping they’d have cables with the screw-in deals so I could just lengthen it, but that’s probably too easy or something. Darn. Huge thanks for the info!

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Cooler is always better with electronics. 60°F is perfectly fine.


grew the Panama Pupil V3 - expect a monster plant with great yields and you might even get the Panama pheno !!!
AS for Compound Genetics ? grew one “Cement Shoes” no impressed at all

Cement Shoes isn’t Compound and I’ve already grown out quite a few of these. Great plants as were many more created by Jeff when he was at Compound. Thanks for dropping in though! Probably going to cull the Panama Pupils. Don’t need big plants of mids.

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Do you have a part number for the driver? Should be on the label on top.

I have a serial number and HLG-480H-54B number. One of those it?

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That’s it. Have four of them I’d like outside of the tent. Would make controlling everything environmentally super simple.


I beleive there are adapter cords but wasn’t aware of it until my last purchase in '21.
Prior to that I bought 2 lights in '17 and '19 and they were old school with wago connectors. Hence I got a little savvy cutting wires etc…:sweat_smile:

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