Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

Those BB/Autos will run about 60 - 65 days. When you transplant, put 'em in their FINAL Pot, ONLY transplant ONCE. Every time you transplant Autos (in my experience!!), you set them back, having to readjust. Best of luck, SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Just getting caught up in this thread :+1:.

Good to have you back

Plants look great



thank you sir. its good to be back. im sitting here droolong over those GG#4 plants from TG. my Mom says theyre beautiful. She’s my partner grower so it means alot to finish some decent stuff. She needs a boyfriend. lol different subject. im actually spraying the girls down with a light soap+oil application. Looks like its gonna work ok. then im on a full breakdown for some paint and cleaning. We had an earth quake years back here. it threw our foundation out and my wall a tad. old buildings for workers of olld Boeing and Lockhead workers, our A-10 squadron makes me feel good. Those planes are sick. Edgewood arsenal, APG ECT.


Here let’s see if I can downsize these guys so they’re not 25mb jpegs.

Alright we got our autos which are coming along super fast. Let’s go to our main attraction real quick. This is a @ReikoX SBR x GST
I believe that it’s a Sugar Black Rose- Delicious Seeds? Crossed with Mephisto’s Ghost Toof. I’ve ran a SBR cross it was packed n stacked.


Now we have 2 Bubblegum Autos. They came courtesy of @misterbee I wanna say Mark came through with a boatload of beans. Hehe! Love all you guys n girls.


Resizing the main tents pics right now. I fought the fuck outa these Whiteflies. The worst plant hit is the MAC. With it’s genetics it has those flared edges like Alien Rift. So they used the crinkly leafs to hide. Anyways, I got this. I still have several clones in the tent that need to come out so they don’t go in full flower then try to bring em back to veg. One moment…

Sorry for the HPS bathed pics. Front plant Mac behind it IH BananaCane.

A jungle of Bruce Banner

Ok this pic shows the 7 minute abs and I.ll8he back right plant in the right is my Wilson. They took a beating but I’ve been feeding them right
This panned out shot shows the amount of foliage going on. The plant next to the glue sprayed cd is Mr. Spliff of Cannabis’ 7 minute Abs it’s a Duwamish diesel cross. Back left is the NanaCaneback right corner in a 1gal. pot is my Wilson Zero. Absolute gas with beautiful berry undertones. Definitely pick some up if you can.
The larger plant in the front is IH OGKB v2.1 IX


That’s correct, the cross has been named Ghost Rose, and I just gave away my last pack. :grin:


I still have some more from you. Not too many but I love your strains and Senor Sparkles. His Cookie Devil tastes of grapes and dankness. It’s nice to talk to you. It feels good to be posting again. I’m a week into flowering my main tent. I ran out of smoke. Hehe! It’s all good I’m not super pressed.

Other than that I’m just getting healthier. I had a seizure the other day. My body contorted so much my quads Charlie horsed. I’m taking it day by day. Hope all is well down there. You be safe. :grin::+1:

Quick ? What’s the most potent auto you’ve smoked? I got some Roc Bud autos before he bugged out. I got a few packs of his stuff. If you ever want anything to brres with or just grow… Just lmk.:v:


That Ghost Rose is probably the best auto I’ve ever made. It does have a tendency toward throwing the odd male flower on the lower nodes. Usually you can just pluck it off and nothing comes from it.


That’s fine. Every now and again I some strai s I get a few balls. Like you said I shuck em" nothing ever comes of them. I’ve never had any Mephisto. I’d never be ae to get what I wanted.

Ghost Rose sounds nice. Any plans on breeding some different autos? Or revamping the Ghost Rose. Everything sounds good? What’s up with the “stash” strains you were running. Jabas stash maybe? Just picking your brain. Any tips for fertilizing the autos? I usually don’t mess with plants food until it shows signs being deficient.


I’ve got a couple I’ve been working on. Jlo, I’m going to take to F4 soon. GLo I’ll be taking to F3. I also have some F.A.M. 2022 that I’ve been sharing with the community.

Running Solo’s Stash now, might make some F2s just for shits and giggles. I hit up some Grass Fire OG with the male and those will be finished in a couple weeks.

Typically I feed autos a complete nutrient (Jack’s 321, megacrop, etc) at normal strength.


Sounds good. Thanks for the advice. I still have a lot to learn but I’m getting there. I need some new ferts. All I have is fox farms big bloom and this plant flower power fertilizer I picked up worked great last run. I like the FF Grow Big.

Alrighty Mr. Suave keep the green side up. The no til beds are always jamming with something. I like your style dude. Always clinical.clean with everything you do. Best of luck. I’ll be back to post.mlrke as we progress.


For me it’s Bruce Banner. I got the seeds from Demonic Genetics.

The Bruce Banner did that too, but it was my first crop and I never plucked. Got some bonus seeds because of that…


Alright we’re going in big on some auto grows. Here’s some stuff I’m working with. This is a tiny fraction of choices. That’s what makes it so hard to choose. So here’s a run down. Mr. Sparkles Ghost Cookie and I’m gonna try a C99xDD. Looking for an auto Cindy.

We’re popping the Loca Mota x2

Roc Bud Autos - Auto Purple Bastard Eater x1. I’m gonna spray my last bean and make some more of these. I grabbed a pic from a grow diary. Not mine.

Holy shit that’s fire!

Not trying to be uppity but I’m a seed whore. This has been known. Just know though that I’ll have these strains available to us if we can get some preservation runs for different strains. Descions decisions…:thinking:

I always appreciate the love from everyone. I enjoy running “our gear” before others. Digging in the crates today I came up on 5 BBF4 x Goji OG. There’s only 5 regs but I also accidentally hit the MKage with some BB pollen. Only 2 of those were big and viable.

There’s so much magic in the air I hope to capture something I did and get back at it. I need a new eye 600w full spec bulb or I was looking at a Spyder farmer. I’m looking into basically a 5x5 coverage that’s half the price of hlg and has big bud production.

I also need help with some different mediums to run in and a little troubleshooting. Love you guys. Be safe.

Oh here we go. I popped all kinds of stuff. Looking for some big stankers. Lol. A shit load of autos are about to get ran full auto :wink::+1:


Hey hey. I’m new to discord. I started a room up of anyone wants to spread the word…or if there’s a OverGrow discord channel everyone is at drop me a link.

Here’s my room I created. Discord
Thanks y’all. Be safe.


Come join the fun. :grin:


Thanks buddy. Hope to see you there/here. Lol all these newfangled twitters and Insta-jail programs.

I had to learn how to use a smart phone after going away for a bit. Pretty funny stuff. I’m still behind on tech.

Thanks for the link. Be safe. :v::grin:


What’s going on Fellers? Not too much here. My laptop charger took a crap so I’m rocking off the phone again. Lol. Everything is going well. The photos this round took a beating. It’s all good. I went ahead and got some Promix, Vercumulite and I still gotta get a big bag of Perlite. I have a good stock of amendments but I don’t use half the stuff I was before. Easy does it for me.

We got some really nice autos coming along staggered. Not every week like Reiko but every couple weeks I throw one in.
Ghost Rose about to get fed. She’s hungry and about to pack on weight for sure.:grin::+1:

Here’s the Bubblegum Auto from Mark and from @misterbee He hooked me up with good stuff. Ive seen some excellent looking plants come from his stuff. I was worried these BG autos were fudged somehow. One male showed quick. Culled it, leaving this small fat lady.

Right here we have a Cookie Devil I believe. I’ll have to run back and check. I wanna say… I have two different cookie crosses Mr. S sent. Anyways this will be the 3rd in rotation.

I got one of my BBF#4 x MKa.g.e. popped and I hope I at least get to see what a female will look like. This is my first cross not a herm pollination. Lol. Gonna be a dark green fat leafer. MKUltra genes with some BB. Mmmm.

I’ll be around. Thanks for coming by if ya do.:v::grin:


Looking good Baltimore :+1:


Hey looks like you got the bug things figured out. It’s looking nice and clean.


Thanks dude. It’s a pleasure to see you guys holding the fort down. Unfortunately my photo run is shite. They’re somewhere in the middle of flowering. I figured get what I can and make hash from it. There’s no way I’m gonna be able to keep any grass or containers that have any bug eggs. I have every pest imaginable out back. I have to be vigilant if I want clean plants.

So I finally got together 2 new tents going up after a coat of paint, some caulking. The normal things you should do after a run. I fell off the wagon. It’s not embarrassing, it’s truly a life or death struggle. What I have learned is the loss from my actions is too great to bare. I’m not suicidal or insane so I just wanna be a straight dude who’s reliable and cool. Other than that it’s been hot af. I’m looking forward to some freezing weather and no mosquito’s. Be safe out there.:v::grin:


Yeah man. Ive had shit luck this year though. It’s like a shit storm hit. I figured out that the WF attack every part of the plant. The main stems, everything. Unless weathered your stems should be green or whatever pigments show up from genetics or light. Normal things I guess I’m saying. There shouldn’t be any crust even if it looks like it should be there.

I kept thinking twine was hitting the fan blades. I had pulled a couple stand up fans stands off and didn’t have the pole clasp type fans. If it looks wrong it probably is. I’ve grown enough to know. Lol. It’s like total denial that your fucked because it hurts. Not literally.

What I will say is the autoflower and 2x2 tents saved my ass. I was able to stuff a couple here and there. I’m also trying to hold as few clones as possible and get to running one to 2 strains to get better phenos and keep things relatively the same age and growth. I’d also like to do some cool mashups. I’m feeling good and I can’t wait to start my new batch and get to the genetics all these great people have blessed me with. Reiko and Mr. S’s autos are fucking stomping. One tent with 2 5 ways is putting that much grass is unbelievable.

Be safe and have a good one. Good to see you as well. :grin::+1: