Banquos Basement

Auto Mazar x 9# Hammer F2 seeds. Still a couple to pick out, but this looks like enough to work with to find parents that auto to make the F3s with. SSSDH seeds are still in the buds, getting extra dry. I wanna try a new thing for separating material and seeds, so I need it to be really dry.


Hello I think we might be related…haha

I hear you on a need for a outlet. Nice looking ladies you got there

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I found this document to be helpful:
Seed storage, small2012.pdf (170.8 KB)
{Bottom paragraph on page 244}


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I do love the look of her!! And congratulations on a successful and a beautiful run!! hope you kept a clone or something :v::v::pray: have you tried a sample of it yet @Banquo


Free “sample” from Fish Head Farms. There’s no size listed on the bottle, but it’s gotta be at least 750 mL, if not a full liter. I’ve got a 250 mL bottle and could easily fill it 3-4 times with this “sample” jug. I didn’t even remember signing up for a sample, but after seeing the sticker on the box it came back to me immediately. I went to their site and found the request a sample page. It looks like it’s meant for businesses only, so I put my “breeder company name” in for all the business stuff, and what do you know, it worked.

This sample is a huge blessing. If you use this stuff, you know what it coat. If you don’t, this just saved me a couple hundred bucks. I think that deserves a little bit of promoting if I see good results with it, and maybe a thank you email to their contact info. This just made my day.

On the less than 0.1% chance someone from FHF ever sees this, I fucking love you guys for this. Thank you. :green_heart:


Hell yeahhh! Your plants will love them also! Lol


They already do! I’ve been using it for a couple waterings already, and I will say for sure I noticed an almost immediate increase in stickiness coming from my tent. In a 3-4 day span I went from “That carbon filter is really hanging on. What a trooper”, to “Oh shit, I need to order a new charcoal can before I run anything else stinky” :flushed:


that is a serious freebie!! enjoy, i know your plants will :slight_smile:

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Well, that’s that. Seeds are shucked and sorted from the Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze F2 x Dead Zone project. I’ll go through them again in a week or so when they’re dry, but I think I got most of the immature or straight up duds out already. I’ll do a 10 seed germ test after 10 days dry time, then go from there. There will be a limited amount available to those who want some, and I will be taking it to F2 at least, so there will be more eventually.

I’m really really stoked to see what we’ve got here. I’m not really thinking about official names yet, but a placeholder name will likely happen to make it easier to discuss without typing the 7 words that make up the 2 strains involved in the cross. So if you’re clever with that kinda stuff, feel free to chime in with ideas. I’m likely to come up with something super lame like “Project #1” or something :sweat_smile:

I’ll be harvesting and processing the remaining 4 plants from this run, although none should have seeds. If I can get any of them cleaned up nicely, I might take some pictures. If not, expect a first update on the current round of fem plants in a few days. The 3x Blackstrap from @hollyho are starting to really take off. I might top 1 or 2 in the next couple days. 1 of them has very strong and vigorous branching, so she’d be a likely candidate for topping and possibly another attempt at cloning an auto. I know her genetic stock was tough as nails and took cloning really well, so I might give it a shot. She’s looking like the winner amongst her sisters.


Thank you for the kind words! I think she looked super Hazey, and smoked like a Haze too. There wasn’t much of her that wasn’t fully seeded, but enough to smoke a couple bowls. It didn’t get much cure time, so I’ll have to give a better smoke report as the last 3 plants come down and get some jar time. This one had some strong black pepper notes mixed with some skunkiness and a little gas. First couple tokes on a bowl reminded me of some Chem '91 I’ve smoked in the past, flavor wise. As far as effects go, it was very cerebral. Nothing racy or crazy, but definitely not something to smoke before sleep.

I did not take clones from anything in this run, sadly. There is 1 SSSDH that looks totally unique to her sisters, and ticks a lot of boxes structurally. I might leave a few nodes on a couple branches on her and see if I can reveg her, then go from there. I will take some pictures of her after she’s cleaned up for harvest.

I did make some seeds by crossing the plant in the pictures with Dead Zone from CSI Humboldt, generously donated by @VAkish from his extremely unique “1:1000” male. So now I’ve got a bunch of F1 seeds to dig through and see what I’ve got. Of course I’m gonna offer half to VAkish for his contribution, but I’d also like to see about getting a few to you as well, Swe-can. None of these seeds would be here if it weren’t for your determination to do the SSSDH seed run (really amazing story y’all, definitely worth a read), so it would be my pleasure to offer a few to you.


Great job bud! That’s a nice haul of seeds. I’ll send you a message this evening. Got some of the crosses I made to send you. Hope you are having a wonderful day


Super Silver Sour Diesel Haze F2

This phenotype is really unique looking. What appear to be fox tails are actually little Christmas tree buds stacked and packed tightly to make a cola at the end of each branch. It’s most apparent on the main cola, which is featured in the 2 close up pictures. She really packed the resin on those flowers in the last couple weeks. She was harvested earlier today, which is 80 days from flip to 12/12.

I will do an overall grow report on the strain, as well as individual smoke reports on the 3 plants that were not used to make seeds. 2 of them are somewhat similar in appearance and smell, but not “twins”. The other 2 plants will probably come down tomorrow, since they need water and I didn’t do it today :upside_down_face:


Beautiful! Good job :clap:


Got those beans yesterday! Dropped 4 in water already. Hope they get some decent veg time.

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Still here, still doing things, just incredibly busy. 3 more days til the wedding, 4 til the party, then a couple days more til vacation. It’s been insane around here the last 2-ish weeks. Getting everything put away and hidden from the 20 of 21 guests who don’t know ANYTHING that goes on in our home has been an absolute nightmare. The dumb little things I leave laying around on a daily basis, I had no idea. And hopefully we never have to do this again. After this one, we’re both totally happy to go another 10 years without hosting family for an event. :sweat_smile:

Just a fast update on what’s in the tent. Down to 1 Blackstrap S1 auto. She’s been topped and had her bottom branches removed, leaving her with 10 strong branches. I put super cropper clips on the lowest 8, hoping to get them out a bit before flower sets in, and maybe the 2 top branches will have room in the middle.

The Pure Michigan 2.0 S1 and Lemon Carver photo plants have been transplanted to 5 gallon fabric pots. They’ll stay on 18/6 for another week or 2, then I’ll probably flip them. I decided to let them get a little larger during veg, so that hopefully I end up with some really big plants at harvest. I need a good yield so I can start another seed run and have flower to get me through it. Prolly would run a couple fem autos during the seed run, just to supplement my stash with some new stuff, at some point, but it would only be a couple.

Probably won’t be back til late next week sometime. Nothing much to talk about til I get those seeds counted, anyhow. Hope y’all are having some fun in the sun, wherever you are!


Gonna be getting these seeds ready in the next couple days. Everything is back to normal, or our version of normal, at least. I dunno if I’ll even bother counting them. I don’t really see a point in it, honestly. There are at least 300-400 there, which is more than enough to make F2s with, even after giving away a bunch. I can start sending next week, so if you’re interested drop me a line.


Congratulations on getting hitched buddy! Glad that’s all over with. Sucks to have to hide all your normal shit for people.

And who needs to count beans. You could weigh a number of them then weigh the over all harvest and do the math to get a good estimate. But meh.


Congrats on the wedding! Glad to see things are somewhat back to normal.


I ended up doing this with projects in the past to get an estimate, but not before counting 2 plants worth of seeds before that, even. As much as I do enjoy the process of seed shucking, counting all of them is a bit too tedious for me. I’ll probably just count a grams worth, then weigh the overall like you suggested :blush:


Good morning, and happy Wednesday. Hopefully everyone is feeling close to 100% again after the long holiday weekend. Did you get to enjoy some fireworks with your people? Our oldest kiddo was so tired, just before they lit off the first shot, she was ready to walk the 2 blocks down to the park so she could tell the people in charge that she was tired and wanted the show to start. Kids, eh? :sweat_smile:

As I write this I’m looking at a vial with a handful of regular autoflower seeds in it. I’m feeling an itch that only a seed run can scratch, and I think this one will be a hit with the auto-heads. Are you ready? Because it’s time. Mango Smile x Zamaldelica Express F2 project begins TODAY. I’ve been sitting on these F1 seeds long enough. I need to get them going, since I don’t know how old they were when I received them.

This isn’t going to be a large scale project. I only have a small quantity of the F1 seeds, and I have no history on the parents to get an idea how they performed. I can assume the Zamaldelica Express male was a total stud, since he was used in multiple auto projects from that same run, but even that feel like a reach. Maybe he was just the best male in a group of shit males? I don’t wanna lean too hard on the stud assumption, but I also don’t wanna be pessimistic.

So yeah, that’s what’s on the horizon. I’m still (kinda) looking for some fem auto pollen for this Blackstrap S1 I’ve got going, but it isn’t a priority. She’s in with the Lemon Carver and Pure Michigan 2.0 S1 photos, which just got put on 12/12 last night (July 5) as of 8:00 pm. I might switch the Blackstrap over to the 2x2 tent so she can stay on 18/6 and maybe yield a little better, or I might just leave her on 12/12 and see how she does. She’s coming up on day 60 since sprout, and is just now hitting pre-flower. To me that seems like a long time for an auto, especially in a 1 gallon pot. So hopefully that means she’ll stack flowers nice and tight, and yield well.

I’m looking for a partner in a very special grow. I’ve brought this up in the past with no takers, so I’ll try again. I have 2 feminized Dr. Grinspoon seeds from Barney’s Farm. It’s a strain I’d read about for years and years but never had the opportunity to try it. So I grew 1 last year but failed horribly and the resulting flower was nearly unusable, and had to all be infused with coconut oil. I did get to smoke a little bit, but it was really gross and didn’t even really make me feel like I’d smoked anything, despite going in to the session with a totally clear head. So I consider that run a complete failure, and I want to try again. I believe I know now where I ran into issues with the first try, and I can do better this time.

So, with that all being said, I would love to experience this grow with someone in the community, even better if it could be a growmie that hangs out around here. There has to be someone out there willing to take this journey with me, I just gotta find you. And I will. I’m not in a hurry. Heck, you can’t be with this strain anyways.

On the flip side of this coin… If someone has something they’d like to grow with a companion, I’d be down for that. It seems like it’d be a fun way to experience a new strain, or even something familiar, honestly. And it’s something to do with another human, which is always beneficial for me since I have no social interactions IRL. :upside_down_face: