Basement hempy with sils, lots of beans, “breakfast weed”

I’d always heard/done that too, but recently read corn is more closely related, but whadda I know, lol.

Another thing I read (I got time, lol) is do not use a detergent soap as a surfactant. The detergent can eat through the waxy leaf cuticle :worried:


Indeed I did! I buffered using cal mag before using. I think the big thing is having switched to using RO water, there is no calcium other than what is in the MC.


I could see that. I mean, the middle of a cornfield guerilla crop is a time honored tradition after all…

I use peppermint Dr. Bronners, so I think I’m safe?


Yup, and they will smell lovely :slight_smile:

IME buffering coco is a waste of time, and resources. I did it once, then forgot the next time, and nobody complained. I am a rebel, though, lol


Yeah, it was within arms reach last time, so in she went haha.


It’s a relief to be able to post pics of happy plants again haha. Going upstairs tomorrow. The lankier one still wants more food. But easier to add than take away so I’m going slow.


Hey @potpotpot if you’re still on the MC, they’re having a promo!


I just got a free bag from them haha. I actually only asked for a sample of the kelp powder, but they sent a bag of the MC too! At this point, I haven’t actually even bought anything from them! But I expect I will, now that I have the whole calcium thing figured and the plants are green again haha.


Phone camera isn’t working, so I had to use an actual camera. Which meant I had to find the cord haha.
The plants upstairs are happy, that’s a relief haha. You will also notice that I ditched the grow leds and made a new sil array. Coupla six bulb vanity strips and there you have it. They seem way more gentle than the grow specific boards I have used, and I have never had any type of plant complain about them. And they make pictures easy.
EDIT: idk what I was thinking here, of course you can fry plants with sils, especially the higher power ones. Haven’t done it for a while though haha.

Still trying to bring these back, and come cuttings in water from the two Hillbilly Fighters.

IDK if I will take cuttings, or up pot the Mex Widow and the Maui Wowie, but I should do something soon. Those HF clones are rooted, but the cuttings in water look so much healthier, I’m gonna drop a couple of them in coco and chuck these.


Hahaha… Dude, for real, this made me truly laugh out loud.

I’m just curious, but did you ever have plants get all fried like that when you were growing in soil?


Not exactly like this, no. It is like extreme light burn, and the light was so far away it wasn’t even funny. I think related to lack of calcium.


Im obviously too lazy to take pics and upload them using the computer haha. But luckily my phone camera is letting me take a couple pics at a time now, so here we go!

The basement plants are happy, even the last batch of plants are starting to show new growth, albeit slowly.

Upstairs we ran into a k deficiency, I have upped my nutes to 1000ppm,and added some Sea-k, they’re picking up speed again. I really wanna clean up the lowers a bit, but I don’t want to cause new stresses when I’m still trying to figure this out. I would be lying if said I haven’t been tempted to grab bag of M3 soil or something similar, but im trying to hold strong till I figure this out. Once I succeed in coco, then I can allow my self to change again haha.


Dude… WTF? That second pic of those gigantic plants in the solo cups really has me feeling very… emasculated? haha! Like, how is that even possible?


I know, right?! Ridiculous haha. They are getting the same 1000 ppm food the flowering plants are, and only seem to want more. I really should pot them up, or cut new clones or something, but they just keep going so I don’t feel too motivated. If I was able to grow outside here those plants would be good candidates to drop into a big pot, I bet they would explode.


Go pot go​:seedling::seedling::seedling:


Well, they plants basically fucking died over night. I’m not pissed, cause I don’t get pissed at things like this anymore, but I’m definitely done with coco for the moment. They’re beautiful in veg, then the wheels fall off in flower, and I’m out of ideas. I mean, I have ideas, but don’t have the time to figure this out. I’m about to have a fucking dry summer.

My wife is gonna bust my balls so hard when I shown up with a bag of soil tonight lol.


Quitter, lol! Why let a few dead plants stop you? When coco works, it’s brilliant, easy peasy and all that…I’m thinking it takes a special talent to fuck it up. I need to post up the latest in my mis-adventures!


dried out ? and there are some finer points forsure with coco and sometimes if one isn’t careful you can drive that coco EC high to the point where they look like they are getting deficient and are but is more due to lock out and feeding even heavier helps initially but then the wheels fall off when everything locks up, and say any flush or the like one would see that the plant crashes hard because the root zone is pulling water from the plant to try and equalize EC differences between in the plant and in the root zone.

Also smaller the root zone and the bigger the plant the faster those swings can happen.

Typically feeding consistent with runoff works very well in coco, but can definitely go sideways with issues.


Well at this point is it either quit the coco or quit smoking for the summer haha. It’s not the dead plants that pushed me over the edge, so much as the dwindling jars. I really, really like it in veg, plants are happy as could be. Too bad I don’t wanna smoke leaves, or I’d be in the clear haha.

And when I comes to killing plants, I am naturally gifted haha.

Nah, I think I’ve been pretty good on the watering. But the next steps you laid out, push push push CRASH!, that sounds about right.

I will get back to coco, because I don’t wanna be beaten, but first I gotta get a couple jars full.


Yeah if one is doing drain to waste if your runoff say with 10-15% your EC is only a couple points higher then your usually feeding at a good range, like if im feeding at 1.5EC and see 1.6-1.7EC in the run off im not changing anything.

Also consider when say coco or any soil or media dry backs the EC does increase, so that 2.0EC you may be feeding when the coco drys back the plant may be seeing 3.2 or higher as there isn’t the water to support that original ec, so the more frequent the watering typically one can run a higher feed rate just as that EC change doesn’t vary as much vs say if watering every couple days or week.

And another good habit at least till one dials in their feed rate for their situation is just to force quite a bit of cycle over every couple weeks in later stages to jsut bring back down the media, obviously once more dialed one doesn’t have to do that but its still beneficial to base line things every now and then.