Baltimore's Multi-strain Bonanza

You’re right about that dude. I have a massive collection. The clone only’s I dream about getting. I’m not greedy lol. Like 3 solid clones would be cool. These guys took pity on me. I got some beans that all hermed and now it’s a thing of space.

I know I have some gemstones. I’m looking for some potent indica leaners always. The highest potency Indicas? I have no idea now adays. I need a weed shaman to put me down with what I missed. Haha.:grin::v:

Pogs and slammers…stoooop! Holy s*** I haven’t thought about that in forever. My first experience is smoking we’re taking shotguns with a whole melted in a 6-ft pod case we used to suck it out of a stuffed blunt and then cleared a whole tube or try to. Good times.


There you go dude that’s by any means necessary right there I had a half gallon pot that I have a slice of Gary Payton in. I thought it was a wedding cake clone. From it being in such a small pot it took off so fast that it headed straight for the ceiling not a lot of branching I believe they do that though they’ll get super tall depending on the size of the container but for funeral hunting and stuff like that s*** I can pull an outside of a solo cup all day.

I took that MKage that I had and had to light up it for 2 months under a big ass black body bag trash bag and it worked absolutely perfect I stuck a five below fan underneath of it just to keep some air in it. That strain took 13 almost 14 weeks to flower out. I got like 2 oz off of it. It was some of the best smoke that I’ve ever had in my life. Old school sent me like three feminized beans. It’s been discontinued probably because it takes so long. Makes you wonder if you have those kind of seeds left. If there will ever be someone looking for that strain you know. I hold on to everything though you never know.

The TH seeds that have some fire strains that go back. SAGE was one of the first plants to hit 30%. We’ll close to it. Back in the day b real used to smoke that strain but yeah man. It’s all kind of good stuff out there. You’re like me you get that s*** done by any means necessary. Don’t have to be fancy just get it done. :grin::+1:

The Lord said spread thy seed far and wide…hehe. Good man…:laughing::v:

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Motz is like a boxer he’s swift to crack you with the truth. I think the truth hurts worse sometimes. There’s no substitute for experience so I say fuck google.

I don’t know how you choose what to run every time dude I guess like you said you ran so much you got your AKs and your Milks. Just the stuff you auctioned off was f****** amazing there was some stuff on there. I thought you have some stuff that still left that I’ve never even smoked or heard of before if you have some stuff left that you know is a heirloom quality holler at me I might pick some stuff up if you have a list left.

Thanks dude.:grin::v:


I saw the damage in your picture. Sorry man. Genocide to the fuckers!


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We made a steamroller pipe out of a 6’ tube!
Yea, back in the day, I was given some gold! I was sent Super skunk, NL5, and a C99 cross. I gave up super skunk, was afraid to grow it out lol. Gave the skunk clones and a few extra clones to a friend who passed them to a grower he knew. Who in turn gave me a white widow cross he made and had been growing for years. I ended up partnering up with that guy and did all the cloning and he flowered them out. He got busted, my mothers and plants that I had started flowering got fried during a summer heat wave while we were out for two days. someone… thought he was saving power by turning off the a/c while we were gone. Now I have my three strains back, more or less, in seed form. I’m still on my first run since then, flowering out my practice bag seeds now lol.
As for hard hitting indica, there’s a recent thread about that


Dude that hurts me. At least everything worked out more or less you know. Hell went to jail for a decade so everything I had was f***** from get-go.

Fortunately we’d found me or I found grass again when I was in a really bad state man. Playing catch up, knowledge wise. I came out of jail and realized everything was all sensi basically. No seeds. I thought about how many seeds I threw away when I was a kid that if I had labeled and put up but who knows? I’d be in the same boat I’m in now with a bunch of f****** seeds that I can’t grow out. :laughing:

My recreational seed bank. Lol. Wishful thinking anyway. :grin::v:


Life was easier when beans were harder to get.
At least then your picks were easier, didn’t have as many choices and from them few choices came 18000 vegabonds, unbelievable right.
Go figure and thats whats on seedfinder no way to tell how many actually


You build a time machine you let me know I could use a trip 20 years back :thinking: all the time I spent thinking about the government back then was wasted they weren’t even that bad yet … 20 year old me sure did hate Bush :sweat_smile: I think around this time is when conspiracy Dave was born according to my brother


I’ll be spraying some of that alcohol on the plants today. I’ll post results on it I honestly don’t see anything wrong with it. I actually wiped hand sanitizer on a plants leaves one time and it was fine so I’ll let you know if I destroy them all. Or not…:joy::v:


I tried to tell you before ypu shop amazon. Check out tattoo green soap. The white bottle (tinture of green soap) its 30% ethyl alcohol in a natural lavender oil based glycerine soap. Safe for em. Kills everything but the plant. The alcohol does not dry the leaves like i thought it softens and conditions them but no bug lives through a spray of it. Kills your pm too.


Not really, both were good in their own right. Hydro gave a better yield, soil gives a more complex flavor and yeah, reversed the terpene profile. I could see it being useful for certain strains with multiple smells/flavors.

Everything is lovely. I caught those fucks early. I made another amazon order. This time I threw some bug juice in. The alcohol made the plants shiny and nice. Motherfuckers are alcoholics. Note to self. Give plants a drink once and a while so they don’t hate me as much. I got pure grain alcohol and a shit ton of grades of iso.

Honestly there’s a wedding cake plant in there it is absolutely gorgeous I just wanted to protect it. It’s going to be a f****** monster I had to literally take like 10 plants out of my tent because it just getting so f****** huge. I’m gonna 3 gallon smart bag it and let it rock through flower. Its stretch is minimal.

My main ho’s are the Wilson, Captain’s Cake, Wedding Cake and the OGKB. The rest could fall back for real. I’m just wanting to bless that BTxHeri…If at first you don’t succeed. Go around the person and beg the other for it. Lol

We were discussing things today. I’ve never seen so many people act like base heads over grass. Seriously. Baltimore has always been the land of snakes but I never envisioned the type of shit that goes down over grass. IG should be shut down. It should be called stalker gram. It’s a shame what social media has done to families and society in general.

Anyways. Not much poppin when your vegging. Ahhh here we go. The Trops node spacing was so tight I raised my lights a foot and cleaned up a bunch of extra foliage. It was so tight is started throwing small calyx’s preflowering hard. Just a little defol before flower.

Trop Trained and trimmed. Once the branches touch the pot and head north I’ll release the chains. Like a merry go round of branches.

Mountain Crackers

Wedding Cake. She’s a healthy beast. I’d like to scog it in a 10 gal and let it jam. Clones clones clones.:drooling_face::birthday:

It’s like…30 watts to veg. 600 to flower. Lol. I was vegging with my EH full spec. Jamaica is only fun for a Vaca. Living in a tropical climate sounds oppressive. GA was hot enough.

Anyways y’all be safe. :slightly_smiling_face::v:


Hey dude come thru if you get a chance in the AM. My schedule is all whacked out. I didn’t know if you had the kids with the covid popping off. Hmu. I just stay in my lane man any more.

I’m chilling here man. It gets boring dealing with certified retards. Be safe out there.:grin::v:


Hit me with a PM with that personal data, Mark came through!!! SS/BW…mister :honeybee:


Sweet mother of beans! We have an official seed bank. I need massive rooms for seed production. :rofl::+1:. I’m gonna have to find some compost and ewc before it gets too cold. I’ve already ran almost through a large batch of soil. Was supposed to last me until spring for real can’t believe I’m having to off-put these plants so fast.

The last time I went to home Depot there was absolutely no compost very little earthworm casings and it was so expensive It’s just crazy I need to take my ass out to a nursery The goal is to get a small pickup truck. Maybe a little Ranger…just for a bit.

Gotta have a pickup. Anyways. Hope your family is well going into the Holidays. Be safe bud. :slightly_smiling_face::v:


Tonites post is centered around the topic of defoliation and cleaning growth that will amount to nil and suck precious energy and nutrients.

I use the Tropicana cookies as a prime example because leaving it under in my very small veg area for too long cause the nodes spacing to become so tight that it started throwing calyxes and sugar leaves. Since this is an clone and not a reveg the unnecessary small grow tips (t rex arms Rooted :rofl:).

Those little scraggly arms like dude from Scary Movie stirring the mashed taters. Lol. The plant is under a led fixture under18/6. People told me to leave the bud sites alone. Imo it’s in veg. It needs to be cleaned up for the flip.

Tell me how you deal with a super tight plant that starts to wanna push into flower. I took some pictures of the extra growth and I’ll grab one when it’s done.

Trop :cookie:

Cleaned up. I cleaned up the bud sites. Any s***** looking leaves down below. Anything that isn’t going to amount to anything has to go. Just really clean the inside and the bottom up.:slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Satisfied until I up pot. Not too much longer though. I’m thinking about just going into a 2 gal instead of a 3. Not allowing the roots to stretch out causes the plant to focus its energy and skyrocket up sometimes leaving you with a 5-ft tall single center stalked plant.


What did he restock?!

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@ReikoX GTxSBR The FAM packs. I keep a couple going. I’ve seen photo period plants that aren’t as dense as this plant was. once again this was grown under 10 8.5 watt bulbs. Not the best photos but this plant smashed the others.

Hey Reiko. You ever thought of making a Kush auto or something really strong? Not that this isn’t. Maybe like GMO?


A 60-day Bubblegum (Bubble Gum) AND a 60-day Blueberry, $1 each, 25 MINIMUM. Just got a Dozen of each so @Baltimore could stop drooling & weeping…lol Also, he has Purple Afghani (PA), should have known, but had to ask what the heck it was (duh!!!). ALL…do take care, stay EXTRA safe and, yes, be well…mister :honeybee:


Bro, do you “hire out” as a Trimmer??? SUPER good looking Nugs there. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: