Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

Thank you, and it really is! Also, it’s definitely stress tested from the last run haha.

Actually, the runt yielded more. I call it the runt because it was the one that started slow, with mutanty leaves. But it seemed more tolerant of abuse and over feeding than the others, so ultimately yielded the most of all the white cup plants. It seemed like a hungrier plant too, probably why it suffered less from the over feeding. But yeah, maybe 5 grams. Still not breathtaking haha.

Yeah, I’ve never experienced that with weed before. I’ve had sourish weed before, but this makes your salivary glands tingle, like grapefruit or something. Very impressed. And you’re feeling it before your done exhaling, really cool. I look forward to smoking the kif in the bottom of the jar.

Hillbilly Fighter is Tennessee Kush(Tennessee Hogsbreath x Alien Kush) x Long Bottom Fighter(Long Bottom Leaf x Starfighter)


Yeah, I love that. I wouldn’t say that that’s a Sour Diesel-ish type thing, necessarily, but I know what you’re talking about. Again, I love that haha.

Huh, that’s interesting. I wonder where the “sour” aspect is coming from. Maybe the SFV in the Long Bottom Leaf? Or the Lemon Kush in the Starfighter and Alien Kush? I dunno (and who cares? Haha), sounds good to me!


This is where I landed on it too haha.

I’m just gonna tell my self it is from the LBL because that seems like the most fun haha.

But that is a Lemon Kush heavy set of parents. Is that an LK back cross?

Ive never smoke or grown any of the parent strains, so it would just be guessing, but however it happened, it’s definitely there haha.


I don’t really know haha. It looks like Lemon Kush is in that Starfighter, though, but it doesn’t appear to be a bx or anything. And I know SFV is in the LBL. SFV is the only OG that’s ever tasted lemony to me, but it’s more of a “candied lemon/cleaning products” type of lemon flavor, not really sour that I’ve noticed.

Again, it doesn’t really matter why it tastes like that haha, as long as it does.

I haven’t, either. I blazed Alien OG for a little while; I’m assuming that was some sort of Alien Technology/OG or Alien Dawg/OG cross. It was pretty good, but I don’t remember picking up on any lemon or sour flavors.

It’s a mystery… haha.


Little Sunday update. Messed up and forgot to pull the water out of the saucers one night, couple plants showing the impact from that, most notably the GTH X BS, showing what looks like an iron deficiency, but hasn’t progressed since that, so I’m not gonna sweat it too much. Made some risers to keep them off the saucer and out of any water in the future. Pulled lots of fans today, probably gonna pull some more in the next couple days. I was hoping to not have to defoliate, but they’re being slow to sex and they were growing all over each other, so it had to happen. There are two that I am 99% sure are male, but gonna wait to call it until we’re past preflowers and it is definite.
Pre defoliate

Post defoliate


The tent is nearing fully pooched. Details to come. I started typing a post out but don’t have time to finish it, and want to get these pics off my phone. I think I can pull the tent plants back, but I’m not positive.

So I am throwing the Hillbilly Fighter plants into coco hempies in case the others don’t recover. Root bound, but not yet hosed. I grabbed a snip off each, and will thin them/take more snips if I need to, once they recover from the transplant.

Also, both Chocolate Budha are male, that’s a bummer. Other than those two plants, only one other plant has shown sex, one of the BB x T1000. But fem seed so not a surprise haha.


Damn was hoping you at least got a single female


Me too, me too.
That’s ok though, I will plant some again soon.


So here I am, killing plants again. Well not dead yet, but not far from thriving.

In hindsight, here is the list of mistakes that I should have known better than to make, but did anyway.

  1. Overwatered. Coupla times. Why? Idk, not used to watering grow bags I guess. Well not “not used to”, I suck at it haha. Honestly, now that I think back, I have never really grown a plant that was happy in a grow bag unless I bottom watered. Which I wasn’t here. Could have used more time to grow into the bags too.
  2. In an attempt to “dry things out” I added more wind. Big mistake.
  3. The humidity in my room went crazy high. I tossed the dehumidifier in there, and the temp skyrocketed.
  4. The plants started fucking melting. Not actually melting, but leaves were shriveling and turning brown and all sorts of everything bad. Probably would have been in a better place if I hadn’t defoliated.

I have since come to my senses, flushed, moved the dehumidifier, lost a bunch of wind, and given them an Epsom foliar. The foliar is more for me than the plants I think.

The new growth looks better, but that whirlwind week is gonna take more than a week to bounce back from. If they haven’t bounced back by the time the Hillbilly Fighters are settled into the hempys, I’m gonna gonna chuck the hempys into flower and decide which way I want go with these plants. Clone or reveg or compost. I gotta focus on the healthy ones, trying to avoid a dry summer here.


Wow, that’s a special talent you’ve got there, lol! They are fabric bags, right? With coco? And perlite?

That’s hard to do, unless they were very small plants in big bags? They don’t look over watered to me, more like pH tortured. The drying phase may have left a buildup of salts. Have you flushed them with 3x the pot size amount of lightly nuted water?

And when you are top watering, I like to sling it through. Pulls O2 down for the roots, and helps flush out yesterday’s salts.

What are you using for those risers, they look nice :slight_smile:


Actually, that is one thing I did right haha. I flushed them, but most of the damage was already done by the time I was able to do it.

But yeah, coco and perlite in bags. Idk man, I’m just an overwatering machine. I do have good reference now for what fucking up a bag of coco by overwatering is haha.

That is 3 inch plastic pipe split down the length, 1.5 inches long.


I don’t know shit about coco, but I’m assuming it’s the same as any other plant grown in any medium, as far as the weight of the container the plants are in is concerned. Just pick the fucking pots up haha! If they feel light, water them; if they feel heavy, don’t water them haha.

They don’t look like they’re on the verge of death or anything, anyway. I’m sure they’ll be fine. It’s weed!


I knooooow! And that is what makes it such a an absolute fucker haha.

I think the difference is that I never lift my pots, I tip them. And a hard pot tipping on the corner versus a bag kind of mushing around when you tip it is not the same.

And yeah, I’ve been responsible for worse haha, just extra sucky because it had been going so well.


Bought a seed fridge today. 2.6 cubic foot, no freezer.

The ultimate acknowledgment that I have too much seed to grow anytime soon.

Get ready Magic Chef


Think I got it licked. Too late for the plants upstairs I suspect, but I’m still trying to keep them alive. Will expand later, just need to get rid of these pics quick.


Those do look better :slight_smile: What have you changed?


100 ppm of gypsum. I had a stroke of “good”luck when I gave one of the healthy Hillbilly Fighters a epsom foliar and next day saw calcium deficiency. Started hitting them with some gypsum and they greened back up with the quickness. That is the kind of smoking gun type symptoms I needed to make a change based on information, not on my gut haha.


Gotta like “good” luck! Are you giving gypsum foliars, or adding it to feeds?

If I wasn’t sitting on 50# of feed grade gypsum, I’d be adding it to the grub, lol Unfortunately, it isn’t soluble. Instead I add a 10% soluble Ca, and use the gypsum to dust the roots at every transplant.

It also does the job when I work it into the outside flower and veggie beds. Haven’t had blossom end rot on the maters since I started that, and it keeps the peppers from getting something similar… don’t know what that’s called though?

I’ve found with the MC, I very rarely need any Mg, and that adding extra Ca doesn’t hurt at all :slight_smile:

Carry on!


Yeah, I’m happy I squirted them Epsom on them. I really just did it so I didn’t feel like I just stoically watching them die haha. An Epsom foliar is the only thing that I have always done, no matter the grow style. And I used a really low dose, I think 1/2 tsp per quart, and a couple drops of soap. I foliared them once, and nothing really changed, hit them a week later and overnight, had black spots and lightening on the Hillbilly Fighter runt. That made it sort of obvious haha. The plants in the bags seemed to perk up when I Epsom foliared them, then started crashing again. Since I gave them some gypsum they have improved like crazy. Old growth is fubared though. Stripped all the bad stuff today. I’m pretty sure I can get the tops to grow enough to chop and clone.

I’m feeding the roots soluble gypsum.

Yeah, weed and tomatoes and peppers are supposed to like the same-ish food, right? I know the “old” safe thing to say when buying plant food and growing supplies was “I’m growing tomatoes” haha. But yeah, evidently calcium helps haha.


Did you buffer your coco coir before the grow?