Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

Yeah @monkeyman made the Bogglegum x Orange Goji ! Orange Goji F2 was from 50state, I think it was actually an orange goji mom and he used bogglegum pollen on her if i remember correctly :thinking:


Aww man bro. Knock on wood I have a perfect setup in these 2x2’s. I absolutely am gonna have a room… eventually for fucking with autos. I’m glad I met the best people and figured out what I was doing wrong. Lol. Everything. Na it’s all good. I’m actually tying down some Branches on the Cookie Devil. It’s showed guns a few days ago.

I appreciate you stopping in. I really need to get at these SSDD’s. I meant to help Veati out with his quest for elite SSDD genetics. I just need to get a few good plants before I dump the lot. Good thing is I didn’t fuck the genetics up while I was out there.
Cookie Devil. She’s drooping a bit from heavy watering.

La pistola. Sorry for the shite pic. You should be able to see it.:face_with_monocle:


@Jetdro made f2s with the Orange Goji using a female he was calling the Razor Cut.

I’ve grown Orange Goji indoors and outdoor and there is all kinds of great females to be had in those seeds. Strong smoke with great terps, too much for @Techrepkim at times said it was rip your face off strong but I really enjoyed it.


That’s what up that he took the time to look through them and further it out another generation. I’ve heard people talking about it. I’m not low key about it lol. I’m a Goji addict, so I was trying to put together a few good crosses and throw yours in the lot for a monster run. That’s still something that needs to happen.

I’ve gotten some wild ‘Goji Berry’ type flavors from this big cut I had. She hasd huge buds like an Afrikaan Silver spear that would stone an :gorilla:. I’ve thought of a lot of crosses but a SSH might produce some monstrous plants out back. I’m honestly looking for a cross that doesn’t stretch so hard. I’m topped out well under 6’ using tents. I’ll definitely give em the best love I can when I get there.

We got some humdingers on deck from the past preservation runs. I just ran some Banner from Boundless. It’s quality smoke. Have a good one. It’s good to hear first hand. I appreciate you taking your time and im glad I got a couple.:v::wink:


Hey hey. I got a little check in. Keeps me sane during this time. This was a freebie from In House. Now before you smash me like a Redit user let me explain. Bout 3 years ago RMH had a sale on some packs. I’d been wanting Sluricane the original in seed form of possible.

I missed the Slur drop and picked up a pack of Banana Cake and OGKB V2. I didn’t pay and arm and a leg. That’s what people do though. They start in on you because they think there’s a righteous type path that everyone should travel. Lol. I’m looking for that warp speed shit. I don’t care if you grow seeds from Kre8 or Brisco’s. That’s your bag and it doesn’t matter. Love the grow.

That being said In House’s freebies come 2 fem seeds in a pack. So I got ravaged this run and when I realized I need to take a cut of this. I hooked up the cloner a few days ago. I cut what bud was on a couple little branches and it looks like we’re ok. I saved a Mac clone and let the rest go.

This is a Sunset Sherb cross. Even in HPS light you can see the bleeding Sherb fade. It’s purple and wine. Very pretty for being thrashed. A clean clone is gonna look nice next go. I’m so excited I’m ready to trash this run and be done.

Oh yeah I ended up catching one Sluricane fem seed. Jesus. My seed popping has been really shitty as well.


I planted a few of those earlier this year but they were all male. I popped four more two weeks ago and am hoping for some ladies!


Duuude the Banner is top notch. I’m aware of the #3 pheno and my girl was very large and green like a Sativa. I totally was like here we go fucking foxtailing and looks like trash. Boy was I wrong. On top of being some of the best grass Ive ever smoked, it had some delicious flavors. It’s crazy because it’s like some buds down low might taste different fr main colas at the top. Had some Bubblegum flavors as the buds cured.

That’s why I love growing. You never know the mystery that little bean hides. I hope you get yourself a nice lady. That’s fire. Edit** Drop me a link to your spot. I’d like to see what you pull from them. I got the BannerxBlue Monster and BannerxMAC1. I bet that Banner MAC is fucking thumpin. I’ll have to pull up a chair bro bro. Be safe.:grin::+1:


Why the hell not. Let’s show those autos baby. We have the Ghost Rose by Reiko. Stinks like rotten meat. I’m sure as it gets thicker the terps will get sharp.

Gonna be a thick one.

Bubblegum Auto from Mark. Smelling a little gummy. We’ll see. It’s not gonna be a monster. All good for the 2x2.

Cookie Devil by Mr. Sparkle. I love his autos as well. Can’t go wrong man. I grew a CD last year out I got almost 2 oz. Fucking insane. Had a mean grape taste to it. Very sweet for autoflower.

I went to flop it last night and decided to not be a dumbass. Just tie the branches down and keep it cooking. Thanks for looking if you do. Pop those autos and stick em everywhere. Be safe out there.:v::wink:


Look at this fucking monster in an ice cream tub necked down just a bit.:wink:. I can speak enough about @ReikoX what a great guy with a amazing grasp on cannabis. Or so they say. Well this is the Ghost Rose. It’s grown a little up in the 5 ways. Lol but it is what it is. God I hate that line. ** Also no nuts to speak of so we’re fucking solid here.
Ghost Rose aka Sexy fat girl.:heart_eyes:

Yeah she’s part he lights depending on which side of the pot is where. Quarter rotation every day. More? Ok

Did I say I love em Chonky? This shot doesn’t do justice. Still got a bit to go. Which means even more weight. Mmm :yum:. Lol

I’ll be back in a minute I have a problem I need help dealing with.


Ok I had 3 autos lined up then one just stopped flowering. I popped 2 Bubblegum autos from Mark. One showed male quick af. So the other showed next week right before I was gonna yank it for a Loca Mota. Anyways this plant did show sex and went in to full on flower.

It just went stagnant. Now this is a beauty of a plant. You know me I don’t have problems with em unless there hermaphrodites. Yep fuck em all. That shitl muddle a solid genetic pool/s.

I’m thinking since it’s in flower and it’s nice enough outside to just let it finish because I don’t have a clean tent to take it to 12/12. I ask this with the hope that someone has been through this and what they ended up doing. I figure I need the space and I have a new pot ready to move it out and grow on.
Bubblegum Auto a littles less than 50+/-.

Here’s a wider shot. It looks like it was stacking up to get in husky. Wtf?


Here’s what’s up. I’m gonna show some indoor photos under HPS as best as I could get it for now.:roll_eyes:. Be easy I have a shitty eye and barely know how to use the camera on the phone. Bare with me.

In House-BananaCane. Less than a full week on the chop. WF’s got everything so I’m blessed to get what’s on it now. Lol. That Sunset Sherb is popping out so pretty on this plant. (Got a clean clone rooted. Yay!)

Mac from capulator. A staple in the stable. Even bugged out it caught a light snow dusting last night.

Race Fuel OG/Gelato #41. Still got a little time. This strain has so much potential. Pretty pest resistant as well. For my Jet Fuel Gato dude. @Spyers

Outdoor- Mac- Capulator. It didn’t start flowering early but it’s moving nicely now. I just think some of these strains are so beautiful.

How could I forget the longshot. BBF4x MKage I hope I get a female just to see if I get something cool.

Thanks for stopping by if you do. :grin::+1::seedling::heart:


Looks amazing, thanks for sharing! Can’t believe you have a cap cut of Mac 1, that’s my all time favorite strain and very expensive! The in-house genetics are amazing looking too


Usually if a plant struggles in “soil” I’ll take a bit and mix with distilled water to get an EC, and PH reading. You could also just leach it with distilled water to ensure no buildups are present in the soil.

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Hey @Baltimore

Where did you source the Mac1 from? Is it Caps Cut? Got as a clone?

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Yep. I got tired of seeing the shitty comments and the shirt than thou attitude about who holds cuts and demmed worthy type stuff. Nice guys on Insta or Strainly. try with her without the periods in between the name it should come up though. I ordered just the Mac cut and it’s it’s spot on and they gave me Franco’s Super lemon Haze a cut of it and a cut of cherry Tropicana cookies. Unfortunately I lost the Cherry trap and the Super lemon Haze isn’t my thing f****** spider mites took me out for about a year.

I’m actually bringing 2 Mac clones back from a re veg clone as well as getting a BananaCane clone to root deep in flower. The Mac stays flat out. I let my Mom hold a mason jar of Mac and when I came for the last third she was fucking out of control. Now I run it ever time. Lol. I think I got it from Cali in 3 days. Coast to coast for under $75 bucks. I spent that actually buying a couple eights.

Being a really good grower like yourself. You can push this plant to the limit but it’s not the easiest strain compared to some. Meaning that fade gets grape jelly purple as well as the bud. Little elbow like calyxes peaking out from a fresh snow fall. Treat yourself Mr. Drop. Sorry I blab. Grass is near and dear and it is my medicine and is treated as such for real. Outdoor to me holds the summer and I prefer over indoor. Just real sun.:v::grin:


That’s exactly what I did finally. I got some oven type grates that are only like inch above the floor but it allows the my 3 gallon fabric pots to sit off the floor so they can get watered properly or flushed if needed. The cold was being held in our floor. It’s old concrete prefab slab. So just having the online drawing air and fans blowing under helped a ton with root health.

I learned a ton this year about healthy roots. Proper feeding schedules. Not overboard on mixing my medium. Buddy got me loving Promix lightly amended. I appreciate the looking out and the advice. Caring about the oh and proper feeding schedules saved my run to where I’ll ateast have a couple decent ounces. Feel free to post your current grow pic or whatever. Just crash wherever.:grin::+1:

**Edit- Your so right on testing your runoff. It’s essential to see what your inputs are doing as they pass through I guess you’d say. When I lifted them and watered them good I definitely leached some murky looking rusty shit. They bounced back good enough to make a joint or 2.


Thanks dude I appreciate it. Pink Box clones has it cheap. Try the clone trading section. I’ve isolated a couple small clones and cleaned them up but it’s destroy your garden taking one. I’ll tell you what this may be outa left field but Copycat has the most up to date strains as well as a huge back catalog. You can get 4 packs of 10+ fem seeds. I’ve gotten like 20 him just being cool at random. Everything was spot on, everything germinated. I got platinum OGKB, Gelato#33, GMO, and Wedding. Cake. Every plant was absolutely knock out good but the GMO is fucking amazing man. His website is just flex. I just emailed him and he hit me back. Good guy. Little irritobit I just get beans from him.

Stop by and post anything any time. We have a great group of guys here and I enjoy seeing all of y’all. Im sorry for blabbing. I enjoy over explaining things for some reason.,:grin::v:


Well I set the Bubblegum auto outback basically in 12/12. I planted 3 autos in rotation about 2 weeks a part. It started flowering then stopped. When the 3rd any out paces the BG I had to remove it. Time and space are too precious.

You can see the Ghost Rose in the background but the foreground it @Mr.Sparkle I believe it’s labeled Ghost Rose X Cookie Devil. I think last time I ran the Poisoned Rose X Cookie Devil. Ooor I mixed them up and ran them on reverse order. Labels seem to just walk off.

Ghost Rose Cookie Devil (I had to lay it over thank God the stretch stopped).


Hey al you sexy people out there. I love a woman in a red dress. Not being nasty but red Vickie’s are sexy AF too. I been calling this plant a BananaCane. Lol. This is a cross of GMOxSunset Sherb. All the leaves have this real nice dark red more towards a Plum color.

It’s almost like as you move up through the layers from bottom to top you’ll have slight variations in hues, trichs, and flavors uuuh terpenes and flavonoids?? Y’all know what I’m swinging at. After dealing with these bugs I’m so glad they’re coming down. Terps are all over the place. I’ll get more pics…better pics. Here’s a little side Rose for Ma dukes.:grin::+1::heart::seedling:

Edit- Sorry for my autocorrect fucking up every post I make. It’s hard to do text to speech because of eavesdropping. Lol.


Anybody play Enlisted? I have PUBG installed but I suck and get shot on this ever closing box. It’s like Enlisted in that you have to enter combat or you scary ass better get shooting or dieng. Is that how you spell that. Shit I’m high. Maybe I’ll Google it later.:dash::drooling_face:. Haha.

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