"Barney"? (A Story of Kismit)

The universe hauled my ass to some special seeds today. In point form:

-Woke up; first conscious thought was a melody; the song, “I love you, you love me, we’re a happy family”
-Wonder why I have Barney the Dinosaur song in my head; haven’t thought of or seen that cultural character for about a decade or more.
-See clock: 7:07am
-Reason to myself: “I guess that song popped into my head because I live on Barney Road.”
-Milliseconds later had spontaneous urge to run to the garden and cut heads of lettuce to give to neighbours. Had a ton of work to do in the garden, but went with the intuition anyway because the urge was so unusual and strong.
-Hummed song on and off while wheelbarrowing lettuce around to the neighbours (all on 5 acre lots in the country)
-Spoke with a neighbour I haven’t met before; had a creepy amount of things in common, almost like meeting an older version of myself
-After a good chat about spirituality and history, I’m about to leave and an external voice interjects upon my mind: “Ask him if he wants a plant!” (not a thought i willfully catalyzed)
-From down the driveway I turn and hollar back, “Hey you want a big weed plant right”?
-He smiles like Cheshire a big ‘Yes’ with wide eyes; so I bring him a 4’ female Lavender Jack x (White Lotus x Jack Herer) in a 5gal (from seed–thanks @Mestizo)
-Dropping the plant off, his wife pulls up in the driveway while he’s just finished telling me about his childhood in the 70’s seeing 14’ plants that made him trip like LSD; goes into his history of cultivating Oaxacan, Thai, and Afghanica genetics throughout 80s/90s
-She rolls down the window and sees the plant and grins
-Offers me $20 to show appreciation; I say sure; she has $15 I’m stoked, thank her
-She drives up to the house, runs inside and grabs her “11yr old seeds from Ontario”
-The couple Hugh and Jane describe an IBL they have saved seed from for over a decade, with entirely purple stems, leaves, petioles, and flowers from seedling emergence to harvest.
-I begin salivating
-They bring out the seeds and dump half into a cigarette tin for me; 18 seeds (a perfect flat of 3.5" pots; my fav seed starting container lol)

-“What’s it called?” I ask
-“Don’t know. We just call it Barney. Because it’s purple. You know, like Barney the Dinosaur.”

-We look at each other and feel mutual faint recognition, despite having never met before
-She asks where I live. I tell her I’m the big house on Barney Rd. by the local’s provincial park entrance.
-She laughs and waves at me familiarly. I realize that we have seen each other from a distance almost every day for the past 4 years I’ve lived here; she’s the woman walking the poodle (Robert) every morning. We have literally waved at each other hundreds of times.

Meanwhile in my garden I’m growing these genetics:
Blueberry Dragon Fire wk8 (7 East Genetics)
Blueberry Dragon Fire leaf scan (7 East Genetics)

Sundae Driver (S1 of black sheep cup cut by Cannarado)

GDP Auto (F4):

Purple Mexican Heirloom (KropDuster)

GDP x Purple Mexican Heirloom (KropDuster)

To caboose this coincidence train, my Fern Frond FPJ ferment just finished… I arbitrarily made it because I thought it might be useful to have some natural source of gibberellic acid around in case I come into some old seeds.

So yeah,

I love you, you love me
We’re a happy family
With a great big hug
And a kiss from me to you
Won’t you say you love me too?

Looks like I’m breeding some “Barney(?)” until I can identify this.

If things go right, by the end of 2021 I should have these seeds available for testing:

Purple Photoperiods:
GDP x Purple Mexican Heirloom (F2) - seed increase
(GDP x Purple Mexican Heirloom (F1)) x GDP (F4) Auto – Photo x Auto poly.
(GDP x Purple Mexican Heirloom (F1)) x Barney - F1 poly
Barney x Barney – IBL preservation (potentially)
Purple Mexican Heirloom x Purple Mexican Heirloom – Heirloom preservation
Barney / Purple Mexican Heirloom (F1) – potentially a true F1
(Blueberry Dragon Fire x Sundae Driver) x Barney (F1 Complex Poly)
(Blueberry Dragon Fire x Sundae Driver) x PMH (F1 Complex Poly)

Maybe I can find a Barney and a PMH mom/dad combo to keep, and bang them together repeatedly for decades to pump out a decent true to type F1 hybrid.

Right now though, it’s just a piss in the wind story full of coinkydinks. Will surely scream from the mountain tops if anything special comes of it all.

Have a great week yall!

Oh right, last kicker is that today at 4:20am PST I woke up from a dead sleep to witness the Super Bloodmoon Lunar Eclipse.

Sometimes I wonder what the $@%^ is going on.

edit: I forgot to add the GDP x Purple Mexican Heirloom photos.


Those are some beautiful purple colors!
That Sunday Driver is insane :fire:


Somedays the universe just throws repeated ‘box cars’ and we need to pay attention to such gifts.
I’ve good vibes on this, remember me when you pull this off… :sunglasses: :+1:
'cause I want in on some of that ‘Barney action!!’



Oooooh wheeeeeee this is some tasty looking adventures; sign me up for even a single spare bean please kind sir
:pray: :smiley:


Awesome story and beautiful plants!
There was a lunar eclipse?!


Hey there, crazy story man. If you end up breeding the barney. Hit me up please… I had a childhood, with and met barney the dinosaur lol at the Tacoma dome haha I was so young idk what the hell they called, it was either there Tacoma dome or king dome. I’d love some of these. Or if you f2 it or whatever I’d love to grow some.


A great story. May you grow trees . . . :pray:


I love synchronicity, dreams, premonition, etc…
Way to follow your intuition!
This is a great story and a wonderful gesture on their part.
I’ll stick around for this😎


Thats cool! Always follow your gut.


Hooooweee, I can’t wait to watch barney’s growing like mad for your seed run!

The cat i grew up with in the 80’s was named barney, so I think you should keep the name.

Edit: I’d grow out some of it if you share seeds!


Interesting day!!
Wondrous things happen when we can tune in to the spirit of life.
Thanks for sharing yours.

Positive vibes.


Absolutely awesome story. That stuff happens to me on occasion. Not with Barney seeds, but life in general.

So, yes, keep me on your potential growers list when you finish. PM me anytime. I love good karma. Best vibes on the journey with Barney… you’ll be humming that song in your head for a long time, lol… peace


“I love you, you love me, let’s all grow some purple weed”! Awesome story. I’ll be watching.


That’s a totally awesome story to wake up to. I love kool neighbors, 5 acres apart makes it even better. I’m a noisy mf.
Happy gardening vibes headed your way. Especially since you plan on sharing some of the purple :purple_heart:
No offense, but that Barney song drives me totally brazy :flushed:
I’m sure the Barney weed will help


Color me purple with envy :purple_heart:


Wow! Sounds like it was meant to be for sure!!

I wish you best sprouting and growing on your journey!
I will definitely be following along here just to see the pretty colors ^^


I always wonder that.

I love this story. Everything is just as it’s supposed to be. I just don’t believe in coincidences anymore. You’re going to find some great things in there.



Love love that story :two_hearts: & the photos of your Purple Mexican Heirloom… & GDP #4 Autos.

I Will be around from time to time. I believe we are gonna see something amazing in this thread :wink:


Love this! Go with the flow and your intuition and see where it leads you!


hell of a story. thank you for sharing. serendipity!