Baltimore's Multi-strain Bonanza

We made a steamroller pipe out of a 6’ tube!
Yea, back in the day, I was given some gold! I was sent Super skunk, NL5, and a C99 cross. I gave up super skunk, was afraid to grow it out lol. Gave the skunk clones and a few extra clones to a friend who passed them to a grower he knew. Who in turn gave me a white widow cross he made and had been growing for years. I ended up partnering up with that guy and did all the cloning and he flowered them out. He got busted, my mothers and plants that I had started flowering got fried during a summer heat wave while we were out for two days. someone… thought he was saving power by turning off the a/c while we were gone. Now I have my three strains back, more or less, in seed form. I’m still on my first run since then, flowering out my practice bag seeds now lol.
As for hard hitting indica, there’s a recent thread about that