Baltimore's Multi-strain Bonanza

“Original Genetics” sounds pretty lame even if Josh D wants to change it now. It’s Definitely “Original Gangster”, if you really think about, it was renamed by hood/rappers, grow in the city of LA/hood, and back in the 90’s before anyone really cared about the word genetics.

OG Kush came from underworld/inner city, not from the Humboldt triangle, or suburbs, or ocean view houses.


No worries little buddy, ill have ya covered.


I don’t think I’ve ever had OG Kush. There was a time when everything from Cali was a “Kush.”




I’ve got a couple ogk x’s, from an unknown cali con male.


Hey my brother @OleReynard! I hope you’re well and property lifted. Was that an offer or just a declaration? If it’s an offer, I’m all in my friend! Far be it from me to be presumptuous! Lol. Take care of yourself.



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I’ve heard him say both so seems like both were universally used back then. It was just called kush around 2002 . I’d like to see a reference to it as og kush prior to 2001.Funny thing I was first told a different origin story that would match up more with what you say about the inner city.
There is the Florida story , the dogbud grass valley story and several variations of both.
I’ve also heard claims it was found in bogs sour but bubble and some of those plants look alot like a og in regards to there floral clusters.
I was told originally it came from somebodies grandpa in the desert, that his nephew stole it from him and started growing it in the valley indoors.
I don’t think we will ever know for sure everybody has put out so much bad info and hype. I first saw it in santa Monica dropped of by a kid with dread locks riding a bmx style bike.
@RocketBoy when did you first encounter it as og ?

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Ca-Li-O! Ca-Li-O! I know where the heirlooms reside. :grin::+1:. Between you and the Great :frog: Man. You guys are the keepers of fire in a horn. I appreciate you coming through and dropping some knowledge it’s good to see you’re still around man I’m glad you stayed.

hopefully all’s well up there and not really too cold yet I’m sure you guys prepare for it though. It never gets cold enough here to really need block warmers for trucks or anything like that. I worked for a trucking company for a while and I used to hear horror stories of guys waking up buried in snow and their block warmers are off generators conked out.

Although my uncle lived in upstate New York. His back alleys were a canal system everybody knew each other could dock boats out back of each other’s house and then during the winter the lake freezes solid and they held rally events on it. I’ve never seen somewhere up off of Erie so cold. I mean it’s just so f****** cold man.

We have sissy weather here. We’re lucky. Be safe bud. :grin::+1:


In Florida, early 2000’s, back when it was going around as so called “Crippy”. OG is a good smoke but she couldn’t compete with our powerhouses, Soflo Crippy cut, NL#5Haze, HashplantxNL#1, Black haze, silver Haze, WW, WR, ect…

Only when the Hype started going around is when everybody wanted it.


I’m not very familer with the soflo cut you mention but I find og to be much better then silver haze , been to long sense I smoked wr to remember anything besides rock hard crytsal coverd buds.
I know the og was in Los Angelas by the early 2000 era but not seen by many.
When you say soflo crippy do you mean the weed that came from kauai via surfers…if so the plant I have labeled 92 og looks alot like it

No, that Hawaiian Crap is pure fantasy BS made up by that supaKlown.

I’m talking about the Real Florida Crippy from FL


That looks spot on to the 92 og clone I have
The 92 stacks much better then the ghost or the sfv , do you by chance have any pictures in veg. I have some pictures on my thread of the various cuts I have.


Trust me it’s not the same. Crippy resembles more to NL#5 or someone variant of it.


The guy I stol… borrowed the pictures from confirmed it’s not any kind of og or chem, I can also confirm she is not any kind of og or chem (I had the crippy cut years ago).

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Time to erase my post before Baltimore get pissed.


Well if og is a bag seed from crippy it would lack the influence if the father and there fore only represent part if what it originally was. There is so much we will never know it frustrates me deeply. I wish we could all easily meet and smoke these different cuts and compare
On a side note we should have a mod move this of Baltimores thread and onto a more of kush oriented topic, just to be polite and avoid clogging it up any more lol

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I spend a good bit of time in Georgia The Crippy that was down in Georgia. I was told came from South Florida. I knew they grew Georgia pine but Georgia pine wasn’t Crippy of course. I was told by the Georgia boys that it was a kind of skunk that they had got a hold of real tiny flavored stuck as Georgia pine. IDK. Good grass tho.

You’ve hit all the key points right on the head white rhino white widow Cali mist f****** G13 88 hash plant northern Lights number 5 f****** these were the bedrock strains and if it branched off a Hindu kush you know I came back and we just used to call Hindu Hindu and whatever whatever but it’s nice to know where it came from especially being on the East coast.

It’s almost like when dude in New York was running a sour diesel in his old lady took a cut off of it in the middle of night and gave it the other dude, shut just gets so muddled.

It’s nice to know where things come from and if they’re still available. The back stories on everything is amazing, but like you said it was cranking for a certain period of time and then everything just almost seemed like it escalated out of control.

I guess that’s the nature of the weed grower though always trying to put two things together to make something better. I’m mad about the white rhino and white widow situation where the f*** is it at?


Omg dude wtf. Tell me when where and how? Lol Jesus Christmas. That’s it!

You could kill someone with a branch. Haha

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I can’t 100% confirm but it said crippy was NL x NL#5HazeC, others say it’s pure NL#5 :man_shrugging:


That would not surprise me at all , I’ve seen a old northern lights line on here that looked so much like a og it’s almost undeniable

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@Heritagefarms You mean my NL#5?

Pheno #4