Banquos Basement

Yes indeed!


Yes indeed I am catching up to it, I have it, you gave it to me thanks!! You also suggested using excel to keep track of stuff and well I have a whole neat stack of legal pad notes finally organized and I found it so I am following your work again


I feel honored that you and a couple others have shown interest in this crazy ride I’m on. I’m switching gears and moving to mostly photoperiod stuff for a year or two, but I’ll always have autos going, and I’ll always be working on something, anything, to make more seeds. OverGrow allows me to benefit from growing, my new favorite hobby twice over. Not only do I get to grow my favorite plant and enjoy the fruits (flowers) of my labor, but I also get to give away as many seeds as I can make! I couldn’t ask for more, honestly.

If you (keene) are mostly into autos, I am working an F1 photo to auto project right now. It’s auto Mazar from Seedsman crossed to 9# Hammer from JinxProof Genetics, made by a friend of mine out in OK. I won’t be ready to send any out til they’re at least F3, which is when most SHOULD (heavy emphasis on that part) autoflower. People who have accepted Space Wiz or Pentagram from me in the past will be on the short list for future projects, so just let me know if you like how they look later on


Quick update on the project plants. The single yellow sticker cup is that Wedding Cake fem from PEV. The other 11 cups, the blue stickers, in the front and middle rows are auto Mazar x 9# Hammer F1s, and the back row with just numbers are the Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze F2s. Credit goes to my friend in OK for the 9# cross, and the SSSDH F2s were made by OG Swe-Can.

Gonna be prepping pots and transplanting up to 1 gallon in the next couple days. Probably moving to flip a week or so after that to give them a moment to adjust and settle. Gonna be moving quickly over the next 3 or so weeks, until pollen gets applied. I’ll probably have enough autos chopped to switch around and move the photos into the 2x4 and the remaining autos to the 2x2. I gotta do something because 18 pots aren’t going to fit in that 2x2 :sweat_smile:


Far left pot is that Wedding Cake fem, the other 6 pots are Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze F2s.

Auto Mazar x 9# Hammer F1s, culled the 3 smallest so now we’re down to 8.

Got everyone up-potted and sat in Great Lakes Water Only organic super soil. I hit the roots on each plant with some Great White mycorrhizae, and in the process I dropped the Wedding Cake while it was out of the cup, so the roots took a beating. She’ll make it or she won’t I guess. :man_shrugging:

Moved all 8 autos into the 2x2. Thank goodness I’ll be bringing them down over the next 2-3 weeks. It’s awful crowded in there. Purple Nuggets will be first, probably another week or so. She’s finally putting on some density, thankfully.


Love to see you grow some photoperiods in the next few runs. Those 9# Hammers sound like they will be a winner.


I sure hope they are! I’d love to see an unofficial 9# auto get around the community. I’ll be running the seeds made from these plants right away and looking for the autos to make F3s with. I’d love to have F4 testers out in the community sometime late this year. :pray:

I’ve got some serious stank coming up in the next round of seeds I pop. I can’t recall all of the stuff locked away in the beans I’ll be popping, but it’s a whole lotta Chem, Sour D, and even a little bit of Jack Herer between the 2 different crosses I’ll be running. Plus the ever popular round here Purple Poison Cookies that I hopefully find a keeper or 2 from.


Partly fused leaf on 1 of the Auto Mazar x 9# Hammer. The breeder that made these seeds does have a Ducksfoot line and several Freakshow crosses in his greenhouses, so I’m hoping a stray pollen grain from one of those boys didn’t make the seed this plant grew from. I’m like 99% sure it’s just a one-off freaky leaf, but I’ll be watching that plant closely.

Everyone looks super happy in their new containers. That Great Lakes Water Only must really be tickling their roots. The SSSDH F2s are all trying to “pray” already, which I usually don’t see until much later on. The Auto Mazar x 9# Hammer plants took the transplant a bit harder, but they’re coming around already, and should resume growth today or tomorrow. The Wedding Cake fem looks pretty sad, but I expected that after destroying her roots during transplant. Whoopsiemybad.

I’ll be setting the timer to 12/12 tomorrow. They’ll be 13 or 14 days old then, which feels good enough for a seed run. I’m almost certain I will not be cloning any of these plants, unless one of them really stands out during flower. But even then, who wants to re-veg a cutting? Is it even possible to get a clone to take root during flower? I’d almost rather just re-veg the whole plant than go through trying to take clones during flower and risk killing the plant or who knows what. Plus, the way I see it, if I make seeds with any standout females, I’ll have a chance to see them again one day.

Who wants to help me out with a wiki for the SSSDH F3 seed run? I’m not gonna pretend it’s a matter of me not having time to do the wiki myself. It’s a matter of straight ignorance. I suck at formatting and editing and whatever else goes into making those sign up threads look so nice. That ain’t me, so I’ll leave it to the pros. You’d be working for seeds, but I’d make it worth your time and effort. I’m looking for someone to make this an official seed run wiki on the co-op page of the Breeders section of OG, just to be clear. Not a side-alley deal off behind a dumpster somewhere. It seems like a lot of people wanted these seeds but couldn’t get them for whatever reason. I want to try and get them into the hands of as many OGers as possible, through whatever means possible.

Still no action with the little Northern Lights auto clone attempt. She does seem to be holding onto the Root Riot plug, like maybe she’s got some little root nubs dug in already. But still no white dots on the outside of the cube. Hopefully not too much longer. If she makes it and has flowers set when I do the pollinations in the project group, I might hit a branch with Dead Zone pollen and make “Dead Lights” fast photo F1s. Can’t hurt, I guess. If it’s a matter of do that or toss the left over pollen, I’m gonna use it on SOMETHING rather than waste it.

Sooooo yeah, if you’re interested in helping out with making and running a wiki for the SSSDH F3 seed run, please DM me. I can totally handle the updates and content part, I just don’t know how to do the actual wiki-work and make it a thing. Like seriously, I don’t even know how to make a word bolded or italicized on here. It’s sad. :sweat_smile:


It’s possible. They end up… different. :stuck_out_tongue: I got a clone of GG4 from someone’s flowering plant, though only a week into flower… it started out looking normal, went into flower and rooted over the course of the next few weeks, and then finished revegging once it was rooted. It’s kind of cool, since there’s this huge mess of lower branches and the plant is arranging itself into a number of nicely defined tops, with a little help from a tomato cage. Here’s a shot of the lowers, something like 6-8 of them very tightly packed in before the normal (for GG4) stretchy growth started:

Should be pretty easy for me to do, though we might want to wait until you have them sexed at least… up to you. That way there’s no chance of just having to call the whole thing off because you end up with all males or all females, though. :slight_smile: On the other hand, if you have a co-op thread and you end up with all one sex, it might get more attention from the community and others might be able to come to the rescue with more SSSDH seeds for you to pop. Up to you, shoot me a DM and we can figure out the details.


Story of my life man :joy:

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I do believe we’re the same person :thinking::sweat_smile:

Good luck! Looking forward to seeing how these go!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Hey man, good to see another Autopot user. How do you like them so far? You are using Megacrop from what I can see. You follow their schedule or reduce EC? Any trouble with “salt buildup”?

All the best! :seedling:


I actually have 2 AutoPot systems! I’ve got a 2 pot AutoPot XL system with the big 6.6 gallon plastic pots, each with its own AquaValve. And then more recently I went with the Auto3 tray, which just has the 1 AquaValve, but it worked perfectly with all 3 slots filled with 5 gallon fabric pots. I ended up pulling the middle pot around day 21 of the run, but until then it had no problems keeping up with all 3 pots.

I honestly love the system, both versions that I’ve used. My only issue is the AquaValves on my XL system wouldn’t stop flowing after about 45 days in to the run. So I ended up having to remove the vavles and bottom water for the rest of the run. Not fun when it’s such a large container and you can only add such a small volume of water each time you pour. I didn’t have any issues with the valve in the Auto3 tray, or any other part of the system.

I started at the max dose listed on the bags and would add 50% more if a plant looked like it needed it. I don’t do pH or EC, which is probably why I had such a hard time dialing in with ProMix and Mega Crop. I absolutely do not blame the products at all, it’s totally me and my own laziness. Which is why I’ve switched back to organic super soil :sweat_smile:

As far as salt buildup, my best recommendation is an enzyme product called SLF-100. It’s not cheap, but it will save your grow. Definitely do some reading on it, but it was highly recommended to me and I highly recommend it in turn, after using it. There might be other products that do the same thing, this is just what I use and the only one I know the name of.

It’ll be a bit before I run the system again, but I will be running it again. I’ve got an idea to let a single autoflower take over my entire 2x4 tent with the help of a trellis net, my working AquaValve, and one of those big 6.6 gallon pots. I think I’ve got a good candidate for it too, I just gotta finish up some projects first


This was last night. Wanted to get one last pic of the SSSDH before flip, mostly so I can have an idea how much they stretch during flower.


I had a couple of problems with my aquavalves as well, it’s a learning experience just like any other. Majority of my problems stemmed from hard tap water and salt/sediment build up in piping, valve clogged up a few times. That all stopped once I started using a proper line cleaning product (ATA Clean in my case).

I’ve never had a flooding (knock on wood), but had an issue last run where the valve would permanntely fill to half-full. It was caused by me losing a silicone gasket while cleaning and replacing it by another silicone from a different series (lost silicone was red in color, I replaced it with yellow one). Although the dimensions were same and it fit properly, the material was different to the touch (red ones were a little softer) and it caused issues. It stopped once I replaced both silicones for yellow ones.

I’m sticking with Autopots because I love their symplicity. I have a new system for my 4x4 tent consisting of 100L FlexiTank and 4 XL saucers with 20L smartpots and new AquaValve5 with 9mm tubing. Just about to give it a proper test now with Samsquanch OG plants - my first autoflowers too!

Thanks for info on SL-100, looks like it’s a tailor made enzymatic solution for fighting sediment/salt buildup. Wish it was more readily available in Europe, but I found a source. I’ve started using Advanced Hydroponics Enzymes+ and it’s a great product as well, very stable in the tank, works well with ATA Clean and just keeps everything nice and clean. Maybe I will try SL-100 once it runs out…

All the best! :seedling:


Quick update from flip day

Watered everyone with 8-10 oz of RO water with some CloneX seedling nutrient solution, using 40 mL for the whole gallon of water used. The bottle calls for 5-10 mL per liter of water, so I went with the upper end since these are established plants, and it will be their last dose of root booster. Rocking water only from here on, until I see a slowdown in flower development around week 4. The company that makes this OSS I’m using, Detroit Nutrient Company, says right in the FAQ on their site that cal-mag is not needed and should not be used with their soil. They also recommend 7 gallon or larger pots, and I’m in 1 gallon pots. So we’ll see what they actually end up needing.

Timer is set to 12/12 and hopefully stays there. I’ll add 30 minutes of dark time if necessary, but hopefully it won’t be. Had to run 11/13 to get a Dr. Grinspoon plant to flip, so that’s given me flip-related PTSD I guess :sweat_smile:


Group shot after day 1 since flip to 12/12. Wedding Cake is far left, 6x Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze F2s are on the left shelf, and 8x Auto Mazar x 9# Hammer are on the right shelf.

This SSSDH has my full attention for the moment. It’s the only plant of 15 total to have 7-bladed leaves at the 3rd node. It’s also one of the top 3 in terms of branch growth. I’ll be watching this one closely, and hoping it’s a female. The only other standout plant for the moment is the AMx9# with the half fused leaf, but so far its just that single leaf that looks that way. Some of the AMx9# have very dark, almost black, leaf stems, while others are a very light greenish-yellow, just a little bit lighter than the newest leaf growth.

I’m really really going to try my hardest to document this project here, as good as I possibly can. I want to do picture updates every 3 days, so the next round will be taken on Thursday and go up later that day or early Friday morning. I’ll also be documenting the SSSDH on the seed run wiki post that goes up for that. That being said, please forgive me if my pictures here seem biased towards one group or the other. On the one hand I know I need to focus on the SSSDH with pics, while on the other hand I want to show off my buddies genetics and my own selections with it on the journey to full auto. So what gets posted here may swing drastically from one update to the next.

I guess that’s pretty much it for today. Still waiting on that little Northern Lights auto cutting to do something. It looks like it’s tilted the top towards the light quite a bit now, so I’ll keep assuming something is happening and it’s still living :man_shrugging:


“Yeah, Well, That’s Just, Like, Your Opinion, Man.” About the wife liking to smoke but not to enthused about growing it

Happy wife Happy life!!!..but it’s the same way with my Mom and she doesn’t even smoke but it’s also y I can’t grow more than one or two at a time cause I moved back in with my parents to help out with my Dad who’s got Alzheimer’s & my Mom is a teacher but so glad that she’s finally retiring after 38 years of teaching kids and it’s just amazing to think about how many kids she had an influence on…big shout out to my MOMMA and all the other teachers…she’s been so strong since finding out approximately 6 years ago about my Dad’s Alzheimer’s and has been there for me trying to accept n deal with it and my Dad’s Alzheimer’s has been ruthless he’s at stage 5 and Alzheimer’s has 7stages so it is hard for me because I basically have been his caregiver for the past 4 years and I am not upset at all but rather feel like that’s what we’re raised to do(at least me),they took care of me with unconditional love and always had my back 1000000% of the time and I am sorry for getting off topic but I just don’t have my best friend anymore rather a shell of him and he’s only 65 so it’s been really hard to watch him go to a toddler like state of mind and it’s just good for me to get it out and I know that the OG community is always around for each other and it’s proof that we’re all here for the same reason mostly and on February 27th I posted about losing my 18year old miniature dachshund Ralph and I had more outpouring love and genuine thoughts and prayers from this amazing extended family that is what I love about it sorry my rambling but I just gotta sometimes good vibes and grows to everyone :v:t2:


Anybody want some? I got these last year but started them too late and didn’t have enough time to get much from them. So I decided to start them indoors this year, and much earlier too. I don’t really care when the harvest rolls in, since I don’t do a full on garden. Mostly I grow them just to grow something, and to give the peppers away to neighbors, mail carriers, waste management, etc. Also, living where I live and ordering grow supplies to my house, it’s good to put on a show for anyone nosey enough to be paying attention.

I’m not looking to swap seeds with the peppers. If you want some just let me know and I’ll gift em to you. They aren’t rare or anything, just as close to a local heirloom as I could find, in hopes they’d grow well where I live. They did alright, despite getting a late start. But I didn’t end up planting them direct into the ground, so they probably didn’t do as good as they could. Maybe this year.

The Beaver Dam is a Hungarian varietal that was brought to Beaver Dam Wisconsin in the early 1910’s, and bred out by the Hungarian family that brought the seeds with them when moving to that area. Awhile back the original guys son or grandson gave some seed stock to, I think, Seed Savers Exchange, and then they moved around from there. Heat rating is less than jalapeño on the Scoville scale, coming in between 500 and 1,000. There’s even a festival in Beaver Dam WI dedicated to this pepper.

The Wisconsin Lakes is a type of bell pepper. It’s got no heat rating at all, and I don’t know much about it. Last year it handled my climate well, and did well if the soil got too dry. But other than that, it wasn’t spectacular compared to any other pepper plant I’ve seen growing. I wanted to cross the Beaver Dam to the Wisconsin Lakes, but never made it happen. Maybe this year.

Picture update coming later today. Won’t have time to get it done this morning after the light comes on, so I’ll do it when I water tonight.


Oh heck man, no apologies needed. This isn’t a “serious” grow thread, I just happen to post updates here. Mostly this thread was created as a safe place for me to dump my thoughts related to cannabis, without worry of the peanut gallery chiming in to let me know what they think of my ideas. OG is good like that. You either get massive support, or people just keep on scrolling and leave you to your business.

That being said, this is in no way a private thread. Anyone is welcome to drop in and share, just like a real basement hangout spot. So please don’t hesitate to stop in once in awhile and talk about your dad, or tell a story, or share a picture of Ralph. If talking about it affects you in a positive way, I’m more than happy to share this space for that purpose.