Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

I didn’t see this my bad! I have only heard of Copycat, some people giving him flak for being a copycat?How much of it is true or people care, idk. What do you mean by destroy your garden? WPM? Been there, done that, no thanks! haha, not a fun battle. I’m looking at eventually trying to keep mothers indoors of certain strains and send them out as gifts!

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I run what I get and base what I get off the results pretty straight forward right? Im trying to run the best gear right? It still baffles me to get plants like this from my homies here. One guy in particular. He breeds some monsters. I’m gonna need more. Moore! Lol. I’ve seen some guys run them with success but I’ve got some monsters on deck. Especially know how little soil is in this pot. I get 3 autos in a 2x2x3. Knock on wood I don’t know how I’ve not picked up pm. My inline must be working ok. We’re better in the small tents then the larger photos…?? Jesus Christmas who knows.:rofl::+1:

Ghost Rose. Still got weeks on it. :drooling_face::+1::seedling::heart::gorilla:


nice beefy one you got there


I can’t wait to get back to your DD green pheno. I had one that tasted of thick cheese and funk. One of the thickest phenos and some powerful good smoke. I’m having a problem with my auto going into flower. It’s yellowing while showing purple leaf fading and some yellowing. I have it some calmag and Ph’D water and now I’m kinda wondering what it could be given everything is basic as far as soil composition and light.

Maybe every plant isn’t a winner like I want? Either way I really can’t wait to get a Cindy to go auto. What are you working on? Tag me. Please.:wink::+1:


I find that if say i feed them a more traditional “bloom” feed they also yellow and fade lowers up and when giving them a bit more generalized feed with adequate nitrogen they carry out their health.

My thought is just due to the short time span your various phases of plant growth overlap compared to what we know of say photoperiods so going to a nitrogen lacking straight bloom feed isn’t as beneficial.

As a possibility if you have some Cal-nit on hand a 0.3g/liter “1.14g/gal” bumps up the nitrogen by about 50ppm “elemental ppm” , to make it easier a straight 1g/gal makes it about 40ppm

though saying that what are you running right now rates and what as i can play in some spreadsheet calculators i have made for my purposes to see how say your feed compares to what i run and see if i can see any possible issues.


I believe I understand what you’re saying and I believe that’s why my other Auto flowers have done so well is because the soil was built more so if that makes sense then the generic mix that I’ve been using as of lately.

I found that the mix that I was making for my photos
I used on my autos and they didn’t need any food. The tips stayed barely burned at first then it just adjusted and left good dirt after the run. This mix is flat to be honest I figured I would get away with front and Autos in it and I thought wrong and it’s showing definite lack of nitrogen I got some good shots. I think.

This picture right here was taken in probably like 5 days ago.

I knew it was pretty flat and hadn’t been using any cal-mag or N rich food. Knowing there is N in Calimag I went with 2tsp in a gallon of properly Ph’D water.

As opposed to the plant in the background that’s much further along in flower and has a really nice soil mix. Hell all I’ve been feeding it is water mostly and a little flower fuel and Fox farms worm castings and bat shit. It skips my mind right now with the name of it is something Bloom. Lol

I think it looks a little bit better but then again it’s just hoping and wishful thinking for real. Like you said I need to go to a richer soil mix I believe for the auto flowers because they’re going to go right from vegetation in the hungry flower and if the soil is as weak as I’m making it looks like they’re going to fall flat can’t have that happening. :roll_eyes:

Ty for the info sorry for the story.


yeah likely at least your latest soil mix probably need a bit more, can always supplement when deficiencies arise though


I appreciate the help. Since giving the suspect plant some calmag it’s looking greener and perked up a bit. Looking pretty good. Cookie Devil. It’s got a shit load of bud sites I stead of the single cola lunker I got. That thing is thick AF and smells like rotten meat and bubblegum. Lol. Reminded me of Meat Breathe. Lol.


Hey man I got OGKB hitting the tubs. They didn’t fill all the way out because of pests. When I finally got it in control the show was almost over. All the little buds are like rocks. They’re funky and this is my first taste of a ‘green pheno’ OGKB. Had some a few months back that was almost black.

Imo green plants tend to be a bit more potent. Idk though there’s a shit ton of pink, purple and blue stuff. Oregon Cutthroat is so slick. I want it! Hehe. Pic quality. Moving or shaking a bit. Must be the rickets.:rofl:

Honestly this is some of the best grass Ive smoked in a bit. As the joint got down past halfway it kinda packs tighter and burns better. Seems like that. Along with the resin collecting. Me and Ma got down to about like half in. and put it up. At that point my anxiety gripped me real quick. I had to eat a little something and hide for like 20. It’s a good lasting high. No herm. Good meds.:grin::+1::seedling::heart:


Alrighty. I pulled some Mac down. I’m glad I picked it up. I’m glad I kept a cut clean no matter what it took. Now that this is all finishing up, I’ll be able to run some ‘clean plants’ with no added bug stress. I have some outside that’s juuuust about done. Lemmie see if I can get a pic up of that one. Indo first.


Hey here’s the Bubblegum Auto from Mark that happens to be a Blueberry semi-auto. It stopped flowering and just stayed at that height. Thankfully I stuck it outside. These pics are from last week. It’s actually filling in nice.

The Ghost Rose Auto is huuuge. Lol. There’s a few people waiting to see it finished. She’s a monster. Starting to smell more fruity like Bubblegum instead of rancid meat. Still a little meaty though. :grin::+1:


I love that floral bubble gum smell the ghost rose has, looking good man, nice chunky buds on your indoor Mac :+1:


Bro you have no idea. This plant just took on its own life form or that doesn’t make sense took on it’s own space it’s kind of like Little shop of horrors feed me Seymour!
Ghost Rose Auto… Days in… unknown???

I left the pics do the talking.:metal::grin:


That’s girl is heavy like a Chevy. :+1::seedling:


You ain’t never told no lie. For all my auto needs I see the man from the Black Sun. He’s a super Suave type dude. Yeah once in a while I put a good one together. I gotta get some sol strips though. I need to maximize what space I have. Thanks for coming through to see how she’s doing. Bringer her home nice and easy now. :grin::+1:

After all this time I figured out what and how you should use cal-mag. Amending your soil with the proper nutes and the amount soil I need for what I’m running. To me autos are awesome but if everything isn’t looking good going into flower, nutes (lacking/excess), container size per space and strain. I guess I’m saying prepping soil for either auto or photo’s. Been trying to read up on grass and plants in soil and how each element the plant uses and for what reason.

Quick ? If you get this I was just wondering after a harvest in a no till bin, how do you go about prepping for the next run ect. W/o blabbing like I do. Or a great resource you refer to? Thanks for the help. This plant smells like tooth decay and kinda gassy gum smell. People love the fat headed monster. I’d love to check it’s level’s after it’s cured up nice. :grin::+1:


Just a small update in case anyone is or has been wondering. In regards to a particular auto strain and what’s become and my thoughts.

Strain came in a 3 pack of autos. Bubblegum, Super90, and some Green Headband Autos. Threw 3 Bubblegum’s. Two germed one just didn’t. Had them under straight 24 hrs light u til a male showed sex first. Now I know they’re reg autos.:grin::+1:.

Culled it second showed sex a week later. Started stacking then just stopped flowering to the point my third auto surpassed it and decisions have to be made. Lol. I set it out back hoping the lack of light will throw it back in. Sure enough it’s been putting weight on quickly and I trimmed it up a tad. Turns out it’s a Blueberry 🫐 Auto. It’s actually almost black. It’s super healthy and we’ll see how the weather cooperates. Itl be in the mid 40’s just for tonight.

Just a heads up I ran a Green Headband Auto last summer outdoor after starting it inside. It went into flower inside so I figured it would be fine to recieve the full sun outdoors in a nice pot and get swollen in that June sun. It went back into a stasis then when Aug. came it started flowering as a photo but the stress for sure screwed it’s yield a potency up. Potency aside. Just a review. No scathing. Lol. I’ve seen so e fire stuff from Mark. Bubba? Maybe PAK. Yes lordee.:v::grin:


I ran the Super90 and have some pictures up to give you an idea of its structure.


This damn thing swollen. That’s the ghost rose auto? Sucks can’t clone that. High output there. Where’s the ghost part come from. What’s the cross.


Ghost Rose is a Ghost Toof auto by Mephisto that I hit up with some Sugar Black Rose (reversed) pollen. The Sugar Black Rose auto was from Delicious Seeds.


It has the bones that match the framework if that makes sense? I saw them use in another cross it was Toof Decay? I laughed when I brushed up against it. It smells strong like rotten leaning to finish up like Bubblegum. I’m judging trichromes and side buds to finish this particular plant out. It really is getting pretty good looking inside. I know from a distance camera can be decieving. Lol. It’s literally laughed when you see it. Free Willy!

@Tejas in all fairness now that the Blueberry from Mark is finishing up…the shit is beautiful. I mean structure and everything came along nice outside. I had it on a hard 24 hour cycle and it boggedd down on me. When Mr. Sparkle’s Cookie Ghost or it’s a (Red Poison Cookie) overtook it as far as maturity vs. time it’s been in the box. It smells real sharp and is coming along. I just top dressed it a week ago and got it somewhat back on track. I can be mad as far as production for 2 plants in a 2x2 when the other has it reeking out back.

I’ll get some pics when I go back out. That Blueberry is almost black. It caught a real nice rain shower yesterday night. It’s coming off nicely. I bet outdoor guys smashed it this year everywhere. I know next year I’m gonna run at least 4 20gal fabrics outside for food. I need some edibles. My lungs are old.:v::grin:

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I tell you what. If I could plan for a run and have each plant husky like that. I’m trying to successfully get my soil squared away in each pot. That’s what happened. I was stretching out last half the soil I had and it was shot from the jump. I have to make sure I’m getting a real good mix throughout the trash can as I’m mixing it. Then storing it without it getting contaminated by all the bugs back here.

I see the appeal of finding a real nice plant, making sure that it doesn’t have any herm tendencies. I got this GelatoxRace Fuel plant finishing up. Its not my cup of tea so it’s out this time. I swear to God it smells like the Northern Lights #5 I got from HMS from the old Burger King. I paid like $50 for a hf baby. It was really chunky and smelled right. That place had high prices but really good grass. This run is over finally today. I’ma throw everything over the hill this evening. They’ve been going in like it’s Beirut over here man. I tell you what it’s wild over here all weekend (I mean). Man it ain’t easy out here I tell ya. I’m old man.

Anyways this Gelato out cross probably relates more to it’s Race Fuel side. It started to herm on me and could probably go another week but I need to reset to get a nice winter run hopefully with the bugs retreating some. I got blocks of Promix waiting to go. I gotta wash my grow bags and I may shoot for a new tent real quick. I’m just glad to have medication I don’t have to buy even if it’s not A1. We like it. Mostly.:grin::+1: