Baltimore Chapter 2 "The Wire"

I hate when a plant doesn’t wanna finish up and it starts to grow like a cactus. It keeps throwing tufts of white hairs. Then it starts to blow out like a Bob Ross fro. That’s the shit I do not like. Then it has the audacity to throw nanners out. Like ol Yeller begging to be shot.

My cat died as well. An animal, probably a fox attacked her and she got skinny and sick. Now my buddy left a bag of food here. I always had dogs but I’ve grown to love the cats. They aggressively hunt rats here. We live on a dump that’s haunted as well.


Damn your cat died. Crazy cause I’ve had 2 dogs die around there now n both I think ate rats. Them damn rats like the poison don’t kill em but anything eats one gets just that. Skinny n sick n starts laying around I think it’s poison. Sorry to hear that man.


Yeah man. I walk to the bus in the mornings to go to the sauce house. I catch the 5am bus and I swear to God I’m more scared of the ferrit running around. I was laughing cus I always run into Allen’s crazy ass walking his Palmeranian. We were talking bout how his dogs are always chasing after them. You can see the trails in people’s yards of well worn rat paths. Maybe a little semi auto .410’s with flash lights attached. 20 minute sessions.

Seriously though I believe we held ‘Rat Bando’ fishing contests where guys pulled treble hooks with food and weighed in. Not one of our cities brighter notes. We have few besides shitty historical property on filthy back River back wash.

Yeah man. R.I.P. Chelsea. She started laying outside because she was dieng on us. I felt so bad the neighbor lady took her to the animal shelter and they put her down. She disappeared for a week and I was distraught man. I didn’t think I would be. I was yelling at the neighbors cat that looks similar to get in here. She showed up never right. Leg fucked up. It’s a miracle Spanish dudes kids don’t have disfigurements. We had to tell them not to swim in the creek. They look like. Fuck outa here gringo.

Chelsea last winter with weight. This is how I like to remember her. Lol. She would smack my head when I’d nod off. Swear she saved me. Open the door dumbass there’s guys in your shed let me outside. Mother fuckers were almost through the wire. .Buddy left his smokes his bolt cutter and lighter. Still smell em. Boy I was hot. I’d have to GPS my bike then show up a few streets up with a gun and covid :mask:.

Chelsea Poo Poo :poop: ?-2022


If you can find these little ZENY 2x2’s up, definitely do. I gotta wipe it out from time to time but I can get 2 nice autos and some clones in here. It’s been ok this run but I’m glad to have a chance to get everything but clones out and some paint and shit.

These tents were like 50 some bucks a piece? Maybe less now? I got the Cookie Devil in the front. Just because it’s been growing on a crazy axis held in place by a rubber bread tie. It’s got a real sharp smell. I wanna say it’s a Cookie Devil. I grew one last year that was fast and came out real sharp and grape like. I meant to run a Poison Cookie and start on the Cindy’s.

The lighting is always shitty around here. You can count on it. At least screen copies got me posting. :grin::+1:

So a while back I popped some sweet F4 Blueberry seeds only to break even and have some weird crosses of few seeds. This is DJBBxMKage That hopefully shortened the flower time on the MKage drastically from like 13 weeks man. Crazy. This is a pretty female I sorted out. She’s got nice purple lines running through her bones already. I’ll put a clone back just in case.

Wait til you see this Blueberry plant outback. It looks better than indoor. Makes me sick sometimes how fast a plant can turn south. I seem to have a seed popping drought as well. Not good.


Let me know how those autos turn out? I read there good but not as potent, but that’s just here say. Gotta try for yourself to truly know, but they do look fire.

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I have seen and tasted the autoflower and it is good.:grin::+1:. I know what you mean. Something fast and some are fast and small and limp to say the least. What I’ve learned is they can be bred to be potent AF as long as the genes fit well. Autos are like a drag car. You set everything up get it in it’s final container and let it fly. If you get in it’s way or try to stop it it’s gonna get squirrelly on you.

I’ve grown a few from here and there. It depends on the breeder’s taste and mashups. I grabbed some stuff from all over. There’s a few guys here who have top notch skills and have been putting them together for a while now. I actually like to grow the smallest pint sized guys out. I don’t have any room here either. So anything that can put an oz of more in under a gallon of soil is really what’s up.

I think some aren’t as potent and become like growing ornamental type plants. I tell ya as I get der I appreciate little things like seeing a fully flowered marijuana plant in East Baltimore. If it’s marijuana, it should be medicinal though. I got some Roc Bud Autos I got before he went AWOL. Lmk if y’all wanna see what I got. If anyone wants to breed with some or try to pop a few. As far as buddies stuff I run from here I’m sure they wouldn’t care if I sent a few.

The clones I lost from you dude. It kills me. I wanted to see how the Pure Michigan smoked. I had spider mites and whiteflies at the same damn time. I got some really good packs of seeds gathering dust. If you ever wanna check the archives, just holler at me. There are some autos testing at the same levels of photos.

Good to talk to you. All you guys tag me with you current posts or your current grow. I love seeing what’s going on here rather than fucking IG and Redit. Some of the worst people post on Reddit. I had no idea. :pensive:


@Shadey what’s going on man? I believe you’re in the same time zone as me but further North? From what I saw you got beautiful houses and land up there. I think about moving but I don’t believe I most countries would allow me in fr my criminal record. Hell I probably can’t get a passport. I’ve been to Niagara Falls though. It’s absolutely raw in power. The Canadian Side is way nicer. How you been feeling? Good strains? I’m on this GMOx Sunset Sherbet. It has a lime Sherbet flavor. Good stuff for sure.

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Hi man, so sad to hear about your cat buddy.

Yeah the new house has a lot of happy potential.

I have no plants growing atm, because of the house move but the new barn or workshop looks ideal for a huge grow lol.

I can’t remember if any of them have power, so I might have to rely on some extension cords temporarily run from the house.

I am pretty fucked up atm, just when I need to be at my healthiest for this house move. I don’t know the cause, but for the last 4 days, I can’t put any weight on my left leg without it feeling like my hamstring, calf and hip muscles are being riipped off my leg, with lot of nerve pain as well in my foot.

I think it might be a symptom of my nerve damage in my neck, the muscles have been getting tighter this last month so I did some stretching but its only making it worse it seems.

I have relinquished my objections for help to the wife, should have gone to the osteopath doc 2 weeks ago like she advised. I hate asking for help lol.

Usually if I ignore the pain long enough it goes away on its own but this one is persisting, and the wife can’t do this house move on her own.

I am praying this is not a permanent problem and getting a bit anxious, that the surgeons warnings of not having his operation could cause loss of leg use, be correct.

I have an appointment with the osteopath tonight, if I can get into the car and their office without pissing my pants or passing out from the pain lol.

Its bad when you are actually making a conscious decision to piss yourself rather than try and get to the toilet without blacking out.

I try and work smart, I now have a piss bottle next to me lol. You gotta do, what you gotta do, right.

Maybe taking some pain meds as well as the weed might help, but I hate pharmaceuticals more than the pain.I will cut my nose off to spite my face lol.

So long as I don’t move my leg, it only feels like an aching pulled muscle, so at least thats a bonus right :+1:

Niagara is jaw dropping in natural power and beauty. The sherbet flavoured weed sounds lovely, does it feel like its fizzing on your tongue lol.


Shade man I think a lot of us dudes parellel each other’s lives in some ways or another. There’s no one I can explain about my back problems and nerve damage from building scaffding an working iron for a while. Before that I sat at the end of a conveyor belt with 2 other guys pulling 90 lb backs of Sakrete and black top patch. I’m a big dude but my knee needs operating and I have a smashed disc in between 2 in my lower back which is cutting my sciatica.

I believe we’re trying to find strong indica’s that are powerful like pain/nerve killer without becomi g a smack head. It’s easy to end up off in the deep end over pain and discomfort.

I’m sorry to hear about your pain and troubles. Gotta listen to your better half. Sou ds like she cares. You know they wouldn’t trouble you to take care of yourself ya know. A happy wife is a hoot everything. You got someone to see you through it and that’s awesome.

Hopefully you can get edibles and whatnot and not have it effect anything with Dr.'s. Old school this king Drs here look at weed as a regular street drug and would tell you to get methadone. They may be more lax up there where you’re at. I imagine they probably don’t trip I’d it’s not a major issue.

Yeah I have a nice shed but they said we couldn’t run straight power to it so I’m gonna shrink wrap a fat extension cord out. I already have the drill press lights and the table saws hooked up. Gotta bury the cable a little deep. These squirrels dig in everything you touch around here. Weird fuckers. They hound me for bread balls when I’m in the garden. Lol.

Good to here from you sorry to here your hurting. Hopefully surgery will square you’re knee away nothi g like not being able to plant square feet. I’m like 6:4"-7-5" when I’m not hunched. I got some dumb bells I’ma start doing low impact slow reps just to keep somewhat tight. Thanks for sharing a bit man.:v::grin:


@Mr.Sparkle I got the Cookie Devil so.ewhat back on track. The leaves got some green going in them and the buds are swelling a bit. The leaves look like maybe the roots had a tad of rot or algae maybe but it’s smoothes out. They still have some time. Any help by the snap shots is appreciated.
Cookie Devil


Ghost Rose (Any guesses? It’s close. I think?)


looks like they are a bit hungry from whatever happened whether damage like you said or lockout or both, otherwise seem to be still trudging on.


Yeah. Unfortunately these plants got the remaining WF I had spread. It’s just one of those things I had to deal with this past run. I’m just glad to bring everything to an end together. I’m finishing up these autos then I’m gonna start breaking the fans and everything down to be washed. With the winter approaching I’m tyto get everything set up for a mostly problem free run. I came down with a big myself.

When things get this bad with pests you have to crush them and start over. I’m not holding any clones that I don’t have a couple cuts in a ean area so that’s not a concern. If it becomes one, I have some good seed to put down. :grin::+1:


You can see the leaves Taco :taco: out as this one finishes. I’m as fo see them all move along. These pests can’t be beat with live plants still going without reinfection. My photo tent is done and empty. I been sick this week. I’m not in any real hurry because I’ve got plans to clean everything together and let it dry nice. Storm coming so I’ll get to it early next week.

Here’s the Cookie Devil finishing. It has a real nice smell to it.

I got the Ghost Rose almost done. I’ll get some close ups when she’s done. The side buds are larger than the other plants buds. I just watered them. They’re yellowing out and the trichromes are all milky white.


Here’s an update on the Blueberry Auto. It was a nice surprise. However now I’m gonna be looking for some Bubblegum. Either some real Indiana Gum or maybe White Label? I know BOG said he used White Label in the Bogglegum.

Anyways without making long ass posts. This plant esthetically is perfect. The hotter soil has this one with slight leaf burn throughout veg and transitioned nicely into flower once it got on a solid flower schedule. The cooler nights are starting to run from the tips and center from the flowers out. It’s real musky and hopefully by the time it’s done In get some nice chunks. Definitely has great ‘blue’ genes almost blackberry-ish. Dark emerald leaves.:grin::ok_hand:

Got a little bit of PM. Gonna have to give it little baking soda spray down. I’ve used it effectively this year outside on the PM. I think it’s dripping off the tree it’s under after rains. Real quiet otherwise.


You got a picture of the mildew? I see things that look like water scale to me.

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Na I’ll grab one in the am. It’s bout dark. It’s really small though. I know I still got a couple weeks on it. I had this Mac clone out back and it had a touch. Nothing bad though really. My house is backed up to the woods. Bout halfway down you plunge into woods. I have every pest known to man as well. Ughh man. I have stink bugs clinging on the screens now.

Off topic. I had a touch inside a while back. I grew a Bubba from Katsu and the buds grew into each other like big toe nails. When I realized that I shoulda guided each one out. It was like fuck man. The rh was too high. What a mess.

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Mom trimmed the little Mac clone I tossed out back. It definitely is loaded with trichs. Unfortunately we’re not winning any prizes out here for anything lol. It smells like fresh Sprite, a little minty. I dunno. I gotta go, we’re toking one now. Be safe out there.


Gotta get back to this OGKB v2.1 I’m gonna revisit Copy’s platinum OGKB I picked up. I’d like to hit a 2.1 Clone with some feme platinum pollen. He’s got some of the most sod feminized and selfies stuff I’ve had the pleasure to run. I need the Bubba as well before I can see how that Romulan cross is. Wow man y’all seen the RomXBubba or the Bubba Pupil MMS? Holy Shit.

Looks like it grew kinda buggy. Lol. Smokes and smells like, give them the other shit. Hide that. That’s nite time doesn’t exist G13 classified shit your old lady looks so trashy on. Red ass eyes. In my personal.:grin::+1:

Little purple in a few pixels. Oh yeah. Not your stock In House Photo:rofl:


Ghost Rose by @ReikoX (Update) - Chop Day 10/1

Duuuuude. I was jus talking about Powdered fucking!!! Mildew. So I was just sniffing and poking around and I pulled a leaf from the Ghost Rose. The leaf slid out too easy and had thick PM on the base. This face immediately. :weary:…then when I saw really inside almost…:face_vomiting:.

That’s the anxiety when it comes to pulling a perfect massive one off. Just like the Bubba I had to bend each bud out and fold it downward as I was cutting and fansl leaves I could see the whole stem covered. As I got to the top I cut the knots off and cut the pm off. It’s so sticky when I was handling it, the whole house smelled like TooF Breathe. Lol

Pic of the cut portion. Sorry for the shitty circle. Quick shit.

July 11th

Murica! pic.:laughing:

Black background. Flash on.

Another upside down shot. (It is heavy and thick)

Here’s the very top of the cola. Not gonna drag this post out. I know where I went wrong. Overall success given the fact this was grown under screw ins and an ice cream tub cut down under a gallon. After chopping a good bit off the rest of the bud is being dried on a rack. This has a tad on it. Be ok. :grin::+1:

The Ghost Toof definitely shines through in this particular plant. I appreciate y’all taking a peek. It smells like a god rot of some kind. So I’m estimating from breaking the surface to pull…about 75+/- just a few.:grin::+1:…(:ghost::rose:)


Looks like some kind of mold, instead of powdery mildew. Botrytis or penicillium is my guess.